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You Know You Love Duo Maxwell Too Much When...

This list as been created by me, a whole bunch of other crazed Duo-nuts on the DHS mailing list, and now Lilli. Most things listed here concern Duo, but you can add to the list whether it's about him or not.
If you'd like to contribute to the list, please email me at:

1. Your parents have given up trying to convince themselves that you're just going through a "phase"
2. You're friends now say "Oh, you're in Duo-mode today, huh?" when you come to school wearing all black, a black baseball cap, a cross, and have put your hair in a braid
3. You begin to mutter "injustice" under your breath whenever something isn't going your way
4. You glare evilly when a guy friend says "woman" and you prepare to recite your "justice" speech
5. You decorate your room in black and other dark colors to give it that 'God of Death' feeling
6. You name your car Deathscythe, Wing, etc.
7. You flip out whenever you hear a name that sounds like Heero, Duo, etc.
8. You keep giggling in French class when you have to say Quatre when reciting numbers
9. You actually have a "death glare" that you do to your friends when you're angry and it freaks them out
10. All your school supplies sport Gundam Wing on it. (i.e.: pencils, pencil book, notebooks, backpack...)
11. You have a sudden infatuation for crosses...
12. You can't help but smile every time you see your priest and you always get this sudden urge to yell "Duo!" at the top of your lungs
13. You're tempted to ask your priest if you could buy one of his shirts's w/ the collar from him or find out where he gets them
14. You enjoy saying only "Hn." during a conversation.
15. You love it when people complain that you talk too much because it means you're just like Duo in that respect
16. During anime convention's you run around and glomp every person cosplaying as Duo and take numerous pictures of them
17. You spend all of your money the first few hours of the first day of a convention in the merchandise room buying ANYTHING that says Gundam Wing
18. You catch yourself frequently striking Duo'ish poses
19. You constantly bug your Japanese friends by asking them if they know a Heero Yuy
20. You think up stuff for the YKYLGWTMW list in your spare time
21. You can't help but smile or laugh when your mom happens to say the word Duo during a conversation
22. You have a long brunette braid (even when you don't have brown hair)
23. You wear all black
24. You know and often quote all the cute little things Duo says
25. You draw numerous pictures of Duo without a shirt
26. You own a scythe
27. You own spandex
28. You threaten to kill people on a regular basis
29. You've experienced death and know that it hurts like hell
30. You think priests are sexy
31. You carry around the little model of Duo, from the Gundam model kits, in your pocket
32. You have a shrine dedicated to Duo (or any of the other pilots)
33. You can't see the color of your wall anymore because it's covered with GW posters
34. You know all of the Duo character songs by heart
35. You start singing one of the songs during school
36. You name your cat Neko Shinigami
37. You whisper "Omae o Korosu" under your breath when someone makes you angry
38. You cover your locker with pictures of Duo
39. You have a license border for your car that has a Duo quote on it
40. You have decals of Duo made for your car
41. You have all of the card decks of GW (there are 4)
42. You have all the GW artbooks
43. A friend asks to see your sketchbook and wonders why you've drawn the same person on every single page
44. You draw a picture of your favorite GW character on your backpack, shirt, jacket...
45. You've cosplayed as Duo, or any of the other characters
46. You've cosplayed as a GW character of the opposite sex
47. You can't say "Zechs" around non-anime people because they keep thinking that you're saying "sex" instead
48. You watch Endless Waltz over and over and over and over
49. You never tire of watching Endless Waltz
50. You always yell at Heero for punching Duo in that one scene of EW
51. You keep buying GW merchandise even though you no longer have anymore space to put any of it
52. You wonder what kind of shampoo Duo uses
53. You wonder what in the world Trowa uses to have that unibang
54. You have a sudden attraction to blond boys who wear pink shirts
55. You broke your copy of Endless Waltz (VHS/DVD) from watching it so many times
56. You start putting GW posters on your ceiling since you ran out of room on your walls
57. You go mad trying to figure out where and how Heero hides his gun
58. You've bought the GW tarot cards
59. You can listen to any of the Duo character songs continuously for hours and never get tired of it
60. You decide to wear your Duo cosplay costume all the time
61. You absentmindedly sketch what you and Duo's kids would look like on the side of your math tests
62. You have 10+ sheets of stationary labeled "From the Desk of Mrs. Duo Maxwell"
63. You growl and hiss every time someone says Hilde
64. You realize the back of your notebook has the words 'DuoTex' in the corner, so you outline Duo with a red marker and draw little stars around it
65. You start doodling your favorite bishonen with a braid attached
66. You've named your Baby Furby Quatre (because it's so polite) and are seriously contemplating investing in a black one to be it's friend...
67. The Sims becomes the Earth Sphere Alliance complete with 'Life of Crime Duo'
68. You're still reading this list
69. You draw Gundam Wing fanart
70. You write Gundam Wing fanfics
71. You have a page devoted to either of these
72. You're part of the Top 50 Duo sites Lists, GW Top 100, or 25 Top Duo sites List
73. You belong to all three
74. You have a grudge against Heero because he and Duo are always on missions together
75. You have a grudge against Hilde because whenever she's in an episode, she's with Duo
76. You've actually done at least 10 things listed here
77. You have Duo wallpaper for you computer
78. You have Duo wallpaper for your room
79. You search everywhere to try and find a watch that resembles the one Duo has
80. You have all of the Gundam Wing manga
81. You've bookmarked every single Duo related shrine on the net
82. You belong to 3 or more Duo related Mailing Lists
83. You search everywhere for a pink beret, find one, and now you never take it off
84. You never take it off because you're hoping that a certain guy with a long braid will notice you soon and sweep you off your feet
85. You're in GW RPG's
86. You've contributed to this list
87. You argue for hours with your friend about who's cuter: Duo or Heero.
88. When the same friend says that Duo's hair is weird, you say that that's what makes him so hot.
89. When yorr other friend points out that Duo isn't real, you reply, "I know, but he's still the sexiest guy in the universe!"
90. You have pictures of Duo on shortcut key, so that everytime you press Ctrl+Alt+D, yorr favorite picture pops up.
91. Whenever something bad is happening, and it's happening to you, but also to yorr worst enemy, you say to them (while smiling) "I hate to copy Heero, but you're going to hell with me!"
92. You have sounds of the pilots talking when you shut down and restart the computer.
93. You draw X's over Hilde and Relena pictures, then rip them up.
94. You and your friend write a fanfiction where you and her kill Hilde and Relena, then seduce Duo and Heero.