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Available Danes

Listed on the below pages are some of our available boys and girls and also our special needs danes. While the list is updated frequently(at least once per month), it is not realistic to expect that all information is the absolute most current. Some of the dogs listed may have been adopted or have a pending adoption, and we may have new dogs who haven't yet been added. Often highly adoptable dogs (very young, trained, healthy, cropped, certain color, etc)come in and are adopted without ever having been placed on the website by people who have FILLED OUT AN APPLICATION and waited patiently. If you do not fill out an application and get "pre approved", we will not know you are interested (and committed) when the right dog for you happens to come into rescue. If you email or call with interest and then to do not follow through by filling out an application, answering further questions, having an interview & homecheck, etc- we will assume you are NOT interested OR non-committal.

Before you email or call asking for information on a specific dog, please go to the Adoption Info page, read through the information provided about our adoption requirements and procedures, and fill and return the adoption application. If you are interested in a particular dog, you can include that in your application, and after we have reviewed your application we can tell you if that dog may be a good match for your family and what other dogs we have that would be a good match, if any.

That being said, the following are some of the dogs we have available for adoption;

NALA- A special dane

Available Boys

Available Girls

Special Needs Danes

A big thanks to JT (and Cindy!)
for the graphics used on this site!