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Nobody likes anything more then pictures huh? Bunches of pictures found over the net (and some especially scanned by me of rare pics!). Most you can find over the net since well, its mostly pics you find everywhere. Now just to warn you, theres no hentai or yaoi content, in case you haven't realized this isn't the kind of site. If you want to see things like that well um... don't ask me ^_^

I have no idea who to give credit to on some of these though. These were found at some random sites and Goten's Archive put together. I already had most of these pictures *before* I even knew the other Goten sites existed, so I didn't take it from them so nyah!

Under pics that are marked mine.... because they are mine :P No, you may not take those because I scanned them myself... okie doke?

1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 100-110
Goten 071 Another one of my dragonball cards, this one has lots of super saiya-jins! But then, what is Babidi doing here?? Please do not put on your site
Goten 072 Another one of my scans, Goten and Trunks doing the double Kamehameha! Yes, that is bio Brolli in the background T_T Please do not put on your site
Goten 073 Yet another of my card scans, this is Goten and Trunks doing some er.. I guess you can call handshake ^^ Please do not put on your site
Goten 074 Goten and Trunks at the budoukai! Guess what? Its another one of mine... don't take it! x.x Please do not put on your site
Goten 075 Dum Dum Dum.. here comes the Son Family to the rescue! Uh... I'll just shut up now, another of my scans... Please do not put on your site
Goten 076 I have seen this pic so many times on the net, but now I have a trading card of it! Whee watch them fly! Please do not put on your site
Goten 077 One of my favorite Goten cards ^_^;; Goten is ready to fight! Please do not put on your site
Goten 078 Goten, Gohan, and Goku are all super saiya-jins! (Its my scanned card!) Please do not put on your site
Goten 079 A really neat pic... Goten and Trunks on the background with a super saiya-jin 3 Gotenks! Yay! Yet another of my card scans... you know... if I ever catch you putting these on your sites without my permission... ^_^ Please do not put on your site
Goten 080 Goten! Power up to the max! Eh... uh.. right... another card scan by me... ^^ Please do not put on your site