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Last Content Update: June 19, 2002 ~* Son Goten *~Who or what is Son Goten? "Goten" is not Japanese for a sock, food, underwear, or vicious brownies for that matter. This certain person is a character in the anime series Dragonball Z (or GT but that doesn’t really matter). But what is so special about an animated character that isn’t even real, I mean why is there all of these (few) shrines about him out there? Goten is the “black sheep” in the family, as in he isn’t as known or loved as Goku, Gohan, or even Chi Chi is. This in-depth biography of Son Goten will include information about Goten as a baby, him as a fighter and a child, his super kawaii personality, family, and the famous Goten and Trunks friendship. I’ll make sure you know who he is... and whether you like him or not is your personal decision. But how could you not like such an adorable character anyway?
![]() How did he come to be? The birth of Goten is quite mysterious actually. The only scenes of him as a baby were only shown during the ending credits of Movie 11 (which was quite cute). No one knows why he has just appeared for no apparent reason. He wasn’t even in Mirai no Trunk’s future... When the Buu saga finally appeared, people were stumped. Chi Chi was not shown once pregnant or once was even mentioned thinking about having a second son. Some people are also confused since Goku had died because of Cell. Who was this little kid who looks almost like Chibi Goku? That’s what I’m here for! Though no one exactly knows when/where/why, it’s my turn to theorize what happens here. Note: some of the following information is not exactly correct, hence the theorizing part ^_^
It was the day before the Cell Games. Everyone was extremely nervous except for the strangely calm Son Goku. Chi Chi was especially worried and stressed since it was possible there would be no Earth the next day. Well, it was very kind of Goku to try to “relax” Chi Chi in her time of need. Lets just say he needed to calm her down and give her a replacement child if you know what I mean ^_~ **this next sentence isn’t one for younger children to read ^_^** Goku then decides to “drive his car” into Chi Chi’s “garage”... Gohan that night was then worried by strange sounds coming from his parents’ room. The odd sounds bothered him, and scared him for life. Poor kid... Though the last two paragraphs may not be exactly true, it is a good theory that is quite possible in my opinion. What was true is that Goten was born a year after the Cell Game in the year 767. Being born to Goku and Chi Chi, it makes him a half-breed like Gohan, in other words he’s half saiya-jin and half human. The “ten” in Goten does indeed mean heaven (I do not remember what “Go” stood for though). To know how to write his name in kanji or hiragana, check the how to write Goten’s name section (not completed yet). As a child, Goten led a much more different life from his parents and older brother. Unlike Gohan, he did not have to study so hard. He was not born with a tail strangely like Goku or Gohan (if he did have a tail, chances are it was chopped off and strangely never grew back like Gohan did). He also made a best friend as a child since Chi Chi and Balma were good friends. Since he was a young child, he became the best of friends with Trunks. They have been friends ever since, until the end of GT. Also when he was a child, Chi Chi transformed Goten into a Chibi Goku. It could be that Chi Chi misses her husband so much that Goten became the exact semi-duplicate of Goku. His clothes look about the same and they both share the same haircut. Goten also grew up without a father, only a brother who tells stories about the father who was never there.
![]() Goten, the fighter! Goten was a fighter with extreme potential. Chi Chi obviously must have gotten tired of having one scholar in the house (I mean look how Gohan turned out x_x). She decides to have some fun and train Goten to fight herself. It seems that Goten knew how to fight already, being friends with Trunks. He all of a sudden turns super saiya-jin and scared Chi Chi (but then again, who wouldn’t). It seems that Goten does it so easily as if it’s a toy that a child loves. It is unknown exactly when Goten learned how to go SSJ since he did explain he fights with Trunks going SSJ. It is true that Goten is the youngest to go super saiya-jin. This is also because Trunks is a year older, if Trunks learned how to do it first, Goten was still younger non the less. Goten enjoys fighting with stronger people as well since he is always willing to go into combat. This is proved numerous times as he wishes to fight in the adult division in the Tenkaichi Budoukai, fight Majin Buu, and train with Gohan. Goten’s style of fighting is categorized in several ways, when he’s playful, serious, and teamwork. When Goten is playful, he often laughs as he fights and does all sorts of tricks. When he fights much weaker opponents, he would beat them easily and bow afterwards ^_^ When Goten is a bit serious, he is much more quicker and power, resulting in semi-powerful attacks. He would also try to launch numerous fireballs. But together, Goten and Trunks are a deadly pair. They know how to gang up on attacks and cover each other. Both helped each other as they fought against Brolli.
![]() Goten, the child: As a child, Goten has led an interesting and odd kind of life. He was first seen in DBZ carrying a gigantic fish to eat. Goten/Trunks and Goku/Kuririn are probably the longest friendships in the whole series since both became friends at such a young age. Goten and Trunks are always together though, but more of this explained later in the friendship section of this biography. Unlike most people, Goten had never had a father with him. Goten would always wonder how he was like, but Gohan would always tell stories of their passed away father. Goten and Gohan are close brothers who would always play around together since they have such a good "non-yaoi" relationship ^_^ Goten also is really great around animals as well. This is shown many times when he made friends with the funny looking dog (?) in Movie 11, and making friends with other animals in the series, like Chibi (or Chobi in the American dub) the dinosaur. His childhood isn't as traumatizing as Gohan's. He wasn't taken away from his family nor forced to live in the woods with a strange green alien (though I think Goten would enjoy that). He led a happy life with his family and best friend. Goten also has two different clothing styles which is seen throughout the series. One is the fighting gi and the kimono, which are both shown below. The gi is similar to Goku's except that he has long sleeves and different shoes, belt, and that strange thing that looks like a sock ^_^ The kimono is usually worn at home. Here are the two pictures: ![]() ![]()