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Webrings I'm part of:

A Non-Yaoi Revolution


Nothing really funny is here right now. I have to work on that...yeah. about this one....How can you tell if a Gundam pilot is stalking you? you can't.....*lol* I crack my own shit up! Anyways...anything you people find put there on the wonderful world of internet, that is REMOTELY funny... I'll take it! Soon, the "The Misadventures of the Non-Yaoi Avenger" will be here...but I have to upload it. Yeah...anywho...check back later for progress!

Okay, here's some funny GW scans I'v found on the net. heh heh heh...

"Baby, bye bye bye! " Gomen. I couldn't resist!

Awe, lookit! They even have pics of their Gundams on their pj's and their own numbered mugs!

Now, this is just too Duo....CAMERA HOG!

"Now Trowa, the correct way to peel potatoes to give them the proper honor is..."


So, THIS is what Gundam pilots do in their spare time, huh?

Awe, come on! Lookit Duo crackin' up in the background! I can TOTALLY see Heero just nudging him back into the pool, where he flounders around for a bit. heh heh...yes. Yes I AM sadistic.