The Mecha of Outlanders

IMPERIAL BATTLESHIP Version 1. From very early planning stages. Based on a Macross ship.


IMPERIAL BATTLESHIP Final Version. These are the most common type of mecha seen in Outlanders.

IMPERIAL FLAGSHIP. Geobaldi used one of these. This is just a detail. They're similar to the Imperial Battleship, except the prow.

RHA LEDARUBA. Kahm's personal yacht/battleship.

MEGATRON. Alot of people like this mecha. Her Highness doesn't seem to think much of it, however.

Spider Thingamajig from the first issue. Actually, I guess it's an insect, as it only has six legs.

Another Spider Thingamajig.

Eel Thingamajig. These show up rather frequently in the Manga.

I have no idea what this thing is, but it got shot down over Germany.
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