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July Updates

July 30:

Editor's Note:

Hi fellow Yamato fanatics! This is yours truly, Mari-San. (I thought it would be a kick calling myself the editor instead of the webmiss. ^_^) I'm really sorry for the lack of updation (lol) towards the site. I do have a small update for you today in Yamato Info, more specifically the Style section, but that's beside the point!

I'm going through a "phase" right now, also known as that I have a new obsession and I'm losing motivation. *sweatdrop* Don't fret just yet to any who give a owl's hoot. That doesn't mean I've lost the inspiration. Believe me. (Yama-kun is still one of my faves after all these months. I find that dope illy fresh.) I have ideas for this site coming out of the whazoo, only I'm just too lazy to work on it. ^_^; So until then when I DO get the motivation, this site will be on hold for maybe a week more. I'll add spiffy bits and pieces to show my appreciation. It'll be a hootin' nanny and much jolly fun. ^_^ And look! There's even a sneak peak of the new section. *grumbles* Don't steal the idea just cuz it's posted up but not completed. *wheeze* Darn moose. *cough*

Also, thank you for all your e-mails! Sorry for not replying to them sooner. I'll eventually reply all of them. (Whew!) So hold on to your frilly knickers. *laughs* But there is something good that's coming out of this. (Well, for ME anyways.) I like my new hobby. It's very en-joy-a-ble. =) I just wanted to spread my joy... to those who care, anyway. I won't tell you, because then I'll have to kill you. Eh, I already gave you a hint anyway. ^~

Well, that's it. The main reason I posted this message up is to tell you that I'm not forgetting about this site. I kinda went a bit fartfetched, but oh well. ^^; Sankyuu for reading! No no, sankYUU. With much lub and Amazing Alohas, Mari-San.

July 19: Ah yes, an update! Sorry for the delay folks. I would have updated sooner on Friday the 13th, but things came up and I had to run to the store and buy ointment. Er, but moving right along. Matt-osis, Strike a Pose, Seiyuu Appreciation, and Links are here for your pleasurable enjoyment. 

In Matt-osis, newer and prettier buttons for all! =) I upgraded all the 01 kids so you have more selection. (Hurrah!) In Strike a Pose, I added an amusing accidental picture and a paragraph to show you what an accidental picture is. If you wanna see Willis drunk, go there now! ^_^ In Seiyuu Appreciation, a brand spankin' new section about Michael Reisz, Yama's VA! It includes my opinions and summaries about his performances like Star Trek and MIB, prettyful pictures, wise quotes, and more. Yaaay! *throws confetti* In Links, I have a few jolly places for you to peak at and a wonderful new button, done by Mimi-Chan. ^_^ It's so cute, sankyuuuu! *throws confetti at Mimi-Chan* 

Eep, I also received a wrench. *grin* It's so pretty AND very convenient. Take a looksie in Sitey. =D The Shtuff of the week is new, but indeed pointless. Byeah. I edited this screencap I took to make the main page piccy. Yes, stare at it in marvel and confusion. Isn't Ken-chan and Yama just plain prodigious there? And Gabumon... his horn is aching. *pause* Okay, I think that's about it. Have a Jollibee Good day.

July 11: Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay. I've been sleeping. ^^;

A small but somewhat major update this time. I have a new section called 'Strike a Pose.' You can take an easy guess on figuring out what that section is all about. ^_~ If you can't, lemme tell ya! It's a picture galleria. Goody! *is all stupid like that birthday girl in the digimon movie* It's starting out small, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it at least a little bit. 

Secondly, I posted up news about the predicament on Project Ishida. See it below! Spread the news. *gongs bell*

Okay, that's about it... It's 12:38 AM right now, and I gotta get some sleep and stuff like that. *yawn* see ya! ^~

July 5: Hello everyone and hello July. ^_^ So June's gone, never to be seen in another year. (Yamato: Alright!) Sigh.

Sorry for the lack of updation (Is that a word? *pause* Do you really care?) but I've been limited to about 15 minutes of compu-time a day ever since my relatives from a couple hundred miles away came to visit and have a nice sleepover. ^_~ But anyhoo, this update is pleasant enough. ^_^ Yamato Info, Fanart, and Sitey comin' your way!

Okay, a HUGE update in Yamato Info, peoples. ^_^ I updated the main Yamato Info page, adding a small paragraph about Yama's home atmosphere. Five of the eight mini-sections were updated and there's a whole new one for you to browse at. (Wow! I don't believe!) But do you wanna know some significant changes in each mini-section? I added more visual aids. Or for the synonym-challenged, pictures. ^_^; There's new piccies so take a looksie and have a party. =D

In Fanart, two new pieces from me. One's a nice CG of Mimi and Sora. The other one is a sketchy and smudgy drawing of Taichi, since it was done in less than 15 minutes. But since it was the first time I could draw Taichi's hair without looking at a picture for help, I just HAD to post it up! ^^;

I'm really happy and excited to say that my site has received two wonderful awards! ^__^ I would have a fit and scream all over the place just right about now, but the doctors told me it's upsetting my mental condition. Harumph. =P Thank you so much Ishida_LoneWolf and Mina! *hugz* ^_^

Okay, you'd prolly want me to stop typing so you could stop reading. Just one more thing tho! I changed the shtuff of the week. But wait, that's not all! As you could see, pictures of Yama on the phone are on the main page, just because I thought it was cute. ^_^ Okay, that's it. Bye! ^_~

June Updates

June 27: Hullow, Yama fans. ^_^ A small but delightful update is here for you! Ain't it a joy?

Cutie Quotes, Matt-osis, and Links have some new things for you to check out. *grin* A new section is in Cutie Quotes, the Movie Quotes! Yay! ^_^ I have a ton of quotes from the English Digimon movie, which I have strenuously wrote down before the Blockbuster Rental deadline. *sweatdrop* My hands are still blistered from that... Anyhoo, two new Diseases in Matt-osis; Ken-zeimers and Ruki-Betes. *sweatdrop* They're interesting, mind you. And in Links, more Matty goodness for you to all gawk at! Heh-Wyeh! ^_^

June 23: Hee, I changed the main page layout a tad, just because I can. Ooh, this summer sun is getting to me. O_o

Small update. *sweatdrop* Yargh, I know, I know. "When will you have a nice update!?"  It's just that since I have the time to go on the net more often, I've been looking at other sites instead of working on mine. ^_^; Just because they're so pretty! But who visits this place anyway? *corny chuckle*

Well, back to what I was saying. I updated Fanart, Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, and the Links sections. In Fanart, I added some pieces of mine, including some Oekaki. I've gotten much better, if you compare from my old ones. (I recommend you don't look at those ever again.) In Fanfiction, some very, very sweet stories from the always awesome Wolf and Kaorichan. ^_^ Read, read them!! *ahem* In Laughs and Candy, a silly rambling sort of thing that doesn't really belong, but that doesn't really matter. If you like That 70's Show, then you might be somewhat interested. ^_^ You can go there instantly by clicking the picture below. And in Links, more Matt goodness! Yay!

What I have things currently in the works: Yamato Info, Laughs and Candy, Goodies, and sumthin' new. I will get Goodies updated once I learn how to put up sound files for download. These clips are just so funny, I just had to show you, cuz I'm so nice. (^^;) Until next time, bye bye! ^_~

June 18: Heh, I changed the layout of the main page a bit. It's less convenient, but it suits me. Isn't that what really counts? ^_^ It's very similar to the old layout, but this is only temporary. I needed change and color! Gya ha ha! I also changed cuz I like to talk a lot here. Heh. ^_^l

Yahoo! Summa vaca is here! *does a little dance* I can update more often now. ^_~ Today is not much, but just you wait people! I will dust off Yamato Info and add new sparks, fill up Goodies, add new Laughs and Candies, more Cutie Quotes, and much more. Those are already a must, since my brain is already swirling with ideas. ^__^ But for today, I have updated Laughs and Candy and changed Miscellaneous to Sitey, just to be more organized. CROIK!

In Laughs and Candy, a new spiifilicious spoof from The Rogue. *wink* And a Brand-Spankin NEW section called Soda Pop!?!. Ye-hey. It's a dumb section, really, based on one commercial. But oh, how my mind works. *sweatdrop* And in Sitey, just... site stuff. *shrugs* Also, I changed the Shtuff of the Week. Just because.

Oooh hoo, new pictures! You can see a new Site Diary picture up there. It's not green, but do I really care? Not at all. Note: RyoohkiMoo (*sweatdrop*) took this brilliant piccie. After all my screaming and laughing when this was taken, our screencapping madness was a success. Er, she did most of the work. She clicked 'screencap' while i just rewinded the tape endlessly to Matt scenes. ^^;; But I'm getting off-topic here... *cough* I drew a new main page picture. Hadn't had one of those for a loooooong time. ^_^ It's a Summer and a small 20,000 Hits picture at the same time! 

*pause* Twenty-thousand. Now THAT is a big number. I didn't really notice I had this much until I checked my counter totals. My jaw smashed through the floor. Poor carpeting... Really, I don't know what to say. And YES, I'm actually one of the few people who mean that and are not trying to fake being all touched when they were really expecting it. *exhales* Phew. ^_^; Sankyuu once again! *death-hugs everyone*

June 9: Hiya there, people of Earth. How's the gerbil?

A decenté update this night. I won't haul updates in until next week, when I have vacation. YAY! *pause* Wait, I never did haul in updates even when I did have vacation. Oh well. ^^;; I'll work on that...

Anyhoo, I have updated Fanfiction, The Oath, Matt-osis, and the Links sections. AH! Wolf's final part for DigiProject X is here! *grins* Check that out. Also, please visit Wolf's site and send him your Digimon pics of the kids and their Digis. ^_~ In Oath, I just dusted things off. ^^; After a VERY long coffee break, Dr. Adishi has finally put up more symptoms in Matt-osis. *sweatdrop* And what a handful that are, too! ^_^ And lastly, I have updated 75% of the Links section. Like, that's a LOT.

Ooh ooh! And new Shtuff of the Week. They were made up just five minutes ago too. Gee, I think FASTLY! *goofy smile* And just as a mention, I've changed the layout to my clique. *shakes finger* A lot of you are being Nirks! >_< Don't know what I'm talking about? That's why you have to click. ^~ Heh, aren't I persuasive?

Hmm, that's about it, I think. I don't have any other thing to say, so this would be the time to make my dramatic disappearance. *walks casually out the door* 

June 2: Hiya everybody. Hey, it's June! 

Yama Plushie: Eep! *hides behind Mari-San*

No dearie, the 'month.' *pats head*

Yama Plushie: Ooooh.

Well anyhoo, I've gotz an update for ya. ^_^

The Fanart, Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, Miscellaneous, and Links sections have been mildly updated. ^^; In Fanart, a new submission from Kaorichan and MewTwo_20 (thankies again!) and a small place for my Oekakis. Yes, I do Oekakis. They're strangely addicting. In Fanart, a punah, demented fanfic from KC Ishida. ^_^ In Laughs and Candy, a simply awesome spoof bly Flares. *sings* "Matt's cool, da ba dee so is Tai." Hee! In Miscellaneous, I changed the submission guidelines a bit. I've become more soft, so be happy. ^~ And in Links, a new spectacular Yama link and updated Japanese Links. Wahoo! ^_^

And of course, new shtuff of the week, because it's good for the soul. *wink wink* Now unto more serious business. *clears throat* Apparently, Hotmail is being a big bee-yatch. I've replied to a whole ton of people about the clique, plushies, and other whatnot without them knowing I did. =P So if you DO send me a line about something, and DO NOT get a reply from me within a couple of weeks, something has gone WRONG, since I usually reply to everyone. (I'm nice like that. Lol!) So if something has gone wrong for you, try my new Yahoo e-mail addy listed below. How convenient. ^_^

May Updates

May 26: Nyaaah, I updated! It's a miracle!

Hmm, I thought this update would be much more extravagant, but since I'm a lazy bum, then oh well. Next time, I promise. ^_~ Anyhoo, I updated Yamato Info, Fanart, Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, Seiyuu Appreciation, Goodies, and Links. 

In Yamato Info, I added three new clothes in the Yama's Style section. Hee! *hugs screencap device thingy* In Fanart, a Mimato piccie by Misty, and for Fanfiction, a completed DigiProject X by Wolf O'Donnell. ^_^ In Laughs and Candy, a DELICIOUS New section and a a new spoof from The Rogue. ^_^ Enjoy those! In Goodies, a cool new wallpaper that I made. (Please check that out! I like it! ^^;) And in Links... Er, new links. *cough* 

I also changed the shtuff of the week because it's the right thing to do.

That's it this time, unfortunately. It amazes me on how badly I can procrastinate. ^_^;; There will be more, I promise. I will try to update Laughs and Candy, Yamato Info, Matt-osis, Links, and other peachy keen shtuff. Heck, maybe even a new section. *shrugs* You'll never know. 

*ping* ALSO!!! YPAC is temporarily closed down. I have a lot of other things on my tab. (But oh, only two weeks of school left.) ^_^ Sadly, that's it this time. Until we meet again!

May 4: What's up, my babies? *giggle* Sorry, I've been watching too much Friends on TV. ^^; 

Not really an update, but I have a new Hit picture. WHEE! My site has gotten over 17,000! Me so happy! *does a little dance* You can see it on the splash page by click on the picture to the left. <==

You've guessed it: It's another Neko-Angel Yama. Squee! I love drawing those! ^_^ And this time, it turned out SO cute. I actually used CG. =P Now I dunno about you, but I LOATHE to CG my pictures, because number 1) It always turns out cruddy, and number 2) It takes too long, and I don't have patience. >_< I have so much respect for other artists now...

Well, that's about it, except there's new shtuff of the week. Yay! ^_^ Esca-later! *laughs cornily*


April Updates

April 28: Hi there, all my pretty ones. Look and behold! An update! Mwahaha! Feel my wraaaaath. (^^;)

Fanart, Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, and Links have all been updated. ^_^ In Fanart, there are some very lovely piccies by Jay. In Fanfiction, Part Two of DigiProjectX by Wolf O'Donnell has been added. Make sure to check all those out. ^~

In Laughs and Candy, I have updated the Song Spoofs section with a very cute parody by Hika Yagami. ^_^ And I have a NEW section called the Post-Sorato Facility. It's a quaint section helping you heal from the '02 Ending' pain. Lol. And Sorato lovers, keep your knickers on. No bashing there. =P I hope it amuses you at least a little bit. ^^;

And in the Links section, I added a few new links. Plus, I completely redid most of the comments. Why? Because my opinions of sites changed. And I was being too much of a suck-up back then. ^^; And I made a NEW section called Bye Bye, where I talk about some sites that have been claimed legally dead. Wah.

But wait, that's not all! I have new Schtuff of the Week. Yay. ^_^ I talk about Digimon Tamers. If you don't like Spoilers, then don't go there. Simple as that.

Well, that's about it. See ya later. ^_~

Aprill 22: Hello there, neighbors. ^_^ I have an update for yooooouu....

I have updated Yamato Info, Fanart, Laughs and Candy, and Links. In Info, I updated the mini-section about Yama's clothes with his age 39 one. *cringes* Moving on... In Fanart, I have added a new picture of mine. I really think it's good. I haven't drawn anything since last year. =P So I'd appreciate it if you take a looksie at it and tell me what you think. *grins* In Laughs and Candy, Song Spoofs and Weird Convos are updated thanks to the ever-so-awesome Virginia and Wolf O'Donnell. ^_^ (Hey Virginia, I finally put it up! Yay!) And in Links, a brand new link. But not just any other ordinary link. *smiles widely* 

Ahh, that's it for the sections. Next week, I'll hopefully have a new thang in Laughs and Candy, one I hope you'll enjoy. ^^; I've been working on it since Tuesday, I think. I consider it a mini-site which will help all alike. ^_~

Oh, and I updated the Splash page. Just for the heck of it. I also have a small review of my Saturday morning. *looks sheepish* It's parp. I was tipsy at the time. ^^; I don't think well in the morning... Or at any other time, for the matter. *sigh* Well, that's it. See yas! ^_~


April 18: Gee, this looks familiar. I don't remember what it is though... Oh yes. An update! Oh, I missed ya'll too. ^_^

I updated a TON. Okay, lemme get started. *inhales* I updated Yamato Info, Fanfiction, Laughs & Candy, the Clique, and Links. *exhales* Phew. ^_^ There are two new sections. I am SO proud. 

In Yamato Info, I updated the mini-sections Deep Melody and a Brand-Spankin New section called 25 Years Later. ^~ In Deep Melody, I put a new attraction: Yama's CDs. Check that out. And in 25 Years Later: Mostly just my gosh-darned opinions and info. 

In Fanfiction, two new awesome fanfics by Ria and Rose. ^_^ (Thanks so much again!) In Laughs & Candy, an entire NEW section called the Mysterious Maze. Oooh... I worked really hard on that one. I hope you enjoy it. And good luck. ^_~

I update the Clique with a new member. ^^ In Miscellaneous, I added a link to where you can look and remininsce on the old site layout. And in Links, a few new links, especially Yakari! Whoo!

But wait! That's not all! I added new shtuff of the week. It's ver' interesting. AND there is a winner for the contest. Look right. ^_~

Well, that's about it.  I'll see ya later, okay? Okay? Okay. And signing out...


April 1: Wa-ha-ha-how, an update! Can this be furreal?? Why, yes it is! A decent update, at last! Kinda hard to believe, eh? ^_^

Well, I updated Say My Name, Fanfiction, Matt-osis, and Links. In Say My Name, I added just a little, tiny fact about another famous person named Matt. ^^; In Fanfiction, two new great fics by Sugah (aka Spryte64) and Matthew, and one by Wolf O'Donnell. Oh yes! And please visit Wolf's site,! It has games, fanfiction, and other peachy keen shtuff. ^~ In Matt-osis, a TON of new symptoms from Dr. Sarah. That would keep you entertained. And in Links, a handful of new Matt-Filled fun places, especially Sorato sites, *sigh* 

BUT WAIT! That's not all! Call in the next fifteen minutes and get a free pencil! *pause* No. Actually, look to the right. ==> It's like a contest, or whatever. It'll be fun. ^_^ And new schtuff of the week! Whoo-hoo! Life is great. ^_^ But if you don't like spoilers, don't read it, mmkay? Mmkay.

Well, that's about it for me to talk about. Catch ya laterz! Buh bye. ^_~

March Updates

March 24: Lol, I've been gone for more than a month. Why am I lol'ing? I dunno.

Anyhoo, here is the new layout I have been working on. Ya like? I actually started this in December, but haven't gotten the time to finish the other pages. I procrastinate. =P

Er, nothing has really been updated.  Shtuff of the week. ^_^  And Links. I was able to add a couple of good ones before I stopped going on the web, due to a recent PC crash. *grumble grumble* But now I can, so yay. ^_^ I haven't answered my e-mail for many weeks, so I'll go see to answering that. I'm terribly sorry to those who have been waiting for their clique applications to come through and to the contributions, especially to those who oh-so-nicely sent me stuff since January and I stupidly haven't put them up yet. ^^; I WILL get to them next time, I swear! ALL of them.  If you sent me a clique application or anything, RESEND!! &%$# Hotmail.

Oy, I'm losing my webmistress touch. Now I have to go back to camp to learn everything again! -_-; I still have to work a few kinks out. =P Later dayz and God Speed.

January Updates
January 1st:
"It's the end of the world as we know it...  and I feel fine!"
It's not really the end of the world, but I just like that song. ^_~ Happy Year 2001, everybody! Did everyone party last night? I didn't have a party, but I still had a ton of fun. It's so much fun lighting explosives and stuff in the New Year. *grins* So anyhoo, I small update since I didn't really have time this past week. ^^ The sections Fanart, Laughs and Candy, and Links have been updated. In Fanart, two fantabulous pieces by Taitheriszilada and Liz. In L&C, the MYIS Bookstore and Song Spoofs have been updated, thanks to the wonderful Skyler, Taitheriszilada, and Kawaii Pikachu. Thanks to all the contributors! ^_~ And in Links, some very spiffy Yama links for ya'll to enjoy. BUT WAIT! That's not all! ^_^ I made a new main piccie, 2001 style. Hope ya likr it. I think it's cute. And last but not least, new shtuff of the week. The first one of the  year!  Well, that's about it. Until next time. And speaking of next time, don't expect it quite soon since I'm trying to alter the layout a bit. Just a bit, since I'm very fond of the current layout right now. ^^; And also, I'll be returning to Hades on Wednesday. Ya know; school. Bleah. Well, see yas! ^_~