Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur
25 Years Later
Lol. Finally I updated the Yamato Info page. And what a good new page to update it with! *pause* You don't even know how much fun I'm gonna have with one. My comments in italics and parentheses. ^_^ Oh, and most of the pictures are provided by Anime Intro Archive. AWESOME site, by the by. Got all my spoilers here. *grins widely*
American Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida |
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Occupation: Space Cowboy "Hi, my name's Yamato Ishida and I work for NASA." "Silly Mari-San! He doesn't work for NASA. He's an astronaut in Japan!" Oh yeah, because THAT would be normal!?? *laughs* I am sorry folks, but this was the biggest surprise for me. ^_^ Who would've thunk that our Yama would grow up to be an astronaut? I didn't. I'm pretty sure that a ton of fangirls thought he would become a rock superstar and live large. It just makes sense that he would. At age 14, he had sold-out concerts and was already on television. (How realistic...) Anyhoo, Yama just had to say "Gee, wouldn't it be cool if I became an astronaut?" *long pause* Okay, so he didn't say that. But he still became an astronaut. And a pretty good one, as a matter of fact! Look at that picture! Yamato has claimed Mars. Aww, how cute. ^^; Well, either he's claiming Mars for himself or he is surrendering since the flag is plain white. Silly Yamato. Actually, he was part of the first astronaur/digimon team with Gabu! Do you see that other fist to the right of the picture? That is Gabumon. I would've put the whole picture, but I am lazy. ^~ Anyhoo, Gabumon broke world records by being the first Gabumon to land in Mars. Gabu is now a famous Latino star in Ireland. Lol. Other than making fans have seizures all across the world, Yama has done... a fine thing. (Whoo, had to spit that out.) As an astronaut, he is world famous. Somewhat. I dunno. *shrugs* He is well-respected by his friends... (Heh?) He weighs much lighter in space. A plus side for him. ^_^ And I am sure he makes enough money to support his dear family. AND speaking of his dear family..... |
True Love As I expected it would happen, it did happen. The FORBIDDED happened. (lol) Yama and Sora got hitched. This is what caused heart attacks for others. ^_^ I don't know what to say really. I don't have anything against Sorato or anything. I just really thought that Sora would be with Tai and Yama the good-lookin' bachelor. *laughs* But during the 2nd half of 02, something happened. The writers, who were on crack at the time, were thinking "Hey! Wouldn't it be tiiiight if we just twisted everything around and made Sora and Matt, like, ya know... a couple??" I know. That is strange... strange that the Japanese writers said the word 'tight.' The whole thing started in that Christmas episode, as you can remember. It started with cookies. ^_^ After that, everything went uphill, or downhill (from your pov) for Matt and Sora. They became a couple. Eek! You can tell from that picture. The bird and dog had to jump in in that. Anyhoo, from then on we saw a ton of scenes with Yama either protecting Sora or with his arm around her. Poor Jun. Or poor Jim. ^^; So guess what!?! 25 years into the future, they are married. ^_^ (I wonder what the wedding ceremony was like. I bet Biyomon was holding the veil and Gabu throwing and eating the rice.) Matt's an astronaut, Sora's a fashion designer. Yeah, I know. Fashion designer?? I thought she'd be a florist or a tennis player. Crack is bad for you. Ahh, it's like a fairytale, only without a missing glass slipper. AND they are happily married. They are not divorced as a lot think. Heck, I used to think that. ^^; But it is official: They really are married. Sorry to some of you. ^_^ So what else could they need? BUT WAIT! Guess what else they had...
Oh my God. I forget everything I just wrote above. These kids are just plain ADORABLE. Even more adorable than their father, imo. They are so PRECIOUS. ^_^ If you can't tell from the blurry picture, the older one is a girl and the wittle baby is a boy. *grins* They don't have names. (The writers forgot something...) Just for the sake that I don't want to refer to them as 'boy' or 'girl,' I will call them... Kaitlin and Ray-Ray. Now aren't those cute names? Everybody nod with me now... *nods slowly* Okay, guess what: Kaitlin has Yama's hair!! ^_^ Isn't that so cool or what!? And Ray-Ray is such a cute, pretty baby with Sora's hair. Lol. ^^; Hmm, just by looking at them, I'm guessing Kaitlin's around 7 and Ray-Ray is around 4. Wanna know why? Well, I'm thinking of the episode "Digi-Baby Boom." TK had a flashback about him and Matt. Tk had fallen and Matt helped him up. Matt was 7 and TK was 4. And they look around the same size. So that's how I came up with Kaitlin's and Ray-Ray's ages. Yeah. *sweatdrop* I also wanted to point out that Kaitlin's Digimon is a Yokomon and Ray-Ray's is a Tsunomon. Hmm, sound familiar? ^_~ Cute kids. |
Look at them, all care-free and having fun in the Digital World. ^_^ Here you see 'Ray-Ray,' 'Stevie' (Tai's son), and 'Kaitlin.' *blink* Yesh, I KNOW those aren't their real names. I made them up with my imagination. (Remember kids! Use your imagination!) They desperately needed names, so I gave them some. ^_^ Also somewhat featured is Joe's son's lower body. Uh, I didn't come up with his name yet because he's not fully featured. *sweatdrop*
Anyhoo, they all look very adorable. And to add to the adorable-ness was that 'bopping' sound when they all ran. Genius, I tell ya. ^_^
Now here's a good picture of grown-up, 39 year old Matt with his son. Wow. ^_^
Here's a heartwarming scene of Matt lecturing to 'Ray-Ray' about the Digital World. "Now be careful son." "Aww, do I have too?"
Kodak moment! *click* This will go in my scrapbook. Also notice how happy and cheery Gabumon looks... It gives me nightmares. O_o Ooh! And observe the cute little expressions of 'Ray-Ray' and Tsunomon! Squee! ^_^ But I'm sure everything that Matt is saying is going out the other ear. Oh well! *grins*
Well, there you have it folks. The Ishida Family! (Millions cry) But I guess some things will just never change. ^_^; |
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Okay, if you want more, sorry. This is it. ^_^ BUh-bye!
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Legal Disclaimer: Everything written on this page is original, since they are my thoughts and views. =P Some pictures are not mine, however. They are all credited. Please do not steal anything from this page. This was completed April 17, 2001, by Mari-San.