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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

Room 202

Hyeah, you know you wanna go inside Yamato's apartment. Don't deny it. So now you can! I'll give you a little tour. Please keep your arms and legs inside this imaginary tramto yourself and hold unto your personal items. Smoking is prohibited. Thank you, and enjoy the ride. ^_^

So welcome to the Odaiba Mansion apartment complex. Let's boogie on down to apartment 202; the Ishida residence.

Hiya Matt and TK. Oh, don't mind us. We're just giving your fellow fans a tour of your home. ^_^ So behind TK, you can see the hallway. That's the door to Matt's room. You can't see it, but the entrance door is to the right of it.

Ah, here's a better view of everything. Why, hello Mr. Ishida. As you can see, they are at the dining table in the main area of the apartment. To the right of the wall divider is the kitchen area where Matt does his cooking. Behind Matt right now are double doors which to leads to more rooms of the apartment.

The kitchen area has the basics. There's a refrigerator, shelves, cabinets, you name it. The Ishida's haven't finished unpacking yet as you can see with the boxs lined up to the right. There's some bulliten boards splattered on the walls which serve as some sign of orginaization.

Yay, here's an overhead view so you get the entire jest of the room. ^_^ (Much thanks to Bob our cameraman for the technology.) As you can see, the patio doors that lead to the balcony is covered with white curtains. Posters and calendats adorn the wall. And the messy boxes are there too.

You can see the telephone on it's stand at the bottom left. That sits to the western side of the apartment. Southwest is the entertainment center. Yes, the wonderful TV and things.


Here's another convenient angle. There's the table and TV and the clutter on the floor... Such neat people.

Behind the boys you can see part of the kitchen area. There are the cabinets and such, the stove place. Oh, and the florescent light fixture on the ceiling.

How nice of Matt to show us his food contents! ^_^


The family is very into art as you can tell by the lovely masterpiece on the wall. *wink*

Oh, it looks like we're giving Mr. Ishida a headache. We better leave then. See ya'll!

What a pleasantly charming tour that was. *grin* I hope you enjoyed it and come back again! You'll never know when we barge in unexpectedly into the Ishida household. *pause* Oh, I mean when we're cordially invited to the household. Yeah, that's it. ^^;

Here's a blueprint of the apartment that I made with my handy dandy MS Paint program. The information is based on my actual knowledge based on watching and observing, and also on my logical thinking skills. If you think different otherwise, please don't tell me about it. I'm sticking to my blueprint of the home, so thank you very much. ^_^

Yay yay, that's it. Hope you had a jolly time. Thank you,come again.

<<<Possessive 25 Years Later>>>

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Disclaimer: Aw, I'm so proud of this section. ^_^ It was my idea, please don't be a butthead and steal.