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You Picked Answer Two

"Er, to tell you the truth, I didn't like it much. It hurt my ears."

Matt looks at you for a second. It seems like an eternity to you. Gosh, you can't believe you said that! Now he probably will hate you. But hey, you gotta tell the boy the truth.

So you're really shocked when he bursts out laughing. You're all "HUH?"

After he calms down, he says "I meant to play badly. I guess it was just a fun test for me to see if you're one of those airheads who agree with everything I say." He rolls his eyes at the thought of them crazy girls. He continues speaking, saying "And you're not an airhead. Wow. You have a mind of your own."

You laugh and make a witty comment back, and HE laughs too. Hey! You guys are bonding! 

Lucky duck! ^_~ So it's to show that it's cool to be honest.


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