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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

There's nothing better in life than laughs and candy. Both make me happy. ^_^

Laughs and Candy

Hi ho! Welcome to Laughs and Candy, otherwise known as the Humor/Amusing Things section of the site. Why call it Laughs and Candy, you say? Well, I didn't want to call it Humor, that's for sure. It's just too plain. I thought of other ideas too, but didn't like em. Then finally, I thought of one of my all-time favorite Japanese songs Fruits and Candy and thought of this. Laughs is for the funny stuff, and candy is for the sweet stuff. In this section, you'll find some interesting shtuff, so go to it. And ya know what's cool? Almost every page has a different theme. *sarcasm* Yay.

Quizzes and Games
Compatiblity  Quiz
Do you think that you're compatible with the 01 Digi Bishies? If ya wanna know if who's the guy for you, go and take this little quiz. ^_^
6 Degrees  With Yamato Ishida
[ Introduction I Archived Recordings ]
A remake of the old game, Matt style. Isn't this gonna be fun? Play with the gang and test your knowledge.
Where in the World is Matt?
I read too many "Where's Waldo?" books and played too many Carmen Sandiego games as a kid. ^^;;
The Mysterious Maze
Matt's missing! AGAIN. Help me find him! It is mysterious and fun at the same time. Wow. ^_~
What Would You Do?
Don't know what I'm talking about? Well clicka clicka!
Digimon Weakest Link
All the credit in the world for this masterpiece goes to Wolf O'Donnell. ^_^ Go. Here. Now. 
NEW! Digimon Weakest Link 2 NEW!
The game a second time around and equally delish.
Funny Shtuff
Marry Yama
Are you that obsessed with Yamato Ishida? Prove it. ^_~ This, I believe, was the FIRST 'Marry Matt' thing on the net, created July 28, 2000, something or other. *raises eyebrow* You know who ya are, copy-cats...
A Message from Yamato's Biggest Fan
Run... NOW. 
The MYIS Bookstore  
Oh yeah, this place is educational too. *breaks out laughing* Yeah, right! Educational my butt! ^_^
Wanna Be A Knock-Off Matt?
How big a fan are you? Big enough to be a wannabe, perhaps? Hmmmm???
Okay, this section is majorly stupid. Don't even bother. ^_^;;;;
Updated! Song Spoofs Updated!
They're some of our most beloved songs... Yamato style.
Post-Sorato Facility
A place for the those still depressed/angry/crazy about the 02 ending. ^^; If I'm going to get flamed, this is the section that will top the cake on that. Note: To all ya Sorato-luvrs, don't worry. No bashing is done here. Ya happy now?
Inspired by the ever-so lyrical song, this new beverage will have you hopping for more. ^_~
Soda Pop!?!
Would you like to witness the debate of the century?!? You would?!?! Awesome then. ^_^ Just clicka.
Nani Nani
It's Doesn't Fit Anywhere Else
Weird Convos
The weirdest conversations... 
That 70's Show Meets Digimon
An editorial on my keen observations. ^_^
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Something quite pointless; A list of all (well, most of 'em) the mean digi's who have done something mean to Yama. And yes, I AM looney. ^~

Well, that's all. And you guessed it, 'for now.' Bye bye.

Go back to main page.

..:: Yamato Info :: Cutie Quotes :: Why Yamato? :: Say My Name :: Fanart :: Fanfiction :: The Oath :: Matt-osis :: 
:: Strike a Pose :: Laughs and Candy :: YPAC :: Seiyuu Appreciation :: Goodies :: Sitey :: Links ::..

Disclaimer: Okay, let's make this short and sweet. Steal ANYTHING and die! Copy something, die. *smiles sweetly* Got it? ^_^