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Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

"Captivating and riviting. A best-seller, for sure!"-- A Person Who Reads Lotsa Books

"I actually cried! It's soooo good! Wah! Yama!!"--Mari-San

"Woof!"--Angel, Mari-San's Dog

"Run Yama, Run"

Chapters w/ brief summary
Brief summarization brought to you by Publishing AniHouse of America, Inc.
Chapter One: A Whole New World- The Digital World
The DigiDestined reach the Digital World for the first time. Things are going to be tough. So many adventures, deadly and exciting. Digital monsters trying to attack, facing the elements, living alone for months. Their destiny awaits. There's only one thing more powerful, more frightening that anything they'll ever encounter: Televison viewers.
Chapter Two: Mayhem, Chaos. Insanity begins.
More adventures. More mayhem. More chaos. Higher ratings. Meaning more viewers. Meaning fans. Fans of whom? Well... that's when the insanity is about to start.
Chapter Three: They Appear. God help me.
"Digimon: Digital Monsters" is doing well. A good choice for a dubbed anime. One of the main charactes, Yamato Ishida, dubbed nickname Matt, is finding that life is just fine. It's going great. That is until one day he discovers something. He's very, very popular among some fans.
Chapter Four: What Do They Want?
This is where the madness starts. People started sending fan mail, started making websites, fan clubs, obsessions... all about Matt. He begins to wonder why.
Chapter Five: What Apeal?!
 Confused as ever, Matt didn't understand. He just couldn't take things anymore. He asked Saban execs. why he was becoming so popular. They rolled their eyes at him. "Isn't it obvious? Look at you."
Chapter Six: Crazed Fan-Girls Plus Fame Equals Not Good
Everywhere Matt goes, they're... just there. 
Chapter Seven: Trapped Like a Mouse
With his new found fame, what can he do? Apparently, nothing much.
Chapter Eight: Where To Turn... I Don't Know
Matt has to find a solution to all this. He just doesn't know what. If he doesn't, he'll have to be in hiding the rest of his life.
Chapter Nine: I Thought It Would End, But No.
Season two arrives, and Matt is now a minor character. Things will cool off now... right?
Chapter Ten: Life Now
Life is very hectic now for Yamato Ishida. He's getting used to the fans, but things are not the same as they used to be.
Chapter Eleven: Deal With It
Oh well. What else to do?? It's obvious, don't you think?

Lines and Quotes
Some segments from the book, by Yamato Ishida himself.
Chapter 1
"Wow. The Digital World. This will be the biggest andventure in our lives, in my life.I wonder how we're going to survive. We'll be okay. I mean, we've got each other to rely on and our Digimon. What could go wrong? Nothing too bad, I hope."
Chapter Two
"Today has been mad. It turns out that the show is getting higher ratings. We were all going crazy! This is so great. I wonder if the show will become a hit someday. We'll just have to cross our fingers."
Chapter Three
"The strangest thing happened. I'm getting mail. Fan mail."
Chapter Four
"The gang and I are all getting tons of mail everyday now. It's getting way too strange, if you ask me. The things I get are just plain scary."
Chapter Five
"Things will be just fine. That's what I tell myself. Just because I have a few, well, several fans doesn't mean anything. Does it?"
Chapter Six
"I just can't take it anymore. I can't even go outside! It's true, no matter how sad that sounds. I mean, I can't even cross the corner without getting glomped by a crazed fan. What the heck is wrong with the world!!?"
Chapter Seven
"This is ridiculous. I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. That is, if I hadn't had one already."
Chapter Eight
"All the advice and still... nothing seems to work."
Chapter Nine
"Ahh, a little peace. I won't be that shown in most of the episodes due to season two and the new group of kids. That's just fine with me. I needed a vacation anyway."
Chapter Ten
"Oh god, they're multiplying, I tell you! People would think I would have gone to a facility by now. Surprisingly though, I'm used to the fans. After seeing them out of the window and getting lots of feedback each day, it's like a daily routine. Besides... I kinda like them."
Chapter Eleven
"Up to this day, things haven't changed a bit. It'll cool down... someday. But until then, things will stay the way they are. Hey, I take what life gives me. I want to live life to the fullest. Deal with it."

Book Information

Book Title: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Author: Yamato Ishida
Category: Autobiography
Publisher: MYIS Corporation (lol. =P)
Publishing Date: September 30, 2000
Pages: 233
Chapters: 10
Cover by: Mari-San

Notes: It was so hard to get a picture of Yamato for the cover. He knew I was an obsessive fan. So the best picture I got was of him hiding behind a building. I think it's pretty good, don't you think?"--Mari-San

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Disclaimer: This book thing is a totally original idea! DO NOT steal it, I repeat, do not be a biter! Be a biter, or I'll make Garurmon bite you!! *maniacal laughter* Ahem... anyhoo, this book isn't real, so don't e-mail me for a copy. =P