"Why is that, Mari-San?"
Well that's because the only type of books that I produce are Digimon related.
I know. ^^ Anyhoo, there's a very large variety. From Drama to Comedy, to Romance to Heartache (same thing =P), Mystery and Biography. Anything you can dream off!
Just click on a book to see a whole bunch of information and the full book cover. ^~
Book Title: "The Screech of the Bat"
Author: Stephen King
Category: Horror/Suspense
Summary: Jun Motoiyama, the deadly stalker of Yamato Ishida, suddenly snaps,
and goes on a murderous rampage with one thing in mind: Yamato.
Amount: $13.50 (hardcover), $4.50 (paperback)
Book Cover By: Skyler, Digimon Night Club Publications
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Disclaimer: Okay, let's get one thing straight: This is not a real bookstore. I'm making all this up. There are no such books. But I thought "Why not?" so I made this lil section for your reading pleazzzzure. ^^ If you wanna submit anything or ideas, e-mail me and I'll consider it. I only take the best. ^^ Chances are, I'll take em. And if you have any 'comments' about the books, like what Rolling Stone does for movies, e-mail me about them. ^_^ So remember, this is all fake. BUT this is my idea. Don't copy any books or ideas, or anything! Do, and I'll meet you in Hades. Bring suntan lotion.