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Read this horrifying new tale of desire by the nation's best selling author,
Stephen King!

"Horrifying." - Garurumon's Glorious Review

"...Mesmirising..." - Floating Glowing Man Tribune

"Riveting." - Digital World Times

"Wonderful." - Tai Kamiya

"Disturbing...Suspenseful...Yamato's name was so close to mine." - Matt Ishida

"Chilling." - Joe Kido

"Where's an Abercrombie?" - Mimi Tachikawa


"...He watched the television as he absentmindly ate potato chips. As the people flashed across the screen and attempted at funny thing to say (i hate Friends) he would crunch the Wise potato chips, the salt rolling on his tongue and then melting. Yamato shuddered. He had the oddest feeling he was being watched..."

"Jun's eyes scanned the crosswalk (when will the friggin' light change) looking at the cars speeding by. She waited for the white walking man to flash on the other side of the crosswalk. She wanted to get moving (!!damn it!!) at this moment. A hand touched her shoulder as someone behind her had fallen, trying to regain balance. She turned to flick them off (?!?yamato?!?) but she stopped. Her heart skipped five beats. There he was. Right beside her."

Book Information

 Book Title: The Screech of the Bat
Author: Stephen King
Category: Horror/Suspense
Publisher: Digimon Night Club Publications
Publishing Date: December 30, 2000
Pages: 467
Parts: Five
Chapters: 58
Cover by: Skyler

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Disclaimer: This book thing is a totally original idea! DO NOT steal it, I repeat, do not be a biter! Be a biter, or I'll make Garurmon bite you!! *maniacal laughter* Ahem... anyhoo, this book isn't real, so don't e-mail me for a copy. =P