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Bye Bye...
My few words to some incredible Matt sites that have passed

This is for all mah homies. *pours a can of coke to the carpet* Um, anyhoo, this is just a small section. I just wanted to pay dues to some spectacular Yama shrines that have closed down. Wah.

I'm saying bye bye to sites that I had a particular fondness with. I'm still sad that they closed down. -_-

And NO, I will not sing that "Pikachu's Good-Bye" Song...


Oh Bubblegum. You were one of the first Yama shrines I've been to. The layouts were great. Purple and pink... I wish I had the guts to do that.

Da Man

Notoraeyah, your wonderful site is closed for good. We never exchanged words before, but I always did admire your site. I visited it around the first days it was open. I'll miss it. ^_^

Wannabe Rock*Star

Aww, Wannabe Rock*Star was one of my all-time favourite Yama sites. It closed down right after my birthday too. Jinie-chan, good luck to your other sites. They're gonna be great.

J-Chan's Kawaii Anime Shrine

Matt picture galore. I know J-Chan still takes her spiffy pictures, but it's just not the same without her wonderful site. Half of the reason I liked her site so much was that I liked reading her spiffy comments on the graphics. ^^;

Sweet Brotherly Love

That site was just so GOOD! I was sad to see it close down...

Yamato Alias Matt

I always had a fondness for this site. Just because it was too kawaii and that it was French. Sigh, I was pretty devestated when this awesome shrine closed down.


This was a very cute Sorato shrine. One of the best, prolly. It was sad to hear the webmistress hated the 02 ending when she closed it down. -_- I'm sorry it wasn't a 'happy ending.'

M & M

This was once my favorite Digi-site of all time; at the top of the bookmark list. Even when I lost my interest in Mimato, I still visited this site. ^_^ This was a big shocker when the site closed down.


That's it. I doubt any of you webmistresses will be reading this. ^^; Just wanted to say 'thanks' for being all-around cool sites.

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