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Mari-San's Yamato  Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

Uh huh... You're prolly linking THIS page instead of the main one as a favorite, aren't ya?


Gah, leaving so soon? Oh well, I couldn't keep ya all here forever anyways. Since you're leaving, take a look at some other sites; Matt sites. Oh ho ho hoooo... ^_~ Here are a bunch of Yama-related links that I've found scattered all over the net. Some I like, some I love, who knows? Why not take a visit? Oh, it'd be so delightful. Like a warm embrace. *cheesy grin*

 [ Yama  Links  I  Digimon Updated!I  Japanese | Bye Bye ]
Link to MYIS
*gasp* You want to link to me? Like, rilly? That's so sweet! You may use these spiffy buttons. And thanks again! ^_~
A very cute button made by Jiggly of Patamon's Pad. ^_^
MYIS button numero uno: Made by the talented Jiggly. ^_^
Spiffy button by Mimi-chan. ^_^
Animated button three made by the talented Mimi-chan. ^_^
Now here's one made by yours truly. ^
Button umber-nay dos: Made by the tale- um... *pause*  me. ^^;

Yamato Links
Here's my collection of Matt-related links. In my mind, this has prolly gotta be the biggest collection of Matt links, but I don't know. *pause* God, I have too much spare time...
All Matt

Gah, the pop-up scared the bejeesus out of me! O_o Um, lemme get on with the site. It has a nice red bubbly layout and has all the essentials. Nothing is lacking here. Very nice site.

All That Is  Ishida This is one of the earliest Yama sites on the net. Give that a point. ^_^ Lol, has this site gone through many phases. But it's still great, nonetheless! I enjoy the ranting section the best.
A Shrine  to the Musician Aww, I just like this site. ^_^ It has a pretty, sleek layout. It has personality to it. Personality is gooood.
Asian Sensation This is a real kewl site. It just screams "I'm unique!" Now that's a very good thing. When I was exploring this site, I laughed til I fell out of my chair MANY times . This is a very humorous site... As you can obviously tell. 
Blonde Ambition Hmm, I'm not sure if this is a Matt-Only website due to my very dense buhrain, but I find it rib-bustingly awesome that I wanted to put it here. ^_^ And please... check out all the pretty Tokomon icons. It'll change your whole life... FOREVER.
Boy Lollipop Jesuz, I thought I had this page linked up ages ago. Apparently not. O_o *conks head on the table* Anyhoo, I highly recommend this site for yooooou. And you know I wouldn't recommend anything unless I truly mean it. ^_^ Stop reading and visit, ya moose! 
Eyes as Blue as the Sea A nice shrine with a Yama fan's basic needs. ^_^ It's very graphic-intense, so if ya like pictures and not afraid to wait, go here! Also, I think the name of this site is so pert. ^~
Forever Yamato NEW! What a really nice site! And the people here are the nicest, so visit. *Wisconsin accent* Beeg opps, beeg opps to Shimegami and Losergrl, aaight? Beeg opps!
Friendship If I had to use one word to describe this funky website, I'd use 'loud.' I mean, whoo. ^_^ It is colorful, it is cosmic, it is a site you would really stop to take a look at.  
Friendship- Matt's  Shrine Whoo hoo! This is the second Spanish Yama site I've seen. Alrighty! ^_^ It's a very quaint and neat site. It's peachy keen, yo. 
Friendship  Chaos This was a real cute shrine with cute buttons, cute words, cute things... It's says it'll be back soon. But it said that like a couple of months ago. *sweatdrop* When will you open agaaaiiin???
Friendship Club Here's a shrine to Yama AND Davis. Lol, it's only been updated twice. I guess the webmaster forgot about it. ^^; But it does have a spiffed out layout though... God, I'm sad. ^^;
Gallery of Yamato In my opinion, this has got to be one of the best Yama shrines out there. This site is very original and unique. It has fanfiction, fanart, omake, AND a petition for Uncut Digimon. Yay! Me so happay... ^_~
Harmonica 'Harmonica' is just one of the prettiest words, don't you think? Anyhoo, this site is pert. I always seem to like the layout on this one. ^^; Yama is staring at me. Should I feel violated. No. *laughs stupidly at her expense* 
Icy Blue Ooh, ice-ay... ^_^ Anyhoo, this is a nice site. It'z gotz allz you needz. 
Irresistible Squee! What a cool site! ^_^ I *really* enjoy that digivolving Yama. *wink* Anyhoo, this is a very nice place, indeed? Do I hear you clicking the link? Why, I DO! ^_^
Ishida  Family Shrine

Woah, a page from expage that looks cool. Woah. O_o Anyhoo, this is the first shrine that I've heard of dedicated to the whole clan. Now you've gotta give this site props for that. ^_^

 It's  Gonna Be  Me

Wow, cool! This is the first Spanish Yama site I've seen.  ^_^ The layout kicks. Tho I can barely understand any (well, most) of it. All I know is that little phrase from Justin "Crunk" Timerlake. Lol. ^^;

JAMS-Just  Another Matt  Site   Ahh, another site who's title is an acronym. Just like mine. Anyhoo, this is a very cool site. Liked it the first time I visited it. That is a good sign, I'm sure.
Kawaii Nuthouse OHMIGOD! Punimon are everywhere! O_O If you like Punimon, GO HERE. They'll be the things jumping on the screen. And there's a flying teddy!

Bah, not just a Matt site anymore. It got extended. ^^; Since I'm a lazy bum, I'll just leave it here. Besides, it's got other cool stuff too. Hee hee, pocky... *giggles*

Kitty  Loves Yama

This is my bud Jolène's Yama shrine. It's very cute.  ^_^ And if you wanna know, SHE  is Kitty. And she loves Yama. And a whole lot of other girls love Yama too. (Go figure) But Joléne, when are ya gonna update?

M2M-Minishrine  to Matt

Here's a nice site. Little Yama heads are floating around. I dunno what's wrong with the font. It overlaps each other, so it might be hard to navigate around. But still a fine Yama Shrine!

Matt  Madness

It's Matt Madness people!! Why? Because we're mad for Matt. Duh. ^^ It's a nice, little site. It hasn't been updated since last September, but still...

Matt's  Temple  

A very cool site with a lot of cool shtuff. Hey, cool. ^_^

No  Autographs,Please   A real nice site with a load of kawaii pics. It has a Quotes, Fanstuff and Links section, the whole caboose, or whatever. No longer updated, but still kicks ass.
Oh So Matt

God, that 'Rave With Me' thing is getting addicting. Thank you, Purrsian. ^^; Anyhoo, this is a cute site.

One Man Army

Wow! I just really like AND admire this site. It has a BEAUTIFUL layout. This has got to be one of the nicest Yama shrines out there. ^_^ And you know how many there are. I

Project Ishida

I just adore this site. Why? Cuz it's not your average Yama shrine. It's just filled with completely hellarious shtuff. ^^ This is my kind of site. Visit now, or you are so missing out. I wish I can describe better... but I can't. This a a VERY good site. TRUST ME.

PunkGabumon's Lair 

Pretty cool site. ^_^ It has exclusive pictures, very cool, plus it's jammed pack with lots o' info. ^^ Not just about Matt too. Also his super-cute Digimon Gabumon!! ^^

Run Away Idol

Wow. This is such a pretty site with a cool layout. As dull as I may sound, it is ten times better than I am describing this wondeful site. ^_^ Please visit this site and make it known!

Runaway Run

Oh, such a beautiful site! 'Beautiful' is an understatement though. Exquisite, tanatalizing, and charming is more like it. As I was saying, this site has all of your Yamato needs! And such a wonderful layout too. *is mesmerized* Please visit! ^_^

Saints  and  Angels A nice shrine to Yama. ^_^ And such pretty fanart too. Many other cool sections too. 
Teenie Weenie Matt Site

When they say Teenie Weenie, I MEAN teenie weenie. It has about three paragraphs. ^^; It's so small, I think it's funny. I said to the webmiss that I would put it up, and so I did. Viola. Enjoy! *grin*

The Cave of Friendship

Oh wow, this shrine is too cute. The layout is Duo Maxwell. It's a Matt shrine. *pause* Sorry, that just tickles me funny. ^_^ I lurve Duo. Anyhoo, there are great sections to go peek at. 

The Crazed Yamato's Anti-Haven

Dear lord, this place is hellarious! Evil sites are yummy. *pause* Did I say that out loud? Um, anyhoo, it's sites like these that I love to visit. I wouldn't wanna go to a site saying shtuff like "His name is Matt." *rolls eyes* More spiffy-ness, please.

The Crest  of  Friendship

This site is real cool. Many sections like pics, quotes, fanifics... I especially like the "You know you watch too much Digimon when..." section. The majority of it is true in my case.

The Digimoon   Ah, the Digimoon. ^^ What a nice name. I think I hear WereGarurumon calling... *listens* Anyhoo, this is a nice Yama site with the basic stuff. Nice pix too. No longer updated, but what the feck?
The Fantabulous World Yamato Ishida
Hee hee, I'm still over the fact about the title. It's so SPIFFY! The spiffiest of spiffy, even. I give the title four stars, whoo hoo! ^_^ So anyhoo, the site is ver' cool. 
The Matt Fanfiction Corner Gee, I wonder what this site is all about. ^^ This is a petite page with the wemaster's fanfiction. And... that's about it. ^_^; It IS a nice site, tho.
The Rebel Realm A site that is magically delicious. *pause* I dunno why that phrase came out of my mouth... Anyhoo, this a really kawaii site with the works. 
The  Stone  Temple  

A really cool Yama shrine. The layout is so cool. Very blue. ^_^ Anyhoo, there is a bunch of kawaii sections here. I'm sure you'll enjoy this site. 

The Twisted and  Evil World of Maniacal Matt Sweet Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the camel! This site is just plain hellarious! ^_^ You will be certainly entertained. My god, it's a good, hella funny site! What else do you want? Cracker Jacks?
The  Yamato Shrine

This was the very first Yama shrine! ^_^ This site is filled with neato shtuff, and original artwork for the sections. Cute. ^_^

The Yamato Shrine No, this is a different place than above. ^~ Anyways, this is a cool page. I love the color black. Cooool...  Everyone's gotta love a Matt shrine, unless you don't like Matt, which makes me think about you. O_o No longer updated. *sigh*

Yama*Chan's Place

Hee hee, such a cute site. ^_^ "Yama-Chan" is such a kawaii name... This site is filled with really cool stuff, lemme tell you that! And I won my very first kiriban here! Wheee! 

Yamato's Bedroom

Yama's bedroom, eh? ^_^ Wait and look at the reactions of fan-girls... Anyhoo, a cool site. ^_^

Yamato's  Flame  

Oooh, such a hot page. No pun intended. Really.  ^_^; Anyhoo, it's still under construction, but it's pretty cool, er, hot so far. ^^; But there's so many cute picture of Gabumon! 

Yamato Ishida Central  

Oooh, Yamato Ishida Central. Wish they had a train station like that, if ya know what I'm sayin. ^~ Anyhoo, tis real kawaii. You can get your own Matt e-mail address here.

Yamato Ishida is Hot Like Wasabi

Ya betcha. *wink wink* This isa simple one page site, with mostly information. But I gotta give prapahs for such a wicked site name. ^_^

Yamato Palace

*sounds like Homer Simpson* Mmmm.... Yamato Palace... ^_^ Oh, where was I? Oh yes. ^^; This site is really great. Hee hee... cute bouncy letters. ^_^ Anyhoo, it's just starting out, but it's real cool.
Yaoi Friendly
Sites that freely talk about Boy/Boy relationships. So if you don't like that, stay clear cuz the truck is backing up. Bah, I suck at categorizing.
Digimon Kaiser Yamato   This site is sooooo cool. It has spectacular art! Some of the best fanart of Yama I have ever seen. Now that's just one reason to go visit. ^~ There's a bunch more reasons to go. Just click on the link and you will see why.
Flipped  Upside  Down Whoo!! *does a dance* This site is definitely a keeper, yep yep. ^_^  So of course, it's a must-see.
Matt Da Sitey Hee, a pretty site. ^_^ I like the layout; Nice and simple. It's easy to navigate, and the site has personality. 
Suteki Ishida Yamato A very nice site with a kickin' layout. ^_^ I also like the fact it has some Japanese references to the site. Writing, name... A very nice site indeed. It hasn't been updated in a long time, but visit it still. ^_^
Sweet 'n Sour Whee! I lurve this page. It's so frickin' hellarious. ^_^ It's just so great. I can't describe it well enough, so you might as well go look for yourself. ^^
Taichi Loves Yamato Lol, a pretty cool site. I like the fact that Matt is the victum of the site. Actually, he IS the victum in every Matt site. *sweatdrop* Oh, I also think Bob is tyte-arse. A niiice place, so why not visit?
The Lost Temple of Ishida A very entertaining site, though it may not be too suitable for fragile children. *laughs* It has a bit of mature views, but it's awfully funny! ^_~ One of my all-time faves. Seriously. I visit every day. It's not a total taito site, but taito-friendly. *smacks lips* GOOD.
The Self-Proclaimed Cool One

Okay, first of all, I applaud this site for having one say-it-all good name!! Tell it like it is, like some I say. ^_^ As for the site itself, it's very spiffy, very kawaii, very coooool. ^^ It has a bit of taito. 

Xiola's Digi-Page A very nice shinra. ^_~ It has tons of Yama pictures, all which I drooled at. This site is very original too, I must say ^_^ It has other shrines of Taichi and Takeru too. Whee!
Y·A·M·A·T·O   This site has the coolest layout. It's very original and it has the darkness thang going on. ^^ Not much stuff here, but it's pretty nice. It contains a bit of taito, which I don't mind. 
 Shrines to the couple of Sora and Yamato. 
Amazed By You

Aww, what a suh-weet site. ^^ It has the cutest background too. With kawaii pictures... ^_^

Blue Tears

Hee hee! *points at screen* Now what a pretty site. ^_^ What grabbed me first here was the fanart. Now talk about 'woah.' So so pert. Anyhoo, this site has it all. Recommended Sorato site!

Crystal Clear Destiny

This is a nice site, tho with its so many... high-tech things, it may take a while to load. *sigh* Darn computer age. Bah, when I was your age, I had to surf the net with an abacus!! 

Fire and Ice

Squeee! Have you ever seen such a cute site?  BUT... It is on Haitus. God, some people have NO respect. Taira fans, I'm not gonna dis you or anything, but lemme say this: That was a Sorato shrine. SORATO. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you had to bash the webmistress's opinions. >=(

Friendship &  Love  

Wow. This has got to be one of the best Sorato sites. It's just so... good. ^_^ The layout is kawaii, there's a lot of content... wow. Temporarily closed right now, but I can't wait til it re-opens. ^_^

Wow, another cool shrine. Geez, what's up with all the talented webmasters and webmistresses lately? *pause* I was KIDDING. ^_^; It hasn't been updated in  a loooong time, but you can't still peek at it. ^^;

Good Enough

Gee, I'm not really sure of the title of this site. ^^; I'm so embarryseemo. But nonetheless, it's a good site. I happen to find the fanart cute, no matter what the webmistress says about it. ^_^ Also, the comics are to die for! Check them out. She's very talented.

Impact Okay, I'm gonna kick myself for my waning vocabulary, but this site is just pretty. =) The layout is nice and imo unique. It's mostly fanfiction, and who doesn't love fanfiction??
Kiss the Girl Tis a very nice site indeed with a CUTE layout. (It's rockin!) Anyhoo, it's very cool and mesmerising. It has a bunch of things to do, and that's always a plus, right?

Wowee, what a funkay site. It's got such a simple yet stunning layout, easy to navigate... Sorato fans, check it out. And one more point: the site name is just plain kewl. =)


This site is breath-taking. Honestly. The layout is just exquisite. (Lol, look at me and my massive vocabulary. ^_^) In my opinion, one of the best Sorato sites.

p.a.n.s.y Obviously, the webmistress knows how to make a pretty layout since she know that yellow/purple are complementary colors. Or maybe she just thought it was purdy. Anyhoo, an excellent site. So CHECK-IT-Out. ^_^
Project Sorato Oooh, such nice Oekaki pictures. *goofy grin* Er, anyhoo... This site is really cool, yeps yeps. ^_^ It's got evidence and pics and shtuff like that. Yee-ah.
Sorato Yamora This is a very nicely-done page, indeed! The layout is simple yet wonderful, and there is much content! ^_^ Why can't sites be more like that?
Starry-Eyed It's a great site, so I just HAD to put it up. *cheesy grin* It's funny; 'This I Promise You' is the midi for the page and on the TV just a couple inches away from me, the same song was playing. What a coincidence! 
Sweet Innocence

Whoof, I thought this was a Mimi shrine... *yells* BUT IT"S NOT! ^_^; It's cute with many sections to gawk at. Ah, and sometimes the lettering is LiKe ThIs. Lol! *bobs head* Flip?

The Sora&Matt Shrine

Now this is a nice, great site. ^^ Very organized, good layout, and just darn pettury. (Yes,I know that's not how YOU spell pretty. =P)
Yasora: Friendship and Love  

Wowie, another Sorato Shrine! Only this is called Yasora. Sounds kawaii still. Anyhoo, I just find the pictures in this page very cute. As I always say, check it out. ^^

Shrines to the couple of Mimi and Matt. 

Friendship and Sincerity

 The layout is real cute. ^_^ This site has the basic essentials, so why not visit?

 Matt and Mimi  Shrine  

A nice, simple site with lotsa section to go to. Yay. ^_^

Mimato Beach

Oooh, such a pretty name. A cute little shinra to Mimi and Matt. *sigh* It's closed right now...

Mimato Fan Art Archive  

YESH!! I fanart page! I love fanart! ^_^ Go check this site out now. ^^


One of my favorite Mimato sites. ^_^ It's just so cute! Cute layout, cute shtuff, cute music... And she holds it together too. She wasn't devastated about the whole Sorato thing. Good job! ^_^

Mimato Dot Nu

Now THIS is a very good Mimato site! It has the works, people: A very unique, gorgeous layout, and very much delightful, agreeable content, etc. ^_^ I like this site very much! And I'm sure all you Mimato Fanatics will, too. ^~

Mimatos Anonymous

Wow. This site has such a pretty layout. ^_^ *sweatdrop* Don't get me wrong, I love the layout and shtuff, plus the entire site is pretty cool. Sadly, not updated lately.

Mimato Sensation

Egads! This site moved from Angelfire to Homestead! Talk about bravery! ^_^; Anyhoo, this site is very pretty. ^^

Mimi and Matt 4ever

This site is so kewl. ^_^ It has a good amount of fun sections to take a visit to.

This is a nice, quaint site. Nothing new going around, but the sections that are up are pretty cool.

MY: A  Site  to Mimi and Yamato Er, I'm not sure this site is qoing to be updated anymore. Just because she said she was going to re-open in two weeks on January 4th. Call me crazy, but... whoo. ^^; There are still some sections here tho. I just kept it here cuz I think the Under Construction picture is funny. *goofy grin*
Pure Morning Oh! What a breath of fresh air it was when I stumbled across this site. I was starting to miss all the cool Mimato sites, but boom! I'm revived when I see this. ^_^ Anyhoo, the artwork here is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I love it. Not to mention the layout is smashing, dahling. I love the witty sense of humor. Now I know what hell is. ^~

Sincere Friendship

Awww! That Mimato fanart is so GOOD! *is mesmerized by it* A nice site, too. ^_^; 

*Sincerity Friendship*

This one is really cool, so you might wanna stop by. ^_^

This is my favorite Mimato shrine. ^_^ (Oh, you other Mimato sites! Don't be jealous. I luv ya'll.) Anyhoo, such a very nice layout and great content. ^_^*gasp* Mimi Blossoms thinks I'm Anti-Jun! ^^; If I WAS Anti-Jun, then how come I luv teasing her? ^~

To Destined Love

Wow-ha-how, what a classy looking site. Well, unless the layout changes. ^^; Anyhoo, a pretty site. It's got the essentials. Nice job. ^_^

Hee hee, she thinks she owns Digimon. I've run across a site in which the guy thought he was King Arthur once. ^^; Anyoo... This is a real cool Mimato site. So if you like Mimato, then... Go here. ^_^;

Wishful Love

Absolutely splendid...ful. *laughs* I really like the look of the page. Very unique. I like the whole setup... It's whispery. =D Please check out this site. You'd lub it.

Shrines to the couple of Kari and Matt. 

Sunsweet Darkness

Oh my god! This site is so pretty. ^^ I like the layout. Very kawaii! This is a page with personality. I like that. Not one of those dull sites that just say "Okay, here is art." NO! It has more! YES! Visit all you Yakari fans! ^_^

The Light of Friendship

This is the very first American Karato site on the net run by my bud YaVulpes. ^_^ Please give a round o' sound! *cheers* This site is *too* cute! The ultimate haven for all Karato fans. So check it out, aight? ^~ 

Wo Ai Ni, a Kari and Matt Shrine

Yay! Finally, I see another Karato shrine. Me so happee. ^_^ This is such a cute shrine. The section names are very original. Me like. Karato fans, go here. ^~



Jaded NEW!

Peoples. this is Digimon Fansite history here. Go on and tell the Guiness World Book of Records, they have a new entry! ^_^ Kaorichan's website, Jaded, is the first English Yamako site, so yeah yeah yay! *grin*

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll add s'more when I find new sites. ^_^

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All links belong to their respectful and really cool owners. ^_^