Hiyas! Welcome to Loss for Words, a Yamato Ishida Clique. Yes, you might be thinking 'What the heck? A Yamato Ishida Clique!? What up with that, foo?" Well, maybe not in those exact words, but something to that extent.
This clique was first thought of when I was in a 'Clique Happy' mood- joining any clique I wanted. I came across some fabulous cliques, and as you would expect, joined them. Soon, I came across a few cliques that were the kind where 'you can't get it if someone already does.' Ya know what I'm talkin' about. Once one thing is taken, you can't have it. These kind of cliques got me a bit, well... sad. I'm thinking 'Dangit! Why can't I find a clique that I think is cool?" And so, this clique was thought of... after many hours of thinking later. This Yama clique is very, very simple. So simple, you might even get confused by it. I wouldn't call this clique unique or not, cuz' I dunno much about cliques. All I know is this is my original idea. ^_^ Okay, this is how the clique goes. See all those words and phrases to the right? Well, which one do you think fits Yama the most, or which one would you most likely use to describe him? For example, if ya think Yama is sesky, just pick that word and it'll be in your lil' code thing. If ya think he's too hot to handle, you put that phrase in your code. ^_^
Of course, you can chose any code you want to put up on your site, since there's three. And about the words and phrases to the right: There are a LOT. And I mean a LOT. There's a lot of variety. So try not to pick one that already been chosen. If one has been chosen, it will have a number in ( ) in front of it. I mean, you could pick one that has been chosen, but just try not to. ^^; If you wanna 'submit' some new words or phrases, go ahead. Just not too long ones and it has to be an adjective that goes after the word 'is'. And everything you see in parantheses are substitution words. Meaning, if ya don't like 'sesky,' you can either use seksy or sessy.
Here are the codes can use to put on your site. Make sure you get the HTML exactly like it is right here. You can change the colors to match your site. You can also change Yamato's name to Yama, Matt, etc. All of the other 'variations.' ^^ And replace 'your word here' with what word or phrase you chose. <font face="Tahoma"><a href="https://www.angelfire.com/anime/marisan/clique.htm"><font size="1">Yamato</font></a><font size="1"> | Your word here</font></font> It should look like this: Yamato | Your word here <font size="1" face="tahoma"><a href="https://www.angelfire.com/anime/marisan/clique.htm">Yamato is</a> :: your word here</font> It should look like this: Yamato is :: your word here <font size="1" face="tahoma">·:<a href="https://www.angelfire.com/anime/marisan/clique.htm">Yamato is</a>|your word here:· </font> It should look like this:·:Yamato is|your word here:· Note: To do this · symbol, hold ALT and press 0183.
You've gotta email me at marisumi_san@hotmail.com with the following:
Here are the very cool people who have joined this clique. ^_^ BUT!! If I check up on your site (Which I WILL) and see that you do not have the code up, I will label you as a 'nirk'. No offense or anything by it, of course! I only did that so you'll stick out and so you can suffer! Plus, I was bored at the time. ^^; Don't make me do this, because... *gets down on knees* some of you are really kind people and awesome webmasters and mistresses. If you have deleted your site tho, well, I'll just delete you as a member. ^^;
Remember, if you sent an application but are not listed up here or replied to, e-mail me again. ^_~ Disclaimer: Loss for Words- A Yamato Ishida Clique is brought to you by: Kellogs. No, just kidding. Anyhoo, this was brought to ya by Mari-San, webmistress of MYIS. Please do not copy this clique idea or the layout. If I copied you or anybody, I'm sorry. I didn't know. ^^; This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer and in 1024 x 268 resolution. And make sure you view the page text in 'normal' mode. This Yama clique was made in late August 2000 and who knows when I released it. ^_^ If you are having any problems, email me at marisumi_san@hotmail.com and I'll help ya. Bye now! ^~ |