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Hastings! We have done it! We have found Matt!
Oh, you should give yourself a pat on the back. Go on. ^_^

Finally you found me!"Matt! Thank God we have found you! I'm lost, lost without you!" *pause* "How do you feel?"
"I'm relieved... and tired. I've been stuck in this place for over an hour! But I'm glad you guys finally found me. I wouldn't know how to get out of this place if my life depended on it. How did you ever get here anyway?"
"My friend, Hastings, and I used our head to get through sets of doors to find you. And voila! Here we are!"
"Hmm, clever."
*muffled voice* "Maaaatt?? Are you in there!?"
"Oh no! It's Jun!"
"No worries. We will just take the elevator. HURRY!"
Then the three of us exit safely and head to Krispy Kreme Donuts, where we meet up with 'Iat.'


Oh Hastings, I am so proud of you! You are a master sleuth, indeed! Here, have this badge as a memento of our journey.

Aren't you so proud?
Lovely, isn't it?

Head on back to Laughs and Candy