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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!


You want to submit stuff? Read this first. Remember, it HAS to have Yama as be one of the main subjects, or it can be a group thing. ^_^

About Fanart

Let's talk about submitting fanart, shall we? ^_^ Okay, I'd probably accept any nice fanart, just follow the guidelines:

About Fanfiction

Now let's talk about submitting fanfiction. It's a whole lot different than fanart, but then again, is really quite alike...

Are you all done reading the guidelines? Great, you can read! Now can you type an e-mail about sending things to me? You so kind. ^_~

Thanks so much again for your wonderful submission! ^_~

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