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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!


Just a lil ginga' of a section filled with site shtuff that is un-Yama, like past layouts, hit banners, sparkly site awards, and other spiffed out things like that. *grins*  Sorta like the Miscellaneous page, but I didn't wanna call it Miscellaneous because that would be just plain mean. ^_^;

Awards and Gifties Updated? Absurdity!
*eyes turn all googly-moogly* This section makes me cry with joy... frealz.
Fan-Shtuff Guidelines
Do you wanna send your crazy-cool things to be displayed with pride!? You do!?? Great. Clicka!
Questions that are Asked Frequently
Because saying FAQ sounds like a bad word.
Here you can take a gander at the site's past hit banners. ^_^
Old Layouts
Just what the title says. ^^;
Shtuff of the Week Archive
A huge place where you can view all the past questions and my thoughts/rants of that week.

H-yuk h-yuk, that's it. ^_^

Return me to the Main Page, Sparky!

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