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Matt: Ah! Not this game again!
Mari-San: What's wrong with this game? It's fun!
Matt: ¬_¬
Mari-San: Alrighty... let's begin!
Gang: Whoo!

6 Degrees with Yamato Ishida

Introduction to Game

Mari-San: Hello hello, and a hello. Welcome to this little game called 6 Degrees with Yamato Ishida. I am your game host, Mari-San! ^_^ And the player of course will be you. The rest of the gang, Matt, Tai, Sora, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, TK, and Kari are here too to play along.

Matt: *groans* Why does it have to be about me?

Mari-San: Because this site is about you! *rolls eyes* Anyhoo, this game is practically like '6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon,' but only about Yama. The game goes like this. We have to see how a person is connected to Matt. For instance, let's pick an easy one. Ahem. How is Mrs. Kamiya connected to Matt?

Tai: Dude, that's easy!

Mari-San: I know it is, Tai. Let's show em first.

Everyone: *turns to the camera and grins*

Yamato Ishida

Mrs. Kamiya

Mari-San: Alrighty. So how is Mrs. Kamiya-

Tai: My mom!

Mari-San: -connected Matt?

Kari: Um, she knows him?

Mari-San: Let's say she doesn't know Matt.

Izzy: Ooh! I know!

Mari-San: So how can Mrs. Kamiya be connected to Matt, Izzy?

Izzy: It's simple, really. *clears throat* Mrs. Kamiya can know Matt since Tai is Mrs. Kamiya's son, and Tai knows Matt, due to such and such. That's 2 degrees. So the table would look like this:

Yamato Ishida

Mrs. Kamiya


Mari-San: That's right! People reading from their computers, you got it now?

Tai: I get it! That one was easy.

Sora: It's looks easy to me.

Izzy: I sure get it. Prodigious.

Joe: Me too.

TK: I think I get it...

Kari: I get! Well, I think I do.

Mimi: It looks simple enough.

Matt: Why does it have to be about me!?!

Everyone: *sweatdrops*

Mari-San: Well, now you know the game, but can you test your knowledge? Trust me. It won't be as simple as this. *grins* So...

Everyone: Let's start the game!

Matt: ...

Mari-San: You'll get used to it. ^^;

Click here to play the game. ^_^

Or go back to Laughs and Candy.

Disclaimer: Even though it's not an original game, this one about Yama is. ^_^ Please don't steal the idea, okay? This page was created July 26, 2000.