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Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): i KNEW you'd be on!
Flare193 (11:39 AM): hihihi
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): kinda freaky
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): Oo;
Flare193 (11:39 AM): lol
Flare193 (11:39 AM): ^_^
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): ^.^
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): I think i'm winning the bid for the sims
Flare193 (11:39 AM): kewl!
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): there's been alot of them lately
Tenshimonslight (11:39 AM): Oo;
Flare193 (11:40 AM): ^^'
Tenshimonslight (11:40 AM): BUT i get another game too
Tenshimonslight (11:40 AM): ^.^
Tenshimonslight (11:40 AM): so i can sell that back on ebay when i get it
Flare193 (11:41 AM): ^_^
Flare193 (11:45 AM): take this personality test!
Flare193 (11:45 AM): it's really kewl!
Flare193 (11:45 AM):
Flare193 (11:55 AM): take the test! take the test!
Flare193 (11:55 AM): it's only four questions long
Tenshimonslight (11:55 AM): i am
Tenshimonslight (11:55 AM): but i'm half and half with each collomn
Flare193 (11:56 AM): ya gotta chooose one
Flare193 (11:59 AM): have you decided yet?
Tenshimonslight (11:59 AM): the FIRST one yeah
Flare193 (11:59 AM): ...
Flare193 (11:59 AM): the whole test only took ME less than five minutes -_-
Tenshimonslight (11:59 AM): well i'm CAREFULL
Tenshimonslight (12:00 PM): and i didn't know you gave it to me until like five minutes after
Flare193 (12:00 PM): i'll show you my results after you finish
Tenshimonslight (12:00 PM): kay
Tenshimonslight (12:00 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (12:00 PM): lol, aren't YOU lucky?
Tenshimonslight (12:00 PM): *blink*
Tenshimonslight (12:01 PM): I like relying on instinct
Tenshimonslight (12:01 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:01 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:03 PM): done yet?
Flare193 (12:12 PM): Finished yet?
Tenshimonslight (12:12 PM): YEAH
Flare193 (12:12 PM): LEMME SEEE
Flare193 (12:15 PM): ooo oo
Tenshimonslight (12:15 PM): *Julie’s answer from her persona test pop up*
Tenshimonslight (12:15 PM): haha
Tenshimonslight (12:15 PM): that'sa weird font
Flare193 (12:16 PM): you're the same as syd was!
Tenshimonslight (12:16 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:16 PM): now i show you mine!
Tenshimonslight (12:16 PM): Oo;
Tenshimonslight (12:16 PM): scary
Flare193 (12:17 PM): *claire’s profile to a persona test pops up with a line
saying: knowledge is important to you*
Flare193 (12:19 PM): it's exactly like me AND my digimon counterpart..
Tenshimonslight (12:19 PM): knowledge is important to you. HEHEEEEE 
Flare193 (12:19 PM): LOL! i didn't notice that!
Flare193 (12:19 PM): that's funny
Tenshimonslight (12:19 PM): MUAHHAHAAHAHHAHAAAAA!
Tenshimonslight (12:19 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:20 PM): but isn't it amazing how in four short questions it pretty
much sums up your whole personality?
Tenshimonslight (12:20 PM): listen to others cause I'M the one w/ the truth
Tenshimonslight (12:20 PM): MUAHAHHAAAAAA
Flare193 (12:20 PM): i think it fit me surprisingly well
Tenshimonslight (12:20 PM): :p
Tenshimonslight (12:20 PM): well DUH
Tenshimonslight (12:20 PM): Pyromaniac, rebel, RED
Flare193 (12:21 PM): lol
Tenshimonslight (12:21 PM): that's you in three words
Tenshimonslight (12:21 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:21 PM): they make me out to be a complete rebel dad
says i'm a rebel but not as big of a one as the one described there
Tenshimonslight (12:21 PM): ^.^
Flare193 (12:22 PM): ehhh heh heh
Flare193 (12:22 PM): ^^' my dad's afraid to take me to organized mass cuz he's
afraid my lil' bro and i would rebel against it
Tenshimonslight (12:22 PM): i can never find anyone to LIKE ME BACK
Flare193 (12:22 PM): eh?
Tenshimonslight (12:22 PM): *blink*
Tenshimonslight (12:22 PM): it says i fall in love easy
Tenshimonslight (12:22 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (12:23 PM): **thinks to all the glomps she gave that guy with the tai sn...**
Flare193 (12:23 PM): by she i mena YOU
Tenshimonslight (12:23 PM): well DUH
Flare193 (12:23 PM): lol
Flare193 (12:23 PM): you'd jump on his back
Flare193 (12:23 PM): that was funny
Tenshimonslight (12:23 PM): nad hug his neck
Tenshimonslight (12:23 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:23 PM): lol, yeah
Tenshimonslight (12:23 PM): hehe
Tenshimonslight (12:23 PM): DETAILS CLAIRE!
Flare193 (12:25 PM): ^_^
Tenshimonslight (12:25 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:33 PM): i wrote more in da claire prologue
Flare193 (12:33 PM): well...the re-writing of it anyway
Tenshimonslight (12:33 PM): yay?
Flare193 (12:33 PM): yes yay!
Flare193 (12:34 PM): now YOUUU get to read it
Tenshimonslight (12:34 PM): yay....
Flare193 (12:34 PM): ^_^
Flare193 (12:34 PM): lol
Flare193 (12:34 PM): *parts of Claire’s story pop up with a character named Nosomi*
Tenshimonslight (12:38 PM): Nozomi almsot sounds like IZUMI YA KNOW MUHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAA
Flare193 (12:38 PM): ^^'
Tenshimonslight (12:38 PM): you left me alone
Tenshimonslight (12:38 PM): ;;
Tenshimonslight (12:38 PM): what goes good w/ a scorpio?
Flare193 (12:39 PM): uhhh dunno
Flare193 (12:39 PM): other water signs....air signs...anything besides fire
Flare193 (12:39 PM): just about
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): HEHEEEE
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): HEY!
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): WE DIDN'T GET MIMI!
Flare193 (12:39 PM): ...
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): what should mimi be?
Flare193 (12:39 PM): taurus
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): ph yeah
Tenshimonslight (12:39 PM): *dot eyes*
Flare193 (12:40 PM): she puts a lot of value on physical stuff
Flare193 (12:40 PM): like taurus's are s'posed to
Tenshimonslight (12:40 PM): she HATES physical stuff
Tenshimonslight (12:40 PM): but she's spoiled
Flare193 (12:40 PM): O_o
Tenshimonslight (12:40 PM): she really likes the mall
Tenshimonslight (12:40 PM): ><
Flare193 (12:40 PM): but but she SEEMS like she values a lot of physicial clothing
Tenshimonslight (12:40 PM): but she says what she feels
Flare193 (12:40 PM): and taurus's are sincere
Tenshimonslight (12:41 PM): she hates pshyical ACTIVITY
Flare193 (12:41 PM): OHH
Flare193 (12:41 PM): nono, i don't mean physical activity i mean physical
stuff...things that you can touch and feel and stuff
Flare193 (12:41 PM): pretty much just possessions...
Tenshimonslight (12:41 PM): my dad and sis's are taurus's and my sis likes P.E.
and my dad used to do cross country track
Tenshimonslight (12:41 PM): *sweatdrop*
Flare193 (12:41 PM): kewl!
Flare193 (12:41 PM): ^_^
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): giving me the wrong impression
Flare193 (12:42 PM): taurus's are supposed to be self-indulgent
Flare193 (12:42 PM): and they don't like physical activity
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): ooooooh YEAH
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): ugh
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): well at least it fits mimi
Flare193 (12:42 PM): so that's why i chose taurus for mi mi
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:42 PM): yeah
Flare193 (12:42 PM): ^-^
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): no spaces claire
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): cla ire
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (12:42 PM): ahhhh whatever
Flare193 (12:42 PM): NO
Tenshimonslight (12:42 PM): AND JOE!
Flare193 (12:42 PM): GOING INTO...YAMA....LANGUAGE
Flare193 (12:42 PM): HELP
Tenshimonslight (12:43 PM): *hits head*
Flare193 (12:43 PM): joe...virgo
Flare193 (12:43 PM): and for sora...what IS sora's personality?
Flare193 (12:43 PM): as far as i can tell...she'd probably be a capricorn...
Tenshimonslight (12:43 PM): kinda like me sept not crazy
Tenshimonslight (12:43 PM): very mothery
Flare193 (12:43 PM): capricorns are ambitious and responsible
Tenshimonslight (12:43 PM): she could take over leadership if tai and matt were gone
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): or i'm not sure if izzy would
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (12:44 PM): heh
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): izzy and her are kinda the same in leadership skills
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): i guess
Flare193 (12:44 PM): i think izzy seems distant though
Flare193 (12:44 PM): like you said
Flare193 (12:44 PM): lol, he didn't care when mimi was all wigging out
Flare193 (12:44 PM): that was funny
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): but izzy has knowledge and sora has leadership from friends
Tenshimonslight (12:44 PM): that's cause she whines alot
Flare193 (12:45 PM): lol, yeah
Flare193 (12:45 PM): welll capricorn for sora
Tenshimonslight (12:45 PM): i think sora has good friendship skills that's
probally why in the series matt and sora got together
Flare193 (12:45 PM): ^-6
Flare193 (12:45 PM): love and friendship...
Flare193 (12:45 PM): bah
Tenshimonslight (12:45 PM): i know
Tenshimonslight (12:45 PM): friendship blooms into love
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): that's what i keep thinking
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): ¬.¬
Flare193 (12:46 PM): courage and truth go hand in hand
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): hehee
Flare193 (12:46 PM): ^_^
Flare193 (12:46 PM): it's true!
Flare193 (12:46 PM): ya gotta have courage to tell the truth!
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): well yeah
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): ^^;
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): i need tai to tell the truth
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (12:46 PM): then...sincerity and...reliability is it?
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): sounds like a prophecy
Tenshimonslight (12:46 PM): yeah
Flare193 (12:47 PM): yeah...sincerity and reliability ALSO go together
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): but WE don't want love and friendship
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): it's friendship and DREAMS
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (12:47 PM): well...that...kinda fits
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (12:47 PM): i mean dreams and friendship...
Flare193 (12:47 PM): kat and yama fit fine
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): There might be dreams and kindness
Tenshimonslight (12:47 PM): but NAAAH
Flare193 (12:48 PM): ...kindness?
Tenshimonslight (12:48 PM): kindness is ken
Flare193 (12:48 PM): ohhhh
Tenshimonslight (12:48 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:48 PM): then there's light and hope...that definetly goes together
Tenshimonslight (12:48 PM): yeeeep
Tenshimonslight (12:48 PM): Knowledge and spirt
Tenshimonslight (12:48 PM): hmmmmm
Flare193 (12:48 PM): wellllllll
Flare193 (12:48 PM): ummm
Flare193 (12:48 PM): dunno
Tenshimonslight (12:49 PM): you seem to fit in every way but that
Flare193 (12:49 PM): kinda
Tenshimonslight (12:49 PM): seriously spirit and courage might go together
Tenshimonslight (12:49 PM): so you could get davis
Tenshimonslight (12:49 PM): MUAHHAHAAAHHAHAHAHAA
Flare193 (12:49 PM): GAH! but he's...YOUNGER (dum dum dum....)
Flare193 (12:49 PM): and more of a hot head
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): he likes older women (i'm guessing)
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): heheeeee
Flare193 (12:50 PM): one hot head per relationship thank you very much
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): ^,^
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): so your stuck with izzy unless i make it izzy and sora
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): OO!!!!
Flare193 (12:50 PM): lol
Flare193 (12:50 PM): i'm fine with izzy
Flare193 (12:50 PM): he's smart!
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:50 PM): and and his hair's fluffy!
Flare193 (12:50 PM): ^-^
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): well DUH
Tenshimonslight (12:50 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): not as much in 02 tho
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): ;;
Flare193 (12:51 PM): and thanks to you i've grown rather attached to the little puffer fish...if i was to change couples...i dunno what i'd do...i feel...lost and confused...
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): he grew taller but gravity pulled his hair down more
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (12:51 PM): awww
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): awwww
Flare193 (12:51 PM): oh well...claire can have the puffy hair then
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): how cute!
Tenshimonslight (12:51 PM): PUFFER FISH!
Flare193 (12:51 PM): lol
Flare193 (12:52 PM): but he reminds me of a puffer fish!
Flare193 (12:52 PM): his hair does anyway
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (12:52 PM): ^^'
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): would ja mind if i sent this to myis?
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): Mari-san?
Flare193 (12:52 PM): sent what?
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): she's a yama site fanatic
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): this convo
Flare193 (12:52 PM): no, dun mind
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): PUFFER FISH!
Tenshimonslight (12:52 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:52 PM): lol
Flare193 (12:53 PM): puffer's just fun to call SOMEONE that
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): i wanna call my man puppy dog
Flare193 (12:53 PM): O_o
Flare193 (12:53 PM): **blinks**
Flare193 (12:53 PM): yessss
Flare193 (12:53 PM): oookie...then
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): does taichi sound like a puppy dog?
Flare193 (12:53 PM): you may do that
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:53 PM): LOL
Flare193 (12:53 PM): that's so random
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): i know
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): HEHEEE
Tenshimonslight (12:53 PM): i like it tho
Tenshimonslight (12:54 PM): RANDOMNESS!!
Tenshimonslight (12:54 PM): MUAHAHAAAAAA-
Flare193 (12:54 PM): ^-^
Tenshimonslight (12:54 PM): it aint that funny
Flare193 (12:54 PM): **nod**
Tenshimonslight (12:55 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:55 PM): ya know a girl does the voice of koushiro in america
Tenshimonslight (12:55 PM): so?
Tenshimonslight (12:55 PM): we're talkin character
Flare193 (12:55 PM): i found that...interesting
Tenshimonslight (12:55 PM): not VA
Flare193 (12:55 PM): ^_^
Tenshimonslight (12:55 PM): ash from pkmn was done by a girl
Flare193 (12:55 PM): i know
Tenshimonslight (12:56 PM): TAICHI WAS DONE BY A 30-45 YEAR OLD MAN!
Flare193 (12:56 PM): she also does the voice of amelia on slayers
Flare193 (12:56 PM): the girl who does the voice of ash, that is
Tenshimonslight (12:56 PM): well i DUNNO
Flare193 (12:56 PM): then the guy who does the voice of brock does the voice of
gourry in slayers too
Tenshimonslight (12:56 PM): i was crushed when i heard that taichi was done by a
guy old enought to be my dadda
Flare193 (12:56 PM): and then the person who did the voice of misty did the
voice of martina in slayers as well...
Flare193 (12:57 PM): lol
Tenshimonslight (12:57 PM): ugh
Flare193 (12:57 PM): ^^ remember, they're just anime characters
Tenshimonslight (12:57 PM): verionia taylor
Tenshimonslight (12:57 PM): that's ashie-boy
Tenshimonslight (12:57 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (12:57 PM): baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Tenshimonslight (12:57 PM): ^^
Flare193 (12:57 PM): i saw an interview with her
Flare193 (12:57 PM): she's funny
Flare193 (12:58 PM): nono...that was lisa ortiz that was funny
Tenshimonslight (12:58 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (12:58 PM): she was funny too actually
Tenshimonslight (12:58 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (12:58 PM): it was on the slayers dvd that flo has
Tenshimonslight (12:58 PM): ....
Flare193 (12:58 PM): hair's getting longer...must cut
Tenshimonslight (12:59 PM): OO?
Tenshimonslight (12:59 PM): we are VERY interesting people
Tenshimonslight (12:59 PM): ^.^
Flare193 (12:59 PM): yes'm
Flare193 (12:59 PM): 'course we are
Flare193 (12:59 PM): you written any more?
Tenshimonslight (12:59 PM): uuuuuuuuh
Tenshimonslight (12:59 PM): technically nooo
Flare193 (12:59 PM): oh
Tenshimonslight (1:00 PM): i should do something today
Tenshimonslight (1:00 PM): OH!
Tenshimonslight (1:00 PM): BRB!
Flare193 (1:00 PM): k
Tenshimonslight (1:00 PM): WE HAVE MILK!
Tenshimonslight (1:00 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:00 PM): ^^'
Flare193 (1:03 PM): bah
Tenshimonslight (1:03 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:03 PM): kid tested mother approved
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): kix
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): is
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): just
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): mini
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): corn
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): puffs
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): but i like it
Flare193 (1:04 PM): kewl
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): i still haven't tried resess puffs
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): because i saw ONE box left
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): but then i saw the kix
Tenshimonslight (1:04 PM): and we gots that instead
Tenshimonslight (1:05 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:05 PM): eh heh
Flare193 (1:05 PM): kewl, i think
Tenshimonslight (1:05 PM): i like caprisun
Tenshimonslight (1:05 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:05 PM): i is searchin' song lyrics...hmm whadya thing of this song for another one of claire's theme songs? or maybe it could be nash's...anyway i show...
Tenshimonslight (1:05 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:06 PM): *lyrics to random song pop up*
Flare193 (1:06 PM): **is listening to the song at the moment**
Flare193 (1:06 PM): ^-^
Tenshimonslight (1:06 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:07 PM): i like it as claire's better
Tenshimonslight (1:07 PM): cause Nash isnt' as teenagery as claire
Flare193 (1:07 PM): ^-^
Tenshimonslight (1:07 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:07 PM): another song to decide on...i think this would probably be
claire's but lemme find da lyrics
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): do you know catch me if you can?
Flare193 (1:08 PM): nopers
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): i think it's done by angelia Via
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): i THINK
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): i think that'll be Julie's theme
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:08 PM): kew;
Flare193 (1:08 PM): *kewl
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): even tho it says pokemon a few times in the song
Tenshimonslight (1:08 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (1:09 PM): lol
Tenshimonslight (1:09 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:09 PM): bahhh lyrics is being eeeevil
Flare193 (1:09 PM): but cha gotta love those lyrics
Tenshimonslight (1:10 PM): ?
Tenshimonslight (1:10 PM): huh?
Flare193 (1:10 PM): nope, it's lyrics planet
Tenshimonslight (1:11 PM): *blink*
Flare193 (1:12 PM): found it!
Tenshimonslight (1:12 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:13 PM): ^_^
Flare193 (1:13 PM): heeeere it is, da songs called never you mind
Flare193 (1:13 PM): *lyrics to never you mind pop up*
Tenshimonslight (1:14 PM): *shrug*
Tenshimonslight (1:14 PM): i think i like the first song better
Flare193 (1:15 PM): hmm you'd probably like the second one's music better if you
heard it though
Flare193 (1:15 PM): lol! fun song!
Tenshimonslight (1:15 PM): hmmm
Flare193 (1:15 PM): by ben folds five
Tenshimonslight (1:15 PM): *shrug*
Tenshimonslight (1:15 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:15 PM): well it's really only funy if you hear it
Tenshimonslight (1:16 PM): *lyrics to catch me if you can pop up*
Tenshimonslight (1:16 PM): there
Tenshimonslight (1:16 PM): YAY
Flare193 (1:19 PM): SO
Flare193 (1:19 PM): MANY
Flare193 (1:19 PM): REPEATS
Tenshimonslight (1:19 PM): i know
Tenshimonslight (1:19 PM): but it's cool
Tenshimonslight (1:19 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:20 PM): ^-^ i like some of the lyrics
Tenshimonslight (1:20 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:20 PM): yeep
Tenshimonslight (1:20 PM): it's bouncy
Flare193 (1:20 PM): *lyrics to underground pop up*
Tenshimonslight (1:21 PM): sounds almost Izzy like
Tenshimonslight (1:21 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:21 PM): ^.^
Tenshimonslight (1:21 PM): yayish
Flare193 (1:21 PM): lol
Flare193 (1:22 PM): only it has to do with the mosh scene
Flare193 (1:22 PM): and mohawks ^^'
Tenshimonslight (1:22 PM): i don't get that
Flare193 (1:22 PM): lol I was never kewl in skool
Flare193 (1:22 PM): i'm sure you don't remember me
Flare193 (1:22 PM): and now it's been ten years, i'm still wondering who to be
Flare193 (1:23 PM): but i'd love to mix in circles, cliques, and social
coterieessss-----that's me!
Flare193 (1:23 PM): so hand me my nose ring!
Tenshimonslight (1:23 PM): it's been days since you looked at me
Flare193 (1:23 PM): show me the mosh pit!
Flare193 (1:23 PM): we can be happy underground
Flare193 (1:23 PM): lol
Tenshimonslight (1:23 PM): that's the start of the song that happened when tai
and sora got in a fight about the hair clip
Tenshimonslight (1:23 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:24 PM): lol
Tenshimonslight (1:25 PM): gimme caprisun and mac and cheese and i'll be happy
for a while
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): or cheese pizza with mr. pibb
Flare193 (1:26 PM): MR.PIBB!
Flare193 (1:26 PM): YESSS
Flare193 (1:26 PM): MR.PIBB ROCKS MAN
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): or spegettio's with SUNNY DELIGHT!!!
Flare193 (1:26 PM):
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): i like it betta than dr. pepper
Flare193 (1:26 PM): yeah!
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): dr pepper...
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): is made...
Tenshimonslight (1:26 PM): from.....
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): PRUNES...
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): mr pibb...
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): is made...
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): from....
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): CHERRIES!!!
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): yay
Flare193 (1:27 PM): fun!
Tenshimonslight (1:27 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:27 PM): **is in macho chick mode**
Flare193 (1:28 PM): lol, i'm lifting weights hahaha
Tenshimonslight (1:28 PM): your always in the mode
Tenshimonslight (1:28 PM): *that
Tenshimonslight (1:28 PM): MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA
Tenshimonslight (1:28 PM): me gettin bored
Flare193 (1:29 PM): workin' on lower arm strength **nod**
Flare193 (1:29 PM): well not always
Flare193 (1:29 PM): sometimes i'm in poetic writer mode
Flare193 (1:29 PM): or moody guitarist mode
Flare193 (1:29 PM): or just plain goof ball mode
Tenshimonslight (1:29 PM): ..
Tenshimonslight (1:29 PM): goof ball and macho are your modes
Tenshimonslight (1:29 PM): HAHAA
Flare193 (1:30 PM): ^-^
Flare193 (1:30 PM): welll when i'm writing a romance scene--wait wait...romance scene...romance scene...crap...not any REAL romance scenes
Tenshimonslight (1:31 PM): *blink*
Tenshimonslight (1:31 PM): whats always weird about digimon relationships in
fanfics is that
Flare193 (1:32 PM): hm?
Tenshimonslight (1:32 PM): they find a way to say i love after it's been burning
in their heart from the first moment they saw *he/r* and then when they do tell
them, they say I LOVE YOU not i like you or anything like that and they
celebrate by making out
Flare193 (1:32 PM): LOL
Tenshimonslight (1:32 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:33 PM): well that's not what your fanfic is gonna be like, right?
Tenshimonslight (1:33 PM): hoooooo NOOOO
Flare193 (1:33 PM): i mean...claire and koushiro weren't in love at first sight, RIGHT?!?!?!
Tenshimonslight (1:33 PM): noooooo
Flare193 (1:33 PM): **doesn't quite believe in love at first site...**
Tenshimonslight (1:33 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:33 PM): *sight
Tenshimonslight (1:33 PM): *believes in PHSYICAL REACTION at first sight*
Tenshimonslight (1:34 PM): HAHA
Flare193 (1:34 PM): lol
Flare193 (1:34 PM): ohhh no no! you just reminded me of science class puberty talk
Flare193 (1:34 PM): ack guys AND girl together
Tenshimonslight (1:34 PM): *sweatdrop*
Tenshimonslight (1:34 PM): we watched the guys video after we watched the girls video
Flare193 (1:34 PM): physical reaction...guys...>_<
Tenshimonslight (1:34 PM): ¬.¬
Flare193 (1:35 PM): god, poor guys
Flare193 (1:35 PM): oh well, they don't have to suffer through cramps so HA
Tenshimonslight (1:35 PM): I KNEW WHAT YOU MEANT CLAIRE!!!
Flare193 (1:44 PM): baaaaaah
Flare193 (1:53 PM): bah
Tenshimonslight (1:54 PM): if i watch two movies, then i should be able to have
the auction end
Tenshimonslight (1:54 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (1:54 PM): eh eh?
Tenshimonslight (1:54 PM): i think i'll go now
Flare193 (1:54 PM): ahhhH!
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): if i watch two movies, then the auction should have
ended by then
Flare193 (1:55 PM): **sigh** only if you MUST...**dramatic sigh**
Flare193 (1:55 PM): heh
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): ^^
Flare193 (1:55 PM): what if someone bids higher than you though?
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): well BAI i guess
Flare193 (1:55 PM): i bet someone'll bid at the very end though
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): my maximum bid is 40.56
Flare193 (1:55 PM): so keep an eye on ebay
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): and right now it's only 31.56
Tenshimonslight (1:55 PM): BUT IT'S FOUR HOURS AWAY!!
Flare193 (1:56 PM): well watch a movie and go back and forth between the movie and ebay
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): naw
Flare193 (1:56 PM): ^^'
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): cause then we can't chat
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): :P
Flare193 (1:56 PM): s'okay, i was just giving ya bidding tips
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): well it's kinda OBVIOUS
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): look back to it when it's ENDING
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): ^^;
Flare193 (1:56 PM): k
Tenshimonslight (1:56 PM): see ya lata
Flare193 (1:57 PM): k
Flare193 (1:57 PM): byebye
Tenshimonslight (1:57 PM): i'm gonna wear my white shirt with a pear made outta gems today
Tenshimonslight (1:57 PM): Oo;
Flare193 (1:57 PM): heh, fun
Tenshimonslight (1:57 PM): my mom gots it fo rme, but it's cute
Tenshimonslight (1:57 PM): ^^
Tenshimonslight (1:57 PM): baaai
Flare193 (1:57 PM): bye

Are you leaving this page intrigued? Really? Goooooood. It's all part of phase two. Mwahahaha!

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