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Wanna Be A Knock-Off Matt?
"It's smooth as buttah, babay."
Soo... you wanna be a Matt wannabe, eh?
(for boys and girls)

Do you admire Matt SO much that you wanna be exactly like him? As in LOOKING like him? Well, have no fear!

In this section, the best of the best of Yama expertise will guide you on your conquest. They will help you be an exact replica of the one and only, Yamato Ishida. They will be with you step by step as you go along with the amazing trasnformation. There are going to be a ton of processes, but it will all work out with an awesome result. They will help you through hair, wardrobe, talents, personality, and more. Your dream will come true. You will be (almost) identical to your fave DigiBoy. It's going to be a dream. A dream come true...

... But unfortunately, they couldn't make it, so I will be helping you instead. ^_^

*rubs hands together* So okay now, let's get started. ^^

Blueprints for 01 Look- Um, Yama Print 

The Yama Print. Step 1: Hair
Step 2: Face
Step 3:Top and Gloves
Step 4: Jeans
Step 5: Shoes

I think you're a loon to do any of this, especially the hair. But I gotta admit, you're a true fan. You go!  ^^

Note: This is best worn at Halloween or costume parties, cuz if you walk down the street like this (with the hair), people are gonna throw things at you. Hey, I just care about your safety. ^^;

#1: The Hair
The Goal- Have the trademark spike-ness!

Step one- Make it blonde.

It's only logical, since Yama's a blonde. ^_^;

Okay, if you already have blonde hair, no problem for you, eh? ^_^ Strawberry-blondes, dirty blondes, whatever blondes, go pat yourself on the back! Just sit there for a moment while I talk to the non-blondes.

*ahem* Okay, here's what you do. Either dye it blonde, or bleach it. I suggest you DO NOT bleach your hair, cuz I'm afraid your hair will fall off and I'm gonna get blamed. =P If you have really dark hair, like black or brown, use a really really light blonde dye. It works. I've seen it myself. Your hair turns to a tan-ish color, close to Yama's hair. ^_^

Advice- Use a dye that only stays for a short period of time, okay? Also, use one that easily washes off. I mean, some people aren't meant to be a Yama look-alike. ^^;

But for those who DO NOT wanna dye your hair, I can understand. I wouldn't wanna dye my hair a totally different color. Okay, here's what you do.

Buy a wig.

^_^; Believe me, it'll work. For you long haired chicas, you wouldn't wanna cut your hair short, so just buy a wig. Just put your long tresses into a bun, then the wig over it. Simple as that. ^^

Here's more info if you're gonna use a wig.

: : Wig : :

~ The wig should be blonde- Heh, duh. *rolls eyes*
~ Wig should be shoulder length- That way, you could make the spikes. Remember, Yama DIDN'T cut his hair in 02. He combed it down. I know a lot of people who agree with me on that. ^~
~ Wig should be straight, not curly.

Okay, you've got the hair color of blonde. You've finished step one. Next step, please...

Step two- Add the spike to it.

:: You need ::
~ Lots of gel
~ Hairspray
~Glue (maybe)- ONLY for the wig, of course. ^^;

Okay, we all know that to look like Yama you need the spikes in the hair. I mean, c'mon! ^_^ Whether you are gonna use a wig or not, there's only about way to spike the hair. Note: Have a picture of Yama handy to be more accurate. ^_^

Advice: If you have a wig instead, don't spike the hair while you're wearing the wig. Put it on the table and gel it then, experitmenting to see if it looks good enough. Once you're satisfied, you can put the wig on.

Okay, it's really hard to explain how to add the spikey-ness, since it's so simple, but here's how you do it.

Hair- Blonde, spiky1. Make a parting in your hair, off to the right side of your face, like Yama.
2. Then make it part of the hair somewhat into bangs, over your left eye.
3. Make the spikes into that. Just take a pinch full of hair, then apply the gel.
4. To your hair to the left of the parting, make the spikes looking like it's curving downward. Make the spikes only from the side of your head.
5. For your hair on the right side, pull it back to the back of your head with a bit of gel. Leave only a few strands to be seen.
6. For the top of your haid, apply a lot of gel to make spikes, making it look like it's pointing and curving to the right.

Well, that's about it for the spiking. After that, apply hairspray for it to stay on a little longer and for a stronger hold. ^_^

#2: The Face
The Goal- Nothing, really. Just a lil thing to add to the look.

Well, there's nothing you can really do to the face to look more like Yama. In fact, I think just having the hair and clothes is about it. ^^;

There IS one thing though. *ahem* Looking at Yama, what's the first thing you notice? (No, no the hair!)

The eyes.

That's about it, really. *sweatdrop* Already have blue eyes? Wow, you're good. ^^;

Don't have blue eyes? Well, there's nothing you can really do. You can't change your eye color, except maybe getting contacts. I don't want you to buy anything tho. Save your money for the Yama memoribilia. ^_^

Hmm... that's all. Nothing ellse to do to the face.

Oh, and don't worry about skin color. You can't change that to look like Yama. Just be proud of it! Whoo! ^_~ Whether if you have dark or light skin, anybody who goes through looking like Yama will always be very admirable. (Sure, you get a few weird glances from people, but that doesn't matter. You're a fan, babay! ^^)

 #3: Tops and Gloves
The Goal- To perfect his signature clothing.

Step One- Shirt

Alrighty, you have made it this far! I applaud you. ^_^

Okay, this is the part where you have to spend a bit of money. Don't go 'awww' at me! Hey, it was your choice to be a knock-off. Deal with it. 

It won't be hard to find the shirt. Oh, and for a lil' fact...

The shirt that Yama wears in 01 is a turtleneck. Duh. =P I mean, it is a turtleneck, only short-sleeved. It can also be called a high neck or cowl neck, tho a cowl neck is a bit more fancy.

Since a high-neck is the 'rage,' it won't be hard finding it at a store. ^_^ I see girls wear this all the time. I dunno about 11-year old skinny blonde boys though... *ahem* So anyhoo, you'll find these anywhere. Just buy it green. There are many different colors. Buy green. It's just so obvious, it makes my head hurt.

Sorry for the crappy editing. *shrugs* It has to do. ^^;"Don't wanna spend money?"

That's okay. Just borrow your friend's. ^_~

"But my friend doesn't have a shirt like that!"

The answer is simple then. Got a blue/light blue mixed longsleeve? Perfect then! You can dress up as the adorable baby Yama. ^_^ Have a brown buttoned-up w/ collar longsleeve? Perfecto! Dress up as Yama from 'Bokura no Wargame' when it's six months after the end of 01. Sigh... so many possiblities. Be creative. ^_~

"But I want the green shirt, dammit!"

Sheesh, fine then. *roll eyes* Now you have to experiment a bit. If you have a regular, green tank top, I suppose you could use that. BUT if you have an old turtleneck that would still fit you, just chop off the sleeves.

WARNING!! Ask a parent to help cut off the sleeves.

Lol. Just kidding. ^_^;

But you might wanna ask your parents about this first. Heck, if I had a kid who would just cut their clothes whenever they wanted, I'd be ticked. 

Okay, so you cut off the sleeves and now have a Yama T-Shirt! Yaaaay! 

But wait.... it's not green! Wah!!


Have no fear! If it's white, just say "Oh, I'm Yama from heaven. That's why it's white." or if it's blue say "That's the crest color! It's only practical." Or if it's multicolored, well... make something up. *sweatdrop* I dun care! Make something up and have a good excuse! I mean, just you having the same style is a plus! ^^;

That's about it for the shirts. Moving right along...

Step Two- Gloves

Okay, I dun wanna explain this cuz I'm tired.

They're just gloves. In fact, you don't even NEED them. There's been plenty of times when Yama didn't wear them. Like when he was cooking in "WereGarurumon's Diner." *stops to think about the episode* Oh, where as I? Oh yes. Anyhoo, you don't really need the gloves.

But if you do want them, here are the basic things:

~It has to be brown.
~It only goes up to around your wrist.
~That's all.
~Okay, bye bye.

That's about it. You'll find them anywhere. Where, you ask? At a glove shop. Duh. Use your head. ^_^

 #4: Blue Jeans
The Goal- Need some pants to wear.
 Anyone who does not own a pair of jeans, please stand up.
*cricket chirps*
I thought so.
Okay, I'm assuming you have a pair of jeans. I mean, practically everyone has. ^_^ But if you don't, just go to a thrift store and buy one there. Don't waste your money on $50 Designer Jeans.
So anyhoo, you've got the jeans. Yay! 
For that special Yama touch, make the ends of your jeans (at the bottom of the leg) cuffed. This will work if your jeans are long. To cuff them, simply fold them up. If they don't stay, use a stapler. ^_^; Hey, it works for me.
Ta-da! You are done in this department. Final phase, please.

#5: The Shoes
The Goal- It's the final step, babay!
Yesh! You are just a step to ending this thing and being a Yama Wannabe!! Feeling proud, yet? ^^
Okay, you need the brown boots. Where can you get them? At shoe stores, specifically ones that sell boots. *pause* I am not kidding. I'm being dead serious here. ^^; Sad, ain't it? I dun know where you CAN find brown boots, but I'm pretty sure they're out there. Somewhere.
Anyhoo, the boots should be the ones where you just slip em on or zippered ones, not lace-up ones. Lace-ups are okay, tho that's not the kind  Yama wears. ^_^
Okay, I think I've given enough information here....
So ladee-da... Scroll down.

WHOOOOO!!!  You did it!

*fanfare plays*

Did ya enjoy that? ^_^ Tell me what you think. Even better....

Tell me if ya actually did it.

Really. ^_^ I wanna know if there are real hard-core Yama fans out there! E-mail me telling that you actually did it, and I'll prolly believe you cuz I'm a caring person and also cuz I'm pretty gullible. =P You're name will be immortalized on this site forever. I'll make a Hall of Fame page if anyone actually goes through with this. And you have to complete this all. ALL OF IT. Hair, Clothes, everything. If you have Yama's attitude, then omigod... You ARE a fan. ^^;;

And if you did some of it, well... good for you. Nah, kidding. ^_^ I'll put your name on the Hall of Fame too. See how nice I am? ^_^

So consider doing this or just read through the whole thing again, trying to believe I actually made a section about this. *shrugs* Hey, you know me. Yama fans will do ANYTHING. ^~

Gah! Get me outta this whack page!
Take me home to Laughs and Candy!

Legal Dislclaimer: Okay, lemme just say one thing: DO NOT COPY. Why? I'll do something horrible. It's worse then death. *laughs evily* I happen to know for a fact this is an original idea. Why? Because I thought of it. And if I see you copying this idea on your page, hell is going to break loose. That's how proud I am of this page. So don't be a biter, okay? This page is an original idea, brought to you by Mari-San. Created September 27, 2000.