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Outsyder: back, ya know. dumb sistah... *We had disconnected for his sister had to use the phone*
MariSan: Okay.
Outsyder: so... what subject were we on?
MariSan: I forgot.
Outsyder: oh well.. all's lost, now...
MariSan: Didja go to the midi place?
Outsyder: nah...
MariSan: Well ,there's Britney there.
Outsyder: hey, when you think of the title "runaway
train," what do you think of?

MariSan: A train running away. *Duh. ^_^*
Outsyder: [rolls eyes and sighs]
MariSan: Well what do you expect from me?
MariSan: ^_^;
Outsyder: [shrugs] yeah... ah guess...
MariSan: Hey, can I post this conversation up?
Outsyder: ah was thinkin' more along the lines of a
troubled teen running away from his/her problems.

Outsyder: post up where?
MariSan: On my site.
Outsyder: uh... why?
MariSan: Can I call you Jun2? ^_^ *Hee hee.*
Outsyder: for laughs and candy?
MariSan: There's this Convo section.
MariSan: Yeah.
Outsyder: uh... [raises eyebrow] hmm...
MariSan: Why not?
MariSan: Can your screen name Jun2? ^_^
Outsyder: why so?
MariSan: Cuz... I want to. ^_^
Outsyder: i don't have an s/n like dat. =P
MariSan: Not your REAL screen name!
MariSan: I'm gonna keep your real one a secret.
Outsyder: why is my name on your site?
MariSan: Huh?
Outsyder: augh... never mind... confusion...
MariSan: So... can I??
Outsyder: dunno... can i keep my s/n?
MariSan: *censored*?
MariSan: People will IM you then.
Outsyder: and?
MariSan: Er... *thinks about this*
MariSan: Um...
MariSan: You're confusing me!!!
Outsyder: if ah write scripts for your site, will you post it?
MariSan: Sure.
Outsyder: what's l&c?
MariSan: L&C is Laughs and Candy.
Outsyder: ah...
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: hmm... can ah be part of myis?
Outsyder: ...worth a shot...
MariSan: Like what?
MariSan: I can handle it myself fine.
MariSan: You don't have too.
Outsyder: dunno. just wanna be part of sumthin'...
MariSan: A contributor of ideas? ^^
Outsyder: yeah... i guess...
MariSan: So... got an idea?
MariSan: But.. you're not much of a Yama fan. *I dunno why though*
Outsyder: i could build a myis building using building architect plus and take a screen shot of it and call it myis headquarters
MariSan: WHY AREN'T YOU!?! *I asked why he wasn't a Yama fan. ^_^*
MariSan: Cool. ^_^
Outsyder: i'm making the mansion used in my scripts.
MariSan: Put pictures of Yama everywhere, of course.
MariSan: Can you take pictures of it?
Outsyder: do ah look like an male-animated fan? oh.. wait
a minute...

MariSan: The building must have lots of green, or anything Yama

Outsyder: i dunno if i can add yama images...
MariSan: Oh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Outsyder: i'm bored... and i can't find the script to "the man without a face..." i really wanna read that #\@X&in' script...
MariSan: What's that movie again?
Outsyder: it's hot today... ah'm gonna go turn the fan on...
MariSan: Kat.
MariSan: Kay, I mean.
Outsyder: kit...
MariSan: Gimme a break.
Outsyder: the man without a face. i just said it.
MariSan: I know, but what's the plot?
Outsyder: [ponders if he should continue the song]
Outsyder: uh... sumthin'.
MariSan: Oh.
Outsyder: lemme go get a review and paste it here. -_-;;
MariSan: Uh, sure.
Outsyder: nah... ah won't do dat.
MariSan: Okay then.
MariSan: You talking to *censored*?
Outsyder: nah.. just downloadin' sumthin.
MariSan: Oh.
Outsyder: why?
MariSan: Nothin.
MariSan: *yawns*
Outsyder: if i can't read the script, might as well go buy the book at b. dalton or something.
MariSan: That's cool...
MariSan: This conversation is going at 0 speed.
Outsyder: can you handle real knives?
MariSan: Yeah.
MariSan: Why?
Outsyder: oh.. okay...
MariSan: I have a sword too.
MariSan: Well, a plastic one...
MariSan: But still. ^_^  *I'm ranting about knives. ^^*
Outsyder: 'cause ya scare me with one in the forror script.
Outsyder: horror, ah mean.
MariSan: But I DO have a Japanese sword...
MariSan: Well, a Japanese MINI Sword.
MariSan: And it ain't plastic.
MariSan: Well, it's NOT mine.
MariSan: But still. *MORE ranting*
Outsyder: hmmm...
MariSan: *sweatdrop*
Outsyder: here's what i got in the knife scene... wanna read it? i'll just paste it here.
MariSan: OR... you can send me the script. ^_^

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Outsyder: for some weird reason, ah'm so obsessed with lines in every movie ah watch.
MariSan: ^^;
MariSan: You know what that means, don't you?
Outsyder: also, after the ending of a movie, ah'm all sad 'cause ah dunno what happens later on.
Outsyder: no, ah don't know.
MariSan: You're... a movie fanatic! You're gonna grow up to be Roger Ebert. ^_^
Outsyder: oh no... the fat guy that gets paid for eating popcorn and watching movies... then again... *sweatdrop*
Outsyder: that's pretty cool.
MariSan: ^^;
MariSan: I have a joke.
MariSan: How did the person die drinking milk? 
Outsyder: uh... me, too.... um... never mind.
MariSan: The cow fell on her.
Outsyder: -_-;;
MariSan: LOL! *Hey, I thought it was funny. ^^*
Outsyder: yeah... i think i read that one on
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: Didja sign up?
Outsyder: yeah.
MariSan: Cool.
Outsyder: yeah... kew'...
MariSan: Ebonics 101... *sigh*
Outsyder: remember 'dem haf naked guys running on logs? *Woah, what a subject change. Anyhoo, I saw that. Funny as Hell. ^_^* -_-;;
MariSan: Don't grown up to be Justin 'Timbalake' ^_^ 
MariSan: Yeah. ^_^
MariSan: Funny, eh? ^^
Outsyder: hey! that reminds me... what was the addy to that n sync humor page? i wanna show mah sistah.
Marisan: We were all laughing...
Outsyder: if ya don't mind.
MariSan: Okay, hold on. ^_^
MariSan: I know it by heart. ^_^
MariSan: I LOVE that site.
MariSan: I'm gonna order something from it too.
Outsyder: and ah'm not talking ebonics... more like what ah pick up from mel gibson, that australian guy that does all the animal shows, and some other aussies... mate. -_-;;
MariSan: Tell *censor* that it's the FUNNIEST humor site, I've ever been too, other than Bimbo and Blondie- A JC and Justin Humor site. ^_^
MariSan: Well, 'ah'm' is not Aussie.
Outsyder: jc? a bimbo?
MariSan: It's Ebonics.
MariSan: Yeah.
MariSan: You SHOULD see the pictures.
Outsyder: yeah it is...
Outsyder: or at least, that's what ah think.
MariSan: He was staring at Britney's, well... ya know. LOL. *Sweatdrop*
MariSan: And these other girls too.
Outsyder: er... -_-;;;
MariSan: Funny. ^_^
Outsyder: interesting...
MariSan: "I like girls for their personality" my ASS! *I said the 'a' word. Oooh. =P*
MariSan: *laughs*
Outsyder: maybe their body's personality...?
MariSan: Riiight...
MariSan: Hold on for a minute.
Outsyder: like, curvy... big... things like that. -_-;;
MariSan: Yeah. ^_^
Outsyder: "rest in piece..." "runaway train..." titles suitable for mah next scripts...
MariSan: It's disgusting, but funny. Lil' crackhead perv. ^_^ *JC Shh-zay, that is.*
Outsyder: jc's not a crackhead... er, is he?
Outsyder: well, anyway, they're all gay.
MariSan: I'm pretty sure.
MariSan: Yes, they ACT gay, but I'm sure they're not. ell, I'm sure JC, Justin, Chris, and Joey aren't.
MariSan: I dunno about Lacy- Er, I mean Lance.
MariSan: JC is a crackhead. 99% sure.
MariSan: He even says so.
Outsyder: cha cha boochie... cha cha cha boochie... role call! my name is lance bass... i like men's ass... -_-;;... i kissed this girl... from seventh heaven... SHE'S A BAD KISSER!! [rolls on the floor, laughing]
MariSan: In the Top 40 Unedited.
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: er... those two last lines suck. -_-;;
MariSan: What does LMAO mean?
Outsyder: uh?
MariSan: Like Lol in laugh out loud.
MariSan: What does LMAO mean? *Am I the ONLY person who does not know what that means?*
MariSan: is, I mean.
Outsyder: laughing manly and... ovulatingly? -_-;;
MariSan: Er, yeah...
MariSan: Never mind. ^_^
MariSan: Have you seen the new Coke commercials?
MariSan: Funny. ^_^
Outsyder: yeah.. da one wit' da gramma?
MariSan: Uh-huh. And the two best friends.
MariSan: Well, former best friends.
Outsyder: um... nah.. ah haven't seen that one.
MariSan: Oh, the gramma one is funny.
MariSan: Ya know who's my fave in NSync?
MariSan: The Stever.
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: Nah, kidding. JC is.
Outsyder: uh...
MariSan: ^_^;
Outsyder: so's anything going on? i was hoping to go to your house someday and bring simcity 3000.
MariSan: Cool.
MariSan: Hold on a minute.
Outsyder: aight...
MariSan: Back.
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: [humming while dancing] every little thing i do... never seems enough for you... you don't wanna loose it again...
MariSan: I know the whole dance.
Outsyder: so watcha do?
MariSan: Well, up to the break-down part.
Outsyder: er... -_-;;
MariSan: I have to show you.
Outsyder: break-down?
Outsyder: ah mean, what did ya do when ya left?
MariSan: That's when they have an instumental and they dance.
Outsyder: oh... is it in the track?
MariSan: I looked at who got casted away on Digi-Survivor. *^_^*
MariSan: Yeah.
MariSan: I just know the first part to the break-down.
Outsyder: survivor is sad.
MariSan: I know.
MariSan: Boo-hoo or lame?
MariSan: I think it's a bit lame.
Outsyder: so is baby-sitting *censor* and *censor* and not getting paid for it.
Outsyder: but *censor* does, and she doesn't even do anything.
MariSan: In break-down: Bob head to left and right....
MariSan: Thrust...
MariSan: Touch knees together repeatedly while bouncin'
MariSan: and some other shtuff. ^_^
Outsyder: i know... i saw joey do it on the music video... lucky for me, they showed the whole thing on trl when i taped it.
MariSan: Cool.
MariSan: I saw the concert, so... that's why. *On Hobo. I mean, HBO.*
Outsyder: oh...
Outsyder: it only took me 10 minutes to get the wholechorus right, and half of jc's verse.
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: Cool.
MariSan: I know the beginning pretty good.
Outsyder: chyna's inside... *The Chow Chow ^_^.*
MariSan: I know Bye3 too/
Outsyder: i know the "you might been hurt, babe"...
MariSan: Yeah. Me too.
MariSan: I know before that too.
Outsyder: so... when the chorus starts, do you start crossing your feet at "thing" on "every little thing i do?"
MariSan: Yeah, something like that.
MariSan: I like the part when the song starts. ^_^
Outsyder: i just did it three times just now... i can do it really fast without mistakes... and i also hit mah chair twice.
MariSan: You rush to the front and... do this whole bunch of 'suave' stuff. ^_^
MariSan: Cool.
Outsyder: mah feet hut. -_-;;
MariSan: Other than Bye3 and IGBM, I know Space Cowboy
(kinda), Just got Paid, and Digital Getdown.
*Ryoohki, if you are reading this: STOP laughing.*
MariSan: I know them okay, not cool like Bye3 or IGBm. *Shut up Ryoohki!!*
Outsyder: -_-;; true 'n sync fan...
MariSan: ^_^;
MariSan: *thinks* What else? I know No Strings Attached partly. *Yeah, you know it Ryoohki. ^^;*
MariSan: I want you Back a know a bit. 
Outsyder: ah want one o' those tiger hitclips they were advertisin' on the mickey d's commercials.
MariSan: That's about it.
MariSan: Why?
Outsyder: they look kew'.
MariSan: They're songs we've already heard. =P
MariSan: Sheesh... Just cuz of the hype.
MariSan: Are ya gonna bye one of those slug things? =P *Mmm... slug taco. =P*
Outsyder: ah don't care for the songs... just the alyout of the system.
MariSan: Okay then.
Outsyder: slug things? no... ah got plenty of 'em in by backyard, just waiting for me to pour salt all over them. -_-;;
MariSan: Time for GundaMn Wing. ^_^ *Yay! I do like GundaMn Wing, I just like making fun of the name.*
Outsyder: [sigh] i don't have tv time... just comp time.
MariSan: Do they really die with salt??
MariSan: Ants die with Rid. *grins*
Outsyder: i think so.
MariSan: Raid, I mean.
MariSan: Cool.
Outsyder: ants die when ah step on them.
MariSan: ^^;
MariSan: Go back to school shopping yet?
Outsyder: or when ah torture them.
MariSan: Lol.
Outsyder: no... that sucks...
MariSan: I have.
MariSan: I bought some shtuff too. Like clothes... ^^
Outsyder: i want five-star stuff.
MariSan: And three magazines...
Outsyder: and old-navy clothes.
MariSan: Cool.
MariSan: I got cool N Sync Posters from those...
MariSan: All hanging on my wall. ^_^
Outsyder: but i hafta settle for no brand-name stuff until friday or saturday.
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: do you really wear uniforms at catholic school? 
MariSan: Er, yeah.
MariSan: We have too.
MariSan: We can't even wear ANKLE socks!! Whatsupwitdat!?!? *And the Ebonics start now. ^_^*
Outsyder: how come ah don't see ya wearin' it when ah ook at dat picture in your room?
MariSan: That's from camp
Outsyder: what's the dilly-o with ankle socks?
MariSan: I know. Dayum...
Outsyder: oh...
Outsyder: man, dat's messed up, foo'. *Ebonics end*
MariSan: And we can't even highlight out hair. 
MariSan: I know!
Outsyder: i wanna highlight mah hair.
MariSan: I have to wait till 9th grade. -_-
MariSan: But then, I'm proly going to a catholic one.
Outsyder: catholic school sucks... or at least, that's the vibe i'm picking up from you.
MariSan: It doesn't much. We just have 'priorities.' =P
Outsyder: yeah... sucky priorities.
MariSan: When I go off to college, I wanna have a dorm.
MariSan: I know. ^^;
Outsyder: when i go off to college, i wanna have a ride.
MariSan: cool.
Outsyder: and make sure i'm as far away from my parents.
MariSan: Heh. ^_^
MariSan: I wanna be in a nice college...
MariSan: A university.

*We continue ranting about college. I dunno why.*

Outsyder: like mel gibson's role in "the man without a face," which, by the way, is another movie i am totally obsessed with.
MariSan: I never heard of that movie.
MariSan: I thought he did "The Patriot."
MariSan: Maybe I have, but forgot.
Outsyder: i did... it's kew', though it got bad reviews.
MariSan: Why?
Outsyder: mel directed it and starred in it back in '93.
MariSan: Oh... It's an oldie then. ^_^
Outsyder: so, you still wanna put this in the convos section? if ya do, ah'm down with that.
MariSan: Cool. Just some parts of it though. ^_^
Outsyder: i don't think this would be in it. [smirks]
MariSan: Why not?
MariSan: You'll be known as Jun2, okay? *^_^*
Outsyder: dunno.. it'd be really interesting if it was...
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: Jun2? aww... why not outsyder?
MariSan: Er, no...
Outsyder: that's what i am, anyway...
Outsyder: c'mon!
Outsyder: please?
Outsyder: please?
MariSan: Fine!!
Outsyder: -_-

*We continue arguing over the screen name...*

MariSan: Fine, you can be Ousyder. -_-
MariSan: OutSyder.
MariSan: *sigh*
Outsyder: [jumps for joy, but hits the cieling]
MariSan: Why WON'T you be Jun2 anyway!?!?! *Grr... he had won...*
Outsyder: [imitates ncole kidman] i am a robot. i am talking like a robot.
MariSan: *facefault*
Outsyder: first of all... jun... jun moytima? -_-;; puh-leaze...
MariSan: Darn!! You found out! =D *Dammit! He knows!! ^_^*
MariSan: *laughs*
Outsyder: and second, it's mah nickname! *^_^*
MariSan: Gasp. It iiisss... *Heck, I already knew that.I'm just happy he blurted that out. ^_^* 
MariSan: *looks at the people who are gonna be reading this* *Dat's you*
Outsyder: uh, hello? you're not that only one that watches anime. *I guess not...*
MariSan: *laughs and falls to the floor*
Outsyder: uh... you okay?
MariSan: I'm gonna post THAT up!!
MariSan: *laughs with tears*
Outsyder: water makes me very hostile and sad and depressed and gives me a depressing feeling... and anyway,the one i'm drinking rai now tastes like chalk.
MariSan: Oh my... I haven't laughed this much since that MSNcommercial... *The one where Jackson has the hiccups? Remember that? Then Mike goes to scare him. FUNNY AS HELL!!! ^_^*
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: plus, water makes me go to the bathroom a lot and it gives me depressing thoughts.
MariSan: Okay then.
MariSan: C'mon, be happy!
Outsyder: well, ah'm glad one of us is having an fun time. -_-;; 'cause this water is making me feel bad. i feel like my friend when she has her period thing... -_-;;
MariSan: Be... happy now! Dooo doo doo...
Outsyder: i'll think of the monkees..
MariSan: But... you're a GUY.
MariSan: Hey, do you still have the other conversation?
Outsyder: ah know, but guys can feel down and depressed and have mood swings, too, i think.
MariSan: The one before you disconnected?
Outsyder: yeah.
Outsyder: i think.
Outsyder: why?
MariSan: Can you send it to me? I went off when you disconnected.
Outsyder: okay.
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: hopefully i don't accidentally close this window...
MariSan: Er, just send it through e-mail.
Outsyder: what if you don't get it?
Outsyder: like my other one?
MariSan: I will.
MariSan: Just try three times.
Outsyder: suuure...
MariSan: Three's a lucky number. =)
Outsyder: my mouse is screwed.
MariSan: Er, why?
MariSan: Ya need a mouse pad?
Outsyder: three's the second lowest denominator of the devil's number. *Good to know.*
MariSan: ...
Outsyder: no... when i click, it's all screwed up.
MariSan: Oh.
MariSan: I'm just listening to a song. ^_^
Outsyder: uh... rai...
MariSan: 2GE+HER?
MariSan: 'Member?
MariSan: My new all-time favorite 'boyband.' *Yep.*
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: 2ge+her... yeah... i saw the making of it. what chad (or at least the actor who plays chad) says in the end is hilarious.
MariSan: What does he say again?
MariSan: In the Making the video?
MariSan: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outsyder: "there's a guy out there named eminems... he said i annoy him and that he's sent here to destroy me..."
Outsyder: er... what?
MariSan: Justin 'Timbalake' AAAHH! He's singing... when he was
three!! AAAHH!

Outsyder: wait up... my ass is falling asleep. 
MariSan: =P
MariSan: Anyhoo, Lil' Ebonics Boy sounds cute...
Outsyder: rai...
MariSan: *sounds like a teenybopper* I know the WHOLE dance to 2Gether's song "U+Me=Us."
MariSan: Calculus.
MariSan: ^_^
Outsyder: uh.. i don't, i'm proud of it anyway.
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: It's easy. TOO easy...
Outsyder: um... okay... whatever...
MariSan: You... Plus Sign... Me.... Equal Sign... Us....
MariSan: O_O
MariSan: I don't give a crap about Robert E Lee. ^^
MariSan: Dammit! I'm missing GundaMn Wing! *EEK!*
MariSan: Just cuz of the electricity bill. =P
Outsyder: i know my calculus... it says 2x4=8-3=5x2=10.
MariSan: Er, right...
Outsyder: yeah... me too. dumb electricity bill. i might move to another state.
MariSan: Won't it be, like the same?
Outsyder: i don't think so. i was actually watching something about it on the news.
MariSan: You were watching... the NEWS??
Outsyder: big deal.
MariSan: ^_^;
MariSan: I can't find my cat!!!
Outsyder: you don't have one.
MariSan: I know. It's the song.
MariSan: Duh. ^_^
MariSan: By guess who?
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: Doug just scares me when he does his solo.
Outsyder: he's bizzare.
MariSan: *shudders*
Outsyder: er...
MariSan: He's 34!!
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: That just makes it odd.
MariSan: And he has Ebonics down cold too... *shudders even more*
Outsyder: yeah. who's 34, divorced, and singing in a boy band?
MariSan: I can't find my cat!!!
MariSan: Er, they're acting, remember? ^_^;
Outsyder: [rolls eyes] oh brother...
Outsyder: yeah... but i don't think their "fans" know.
MariSan: If they don't... they're dumb...
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: ^_^
MariSan: Er, hello?
Outsyder: yeah... [imitates butt-head] uh-huh huh... some people are dumb. uh-huh huh/
MariSan: I'm Stuart. ^^
Outsyder-: sorry. just surfin' through sarah *censored* site.
Outsyder: stewart.
MariSan: Whatever.
MariSan: Who's Sarah?
MariSan: I'll censor that...
Outsyder: just this lady i saw singing on KPMS.
MariSan: Dammit... NOW you're gonna make me miss Tenchi...
Outsyder: i like her songs. they're interesting.
MariSan: Cool.
MariSan: Since we're on the 'Butt-Head' subject...
MariSan: How exactly DID they die?
Outsyder: tenchi... my bad... i better leave then, so i can go on wiht my life, being ignored.
MariSan: *rolls eyes*
Outsyder: i don't know. i missed it 'cause i went to my relative's house for a thanksgiving party.
MariSan: I'll censor that...
Outsyder: censor?
MariSan: You'll see.
Outsyder: oh... i know..
MariSan: Okay.
MariSan: Didja send it yet?
MariSan: The one before you disconnected>
MariSan: Er, I gotta go in 60 seconds.
MariSan: 59
MariSan: 58
MariSan: ???
Outsyder: no... not yet...
MariSan: Oh, okay.
Outsyder: gone in sixty seconds... hee hee.
Outsyder: so, this is pretty long...
MariSan: Yeah. I'm gonn steal cars to save my brother. ^_^
MariSan: I know.
Outsyder: i'll just copy all this down and paste it on an e-mail.
MariSan: Okay, NOW I gotta go.
MariSan: Bye!
Outsyder: aight. see ya!

Pretty long, eh? ^_^

Back to Laughs and Candy.