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A Message from Yamato's Biggest Fan


Hi there peoples!! As you may already know, I am Jun Motomiya, Yamato's Biggest Fan!!!

Yes, you heard me.

Yamato's BIGGEST Fan.

So get it straight together, 'kay? *bobs head to the side* I am his number one fan and don't you forget it!! *big smile*

Okay, now that we're done with the introductions, let me tell why I'm here with my message. I've heard many girls are upset with me. I don't know why though. How can YOOOOU possibly be upset with me, Jun Motomiya, Yamato's Biggest Fan? Is it because of my pretty looks? Don't worry about that. I'll let my stylist call you.

Or is it... cuz I got Yamato!?!? Yes, that's right... I GOT YAMATO!! *perky grin* I asked him for a date, and look at his expression.

YOU SEE THAT!?!!? He was SO surprised. *big smile* He was so surprised, he was speechless. I guess he was stunned that I, Jun Motomiya, Yamato's Biggest Fan, asked him out. *plays with hair* I'm still waiting for his reply, but I'm sure I know what THAT would be!! *imitates Yamato* "Oh Jun, OF COURSE I'll go out with a stunning beauty like yourself!!" *giggles* Oh, I'm SO sure he'll say that. That's why I'm waiting for his phone call.

*looks at the phone to her right*

Yep... it'll ring ANY minute now. *looks at phone again*


Hmmm... maybe he's with his band practicing today... *looks at her watch* But that can't be right. It's 4:00. He should be at home right now, tuning up his bass guitar in his room... right next to his bed. That's how it is everyday when I see him through the window. *looks up* Ehrm, I mean, when I come over to his place! Yeah, that's it! *nervous laugh*

Jun: Well, that's all I have to say. *smiles* Before I go, I want to thank Mari-San for letting me use her video equipment to make this video message today. *glances at Mari-San*

*Mari-San is tied up with ropes with a gag in her mouth*

Jun: So Mari Dear, anything you want to say before I, Jun Motomiya, Yamato's Biggest Fan, leave for the day?

Mari-San: *silence*

Jun: Oh yeah, you still have that... tissue in your mouth. *takes off the 'tissue'*

Mari-San: Augh! *breathes deep* Dammit Jun! Let me go or I'll call the police for you breaking into my house and tying me up!!!!

Jun: Er.. *looks nervously into the camera* Oh my, Mari-San, you should take your pills for that special condition of yours. It's making you delusional.

Mari-San: Special condition!?!! DELUSIONAL!!!?! Why I'll delusional you, you little $&%# @^$%&$ $&#%@*!!!! *continues cussing*

Jun: *perky grin* Well thanks again, Mari-San. I couldn't have made my video message without you. I'll be going now. Ciao!! *heads for the door*

Mari-San: *wide eyed* Oh no you don't! *yells* JUN ALERT!!!!

Jun: Nice try Mari Dear, but that pathetic little scream of yours won't be heard by any policeman.

Mari-San: *evil grin* Who says I yelled for the police?

Jun: Huh?

*All of a sudden, the ground began to rumble. All items in the room started tipping and falling over. Jun looked around in confusion while Mari-San, still tied up, was quietly laughing*

Jun: *points at Mari-San* You retard!!! Why are you laughing!?! This is an earthquake!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!! *whimpers* And Yamato still hasn't called... Waaahhh!!! *cries*

Mari-San: Who says this is an earthquake?

Jun: *looks up**sniff* Wha?

Mari-San: *whistles* Oh girls!!!

*The rumbling stopped. Suddenly, dozens of crazed Yama Fan-Girls appear at the door*

Fan-Girls: Yeeeaah??

Mari-San: *glares at Jun* GET HER!!!

Fan-Girls: AAAAAAAHHHH!!! *makes war cries*

Jun: Eeep! *cowers in fear*

*Yells, screams, and shouts for Bloody Mary can be heard in the background.*

Mari-San:*crawls towards the camera* Ahem. This is Mari-San, here to bring you footage of this exciting riot. Three dozen Yama Fan-Girls against Jun Motomiya. Who shall win the fight? Let's go see. *tilts the camera to the fight*

*This was the BIGGEST fight ever to happen at the district. Nothing could be seen except a huge puff of smoke, arms with rolled up fists, and wallet-sized pictures of Yama flying around.*

Mari-San: I wonder who's winning this battle.

Jun: *from the fight* HELP ME!!

Mari-San: *turns back to the camera* I guess that's your answer. *smiles* Well everyone, this has been Mari-San at the battlefield, or more like a deathmatch. *laughs* Well everyone, good fight and good night! *attempts to wave good-bye, but is still tied up*

Fan-Girls: DIE!!!


Go back to Laughs and Candy.

Disclaimer: Don't steal this. This was completely original. I thought it up, and I typed it. All the pictures here are from Megchan's. So other than the pictures, don't take anything! Oh, and on a side note: I don't HATE Jun, I just dislike her for no apparent reason. ^_^ And yes, Jun is REAL. ^^;