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Ryhoohki : hi
OutSyder : hey!
OutSyder : i saw SNL last night with *n sync and joshua jackson.
Ryhoohki : meeh too
OutSyder : didja save the weird IM we had yesterday?
OutSyder : i even taped it.
Ryhoohki : nope
Ryhoohki : cool
Ryhoohki : that cookies and pudding one?
OutSyder : Joey: "Uh, we're in to the Backtreet Boys..." Or something. -_-;; I forgot what he said, be sounded gay when he said it.
OutSyder : I'm typing up something to post on hte MYIS messageboard.
Ryhoohki : he said "word to the backstreet boys"
Ryhoohki : cool
OutSyder : Um... whatever. -_-;;
Ryhoohki : okae
Ryhoohki : go to
OutSyder : why don't you drive to my heart? can i take your order? look what you get for just one more quarter.... hee². i know the dance moves to that.
OutSyder : er... no thank you.
Ryhoohki : meeh too
OutSyder : i'll go later.
Ryhoohki : okae
Ryhoohki : ive known them a long time ago
Ryhoohki : like around st patricks day or sumthin
OutSyder : so did i, but i just learned some more.
Ryhoohki : coo
Ryhoohki : you didnt know the whole dance before?
OutSyder : not the WHOLE dance.
OutSyder : just up to the "look what you get for just one more quarter."
Ryhoohki : oh....
OutSyder : and now i'm trying to learn bye³.
Ryhoohki : i leanrd it just by watching Nsync Live over and over
Ryhoohki : thats cool
OutSyder : i'll just watch the SNL version. they don't show the audience, so it's easier.
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : next window please...
OutSyder : hey!
Ryhoohki : its very simple
Ryhoohki : uhuh
OutSyder : let's start another weird im since the other one was lost.
Ryhoohki : okae
OutSyder : okay... think boyband wars: *n sync vs. bsb
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : who are you betting on?
Ryhoohki : Nsync bebe
OutSyder : aiight. so that leaves me with bsb.
OutSyder : so... let's start the war of which boy band is better.
OutSyder : if mari-san was hear she would be voting for 2ge+her.
OutSyder : here, not hear.
Ryhoohki : i know
Ryhoohki : oh
OutSyder : so... you tell me why *n sync is better than bsb.
Ryhoohki : Well cuz BSB dances like theyre birds or sumtin
OutSyder : hee. i don't even like bsb. but here goes... booger, i mean- burger king turned them into dolls.
Ryhoohki : i know
OutSyder : burger king is selling bsb toys.
OutSyder : ell, now you give me another reason why *n sync is better than backstreet boys.
Ryhoohki : stupid bitters of McDonalds
OutSyder : well, i mean. not ell.
OutSyder : well, at least they cheapened the price.
Ryhoohki : they did that so they could sell
OutSyder : is britney spears was a doll, they'd probably add a "silicone inflation" to the doll.
OutSyder : if, not is.
Ryhoohki : hehe
LilRyozhki2000 : okae....
OutSyder : you push a button... BAZOOM! hee.
OutSyder : they "expand".
Ryhoohki : hehe
Ryhoohki : you like that?
OutSyder : er... i dunno.
OutSyder : i'd probably buy a million of those. -_-;;
OutSyder : eep... we've gotten off track from the im subjct. -_-;; oh well.
Ryhoohki : okae they shouldn't send a bunch of "Boys" (bsb) to do a mans job (nsync)
OutSyder : subject, i mean.
Ryhoohki : yah
OutSyder : hee. backstreet boys.
Ryhoohki : the youngest one is in his 20's
OutSyder : if they were called backtreet men, that'd sound retarded.
Ryhoohki : boys
OutSyder : backstreet, i mean.
Ryhoohki : still
OutSyder : i hate typos.
Ryhoohki : i know
OutSyder : i hate aaron carter.
OutSyder : all his songs are about him.
OutSyder : and i hate sammy.
Ryhoohki : bitter of nick carter
OutSyder : and i hate lil' bow wow.
Ryhoohki : okae...........
OutSyder : that'd be cool if aaron carter's sales went higher than bsb and nick carter murdered him.
Ryhoohki : i know
OutSyder : i think aaron and nick are girls.
OutSyder : they sound like girls.
Ryhoohki : hey why dont you write a fan fic and post it on your site
OutSyder : okay.
Ryhoohki : i knoe
Ryhoohki : know
OutSyder : how do you know about my site?
Ryhoohki : i went to it?
OutSyder : and forgot to mention to ya, i don't write fics. i write scripts.
Ryhoohki : okae
OutSyder : you did? how'd you get the addy?
Ryhoohki : mari-san guestbook
OutSyder : oh.
Ryhoohki : mari-san's
Ryhoohki : i mean
OutSyder : it's aiight
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : stupid typos. i hate typos.
Ryhoohki : you like cookie flavored pudding?
OutSyder : typos typos typos typos typos tyops typos typos typos.
OutSyder : i don' think they invented that.
OutSyder : the sixth "typo" is a typo.
OutSyder : i didn't catch it at first. stupid eye tricks.
Ryhoohki : heh
OutSyder : i want to rant about everything.
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : i hate the sky being blue,
Ryhoohki : go ahead
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : i hate the sea tasting like pee.
Ryhoohki : ????????
OutSyder : i hate high prices.
OutSyder : i hate being too young.
OutSyder : i hate cousins.
OutSyder : i hate sisters.
OutSyder : i hate parents.
OutSyder : i hate school.
OutSyder : i hate homework.
Ryhoohki : meeh too
OutSyder : i hate teachers.
OutSyder : i hate things that don't work properly.
OutSyder : i hate being broke all the time.
OutSyder : i hate the fact that i'm still living on this damn earth.
Ryhoohki : you wanna die?
OutSyder : **sigh** Um... i don't have anymore right now...
OutSyder : Oh wait! i do! i hate sizzler's meat. it tastes like rubber.
Ryhoohki : good.....
Ryhoohki : too late
OutSyder : er, what?
Ryhoohki : nothin...
OutSyder : okay.
OutSyder : oh! and i also hate the fact that it takes me months to finish a website, and nearly half a year to finish a script.
Ryhoohki : lets talk girly wars. aguilera vs spears
OutSyder : and one more thing... i hate the fact that my internet is slow.
OutSyder : i'll take spears!
Ryhoohki : okae ill take aguilera
Ryhoohki : christinas cool
OutSyder : christina hit on enrique iglesias at a party once, and she almost got hit in the head with a falling flower pot.
OutSyder : forreal, yo. that's story's true.
Ryhoohki : thats nice
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : your turn.
Ryhoohki : i dunno i like spears too ya know
OutSyder : cool.
OutSyder : mandy moore is so adorable.
Ryhoohki : oh yah she got hurt two times
Ryhoohki : thats nice
OutSyder : i just wanna pinch her cheeks like what old lady aunts do when they haven't seen you in a long time.
OutSyder : who got hurt twice?
Ryhoohki : spears
OutSyder : a camera hit spears in the head and she got stitches.
OutSyder : that was when they were filming "oops."
Ryhoohki : also a light thingy hit her head in born to make you happy
OutSyder : hee hee.
Ryhoohki : the shooting of that is
OutSyder : she's nerly as accident prone as joey from *n sync.
Ryhoohki : i know
OutSyder : nearly, not nerly.
Ryhoohki : yah
OutSyder : i don't think joey's fat. he doesn't look fat to me.
Ryhoohki : i guess so...
OutSyder : my sister said he looks like a cuddly tetddy bear.
Ryhoohki : thats nice...
OutSyder : tetddy? what the hell is that? i meant teddy bear.
Ryhoohki : tetddy?
Ryhoohki : oh..
Ryhoohki : diputs
Ryhoohki : remember?
OutSyder : i ahte the fact that i curse too much and i have too much suppresed anger.
OutSyder : hate, not ahte.
Ryhoohki : ahte?
OutSyder : this one would be interesting to put on MYIS...
Ryhoohki : ok
Ryhoohki : go ahead
OutSyder : aiight.
Ryhoohki : cool
OutSyder : i hate the fact tat joey, chris, and lance don't have much solos as the black-wannabe and the crackhead.
Ryhoohki : just listening to aguileras new single
OutSyder : that, not tat.
Ryhoohki : thats nice
OutSyder : yeah... that's nice.
OutSyder : i liked that daria movie. it's so funny.
Ryhoohki : meeh too
OutSyder : my fave person out of the fashion club is tiffany.
OutSyder : she's hilarious.
Ryhoohki : the slow one?
OutSyder : yes.
Ryhoohki : yah shes cool
OutSyder : this toaster's shiny... hee hee.
Ryhoohki : mari-san kept sayin that to meeh
OutSyder : er... -_-
OutSyder : she told me how she made you spit out your sprite or something once.
OutSyder : like, you were drinking something, and mari-san made this face and stuff, and you spit out your drink. mari-san was all... "eww..."
Ryhoohki : not spit out but made meeh laugh while i was drinking it
OutSyder : hee hee.
Ryhoohki : wanna gte a new screen name?
Ryhoohki : get i maen
OutSyder : not really, why?
Ryhoohki : ,mean
Ryhoohki : i dunno
OutSyder : uh... whatevah.
Ryhoohki : go to and then click on instant messager
OutSyder : i already have an instant messenger. -_-;;
Ryhoohki : hold on save this convo....i have to disconnect for 12 seconds
Ryhoohki : okae?
OutSyder : aiight,
Ryhoohki : stay online okae
OutSyder : okay.
ilRyoohki2000 signed off at 1:21:10 PM.
ilRyoohki2000 signed on at 1:21:40 PM.
Ryhoohki : im back
OutSyder : hey!
Ryhoohki : hi
OutSyder : hi
OutSyder : i think i'm gonna go watch the SNL i taped later on. rai now, i'm starving. then again, i'm always starving. hee. i have the appetite of joey fatone. -_-;;
Ryhoohki : i was just eating
OutSyder : i want some mango ice cream.
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : and maybe some beefsteak or sinigang.
Ryhoohki : ill wait if ya want
Ryhoohki : ok
Ryhoohki : go get your ice cream
OutSyder : nah... i'm just waiting for my mom and sister to come home with the food.
Ryhoohki : oh...
OutSyder : we don't have any ice cream. if we did, i'd probably finish it in an hour.
Ryhoohki : how many buddies you have?
OutSyder : er...
Ryhoohki : i have
Ryhoohki : 7
OutSyder : 8
OutSyder : some form school, some from the web.
OutSyder : from, not form.
Ryhoohki : oh
Ryhoohki : mari-san has a different screen name but i shouldn't tell ya just ask her
OutSyder : today at church, me and my sister kept digging our nails into each other's skin. then my mom told us to stop. i still ha ve the marks.
OutSyder : have. not ha ve.
Ryhoohki : okae
OutSyder : mom's here...
OutSyder : hold on. i gotta get my dad some water.
Ryhoohki : ok
OutSyder : okay.
Ryhoohki : okay what?
OutSyder : aiight. i gotta go now. i hafta eat. i'll talk to you around 3:30, kapeesh?
Ryhoohki : okae
Ryhoohki : bye
OutSyder : bye!

How was it? ^^ I know... don't mind the typos. *runs away laughing*

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