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Past  Stuff  of  the Week
August 27- October 15
"How good are you at web design?"
a) I can't even pronounce HTML.
b) I'm okay at it, but I know squat about frames.
c) I'm great! Javascript rules.
d) I'm a masta. I am invincible.
"Aaliyah Haughton: 1979-2001."
Oh wow. The word to describe what I feel about the tragic incident is 'numb.' I wasn't a big, in-your-face fan of her work or anything, but gosh I totally respected and liked her music. From the first time I heard her song for Dr. Dolittle waaaay back, I knew she was great. Ever since then, I've liked all her songs. Aaliyah was just great. And now she's gone. She won't grace the tv screen anymore. At the age of 22. It's a silent distrubance, a rude awakening... This has a little impact on everybody. I don't experience things like this often. I admit, when Frank Sinatra died, I was "Aww, that's so sad" because he was major, a legend. But for Aaliyah, it's different from that. She was part of my generation. Do you get what I'm saying? I'm not sure if you will, and that's okay. It hits you hard and differently when someone big from your time has passed away. It's sad. (Sorry if I'm overusing that word too much.) My respects to all her family, friends, and fans. I was watching MTV's Diary of Aaliyah on Saturday and saw her fans react. I can't even begin to imagine how they feel. She was such an inspiration to them. If I feel this much and I'm not that big of a fan... Ohh. -_- But there's an optimistic side to this; She truly seemed to be happy and joyful, so I'm glad she doesn't have any regrets. She just got to say 'What's up?' earlier. ^_^ And on a different level: I know people who are just into one thing only (example: They are only into anime and don't care about anything else.), and don't even care about this event. They say "Augh, so what? She died. No big deal." That's just cold. Sick even. It is a big deal, if it isn't to them. Don't be so callous and unsympathetic. Then they have the nerve to retort back "Hey, I can say whatever I want. Freedom of speech, remember??" Yeah, it is Freedom of Speech. But hundreds of people did not fight for it just for you talk smut like that. So okay, that rant over. Sign out.


August 13-26

"Is the demise of Digimon coming, or wil it be better than ever?"

a) Um, hello? Season 3 will kick MAJOR butt!
b) Sadly, the end is near.
c) It will stay just the same.
d) OMG, Digimon rulez forever and ever til the end of time!
"I never noticed how many people I know have Digimon character names."
I find this interesting. Because you see, my grandfather's name is Tai. ^_^ Actually, that's what I call him. (Some people call their grandfather 'grandpa.' I call mine Tai.) That's what I've been calling him my entire life, and I never noticed that coincidence until just a couple weeks ago. Why you ask, do I call him that? Well, Tay (which sounds the same as Tai) is short for Tatay. *pause* Er, it's a Flip thing. *grin* Anyhoo, I also know a bunch of people named Yolei. So when the name Yolei first came up for 02, there was an uproar like "Ugh, what kind of name is that?" Me? I was just "Oh, okay." ^_^; Also, the first person I ever, ever met in school waaay back in kindergarten was named Matt. Yeah. We were playing memory (Yes, boys and girls played together then. The whole cootie thing didn't start until second grade. =P) and I picked up a pair. He was all "Oh, cool! You win!" Little did he know it was already one of my pairs and that I flipped them back over, so that on my next turn it would seem I won again. I was one of those fiesty kids in class. *shrug* Hey, this thought of the week isn't even that interesting, now that I think of it. Holy fishsticks. But oh well. If you've read this far, good for you. ^_~

July 19- August 12

"What's your favorite kind of story?"

a) Comedy
b) Romance
c) Drama
d) Horror
e) Fantasy
"Romance stories are so cliché."
Yes, they are. "Wuha! Mari-San, you read romances?" Uh-huh, only because the comedies are out. ^_^; But anyhoo, I have begun to notice that romance fanfics are very much alike. Ever since before when I first started reading these fics until now in present time. Okay, I'm gonna rant on what I usually see and my opinion on them. *clears throat* First of all, I see that some authors make the characters bottle up their feelings for each other and that in one point they spill and scream "I love you!" Then they celebrate by making out. I mean... Yeah. Sure, it's a peachy keen story with a happy ending and all, but you see one, you see them all. Isn't the plot a little bit farfetched? ^^; I think that they should say 'I care for you' or something to that extent. And save the kissy kiss for the first date, mmkay. Alright, moving along! (Yay!) Ah, the stories when a character finally realizes their undying love to someone who IS dying. Sentimental, yes. Tearjerker, yes. Overdone, yes. Besides, nobody likes reading a story where their favorite character dies anyways. You can only pull it off if you're a really good writer. ^_^ My final point is about the stories when the person the main character loves is with someone else. Now, this makes the story somewhat of a drama, where the main character releases all of his/her angst. Most likely, the character will be let his/her love go because they know s/he'll be happy. In some cases, there's a twist which involves something very clever conniving.  *pause* Okay, my rambling is done, toodles! *dashes out of room before angry writers can pounce*

July 1-18

"What is your opinion of those Digimon commercials?"
a) AH HA HA HA! They are sooooo hilarious!
b) Dude, how corny can they get?
c) Digimon commercials?! I haven't seen those yet! AHHH!!
d) They're creative and all, but do we really care if it's supper or dinner?
"Who do you think Fox favors?"

I've been wondering this for a while; which Digimon characters do the employees at Fox like? I know that Jeff Nimoy does not like Tai and Davis much. (Pfft.) You know, I have a feeling that Fox favors Matt and TK a bit. ^_^ Or maybe Fox Family does, I dunno. They had two separate commercials already with Matt and TK. The 'Half-Face' one and that commercial where WereGarurumon smacks into Matt. Lol. And they also like that episode 'Out on the Town' a lot too. That's where they got the scenes for those two commercials, and in two commercials has that teenage girl already appeared in. That's more commercials than Sora, Mimi, Izzy, and a whole bunch! *laughs hysterically* Oh, that girl is sure cool tho.  She's appeared in that commercial where she calls Tai and says 'Ohmygosh, is this Tai Kamiya? I think you're so coool!" and so forth in Fox Family. Tai's just confused. She also appeared in another commercial that involves the telephone, in which she calls Izzy a girl. ^_^; Fox may also favor Ken, since they did that whole dramatic commercial that says one hour of Digimon everyday. (Wow.) Eh, this thought has turned into a paragraph of Digimon commercials. *pause* Oh well! ^_^

June 18-30
"What will you be doing this summer?"
a) Taking cool classes, of course.
b) Relax and just have fun with my friends.
c) Do all the things I didn't have the chance to do when I was in school!
d) Party the night away.
e) All of the above.
"Why keep on critisizing and making rumors?"
Okay okay, another Tamers thought. I just gotta ask "WHY!?" Ahhhh! It's making me insane! O_o People are complaining about their dubbed names, how their personalities are, keep on asking... It's not even on air yet. I know it's okay to be curious, but instead of getting all these nifty spoilers which you will be ranting about, wait until Tamers actually airs and be surprised?? Just a thought. ^_^ I mean, you didn't know anything about Digimon when it first aired. That seemed to be the least controversial and most fresh times of Digimon. It was pretty exciting. Everyone was all "Ohmygosh, I can't wait until the next episode! Will they meet up again and defeat Devimon?" No one was going "Ohmahgod, the dub sucked. Why, in the Japanese version..." *snaps fingers* Er, this isn't the Japanese version. It's plain as day it isn't. It's just a dub which is meant for little kids. Would you just stop complaining now? All people do is compare, compare, compare... If you like the Japanese version so much, go and buy it! Until then, you gotta live with the dub.
June 9-17
What do you call Pootie Tang?"
a) Pootie Tang. Durh hur! 
b) Sir Tang, my misguided damsel.
c) Tangy. *evil grin*
d) Tang-a-lang-a-ding-dong
e) What is Pootie Tang? Some kind of gum or something?
"What are your views on the MTV Movie Awards?"
Yeah yeah, I watched it. "Augh no! So Mari-San IS a teenybopper?!" No, don't hold your breath. ^~ Actually, I found it quite entertaining. Quite quite. I liked the hosts this time. They were comedic, for once. *shakes head sadly at the previous attempt* Heh, I now have this strange fetish with Jimmy Fallon. BUT I won't get into that right about now. *clears throat* Anyhoo, Dave Matthews Band and Weezer rawked, as they always do. The Moulin Rouge girls were okay, I guess. Sorta bland. Pink's hoarsey voice scared the wits outta me. O_o But I DO like her dog. *sweatdrop* And heyo! They did many good parodies. The Mummy Returns was a tyte-ass movie, so I liked that. Andy Dick is cool, no matter what some people else say. I mean, anyone who says "If it's good enough for the Falkland Islands then it's Falkland good enough for you" is A-okay in MY book.  ^_^ And ooh ahh, I was extremely tickled at the Madonna song parody thing. Ahh, the saaaand, they go down his paaaaaaants! Jimmy's pants!!! HIS PANTS!!! *is silent for a few minutes* Erm...

June 3 - 9

"Do you think they will air the fourth movie here?"

a) They better, or my name is Bumbluarina. And it's NOT.
b) Noooo! They'll just butcher it all up! *runs maniacally out of the room*
c) Em, hee hee. I don't know. Hee hee, ha. *twitch*
d) Oh, won't that be nice?
"Invader Zim will keep me company."

Since Digimon will be away for a few months, I've gotta find something to interest me. So I chose Invader Zim. *grins* Why? Just because it's so funny, that's why. So what if it's on Nickelodeon? *sweatdrop* Anyhoo, I've seen just about two episodes and will continue to watch it every Friday. ^_~ How loyal I am! *laughs* I've already recorded one episode, 'The Nightmare Begins' to be exact. I took some screencaps of the eppy, especially of Gir. *squealish* =D Maybe I'll make a picture place, just for kicks. ^^; Here are my opinions of the characters; Zim- I love his personality! And his voice. It's the same one as Dagget from Angry Beavers, right? *shrugs* Ah well, I dunno. ^^; Gir- Can anything BE anymore cute!? And, um, 'advanced'? Dib- The rival. Yeeesss... You always gotta have a rivel. >=D And he's the perfect one on this show. Gaz- Well now, I dunno. Haven't seen enough episodes to make up my mind yet. But I do gotta say she's one fiesty cookie. "He must PAY." Lol. ^_^ Mrs. Bitters- She's just scary. O_o The Almighty Tallest- Nice duo. I like the Purple one. *shoots laser in his eye* Um, Dib and Gaz's Dad- AH! He makes TOAST! What a great guy! ^_^ Well, that's it BYE!

May 26- June 2

"Who do you think had the cutest children at the end of 02?"

a) Matt and Sora! Their children are adorable!
b) Taichi! His kid is so glomp-able. Plus, big hair! XD
c) Izzy's daughter. She's so prodigious.
d) All three of Ken and Yolei's, cuz more is better.
e) Woooah, they reproduced!?
"Now awaiting Digimon Tamers."
Ah, Digimon Adventures is now over, and Digimon Tamers is coming. Yes, Tamers, not 03. *mumbles* Evil Digimon purists... *ahem* So anyhoo... Digimon 02 is over. Didn't cry one bit. I did laugh tho, which may have been a little strange. O_o Am I one of the few people who actually like Taichi's hair!?! It is nice! *sigh* Hey, you've always got Taichi's spawn. *toosles Taichi Jr.'s hair* Anyhoo, I found it interesting that they showed a sneak peak of Tamers in the credits. *rubs hands together* It looked really exciting. Even tho Yama and everyone else isn't in it, I'm still gonna watch. Yeah yeah, the plot and the new kids are cool, but do you wanna know my main reason for wanting to watch the new season? One word: Cuulmon! AHH! It's one of the cutest Digimon ever, ranking with Chibimon! *seizures* How can they think of something THAT cute and feisty goes beyond me. ^_^ I must... give... Toei some... props... Even tho they cut... Yama out. *twitch twitch* I must drink sugar now BYE BYE!

May 5- 25

"What is your favorite season of Digimon?"
a) Season one babay, cuz it's all about the bootay!
b) Season two! Growl, Yama's a rock superstar!
c) Season three! Lee is equally cute.
d) None, but let's trade cards! Oh shoot, they all fell down again! >_<
"Outwit, outsmart, outlast."
Yeah, those are what the bathrooms are like at concerts. ^^; Actually, I'm talking about Survivor! I lurve that show. I just started watching this season, when Jeff was booted off. (He was so cool too. -_-) Anyhoo, the finale was last night... and Tina won! GASP GASP GASP! Seriously, I really thought Colby should have won (Tho he should have NOT shaved. He looked better all gruffy. ^_~) I am a  bit happy that Tina won. The Ultimate Survivor is a woman! Whoo! *all girls cheer* ^_^ She DID use awesome strategy. She made Colby take her along to the finals. I mean, if he took Keith, Colby would have won for sure. It was also a bit ironic: Colby won practically every frickin' immunity challenge, while TIna won none. How cool is that? I hope Colby isn't too devastated. *pause* I'm sure he wouldn't be, since he did win ANOTHER Pontiac Crusier thing and 100 grand. I'd be really happy at that, wouldn't you? ^_^ And for your information, the next Survivor will bin set in Africa. Heck, lemme pack my things! I'm gonna be the next Survivor! (Or either the 5th one booted off. =P)
April 23- May 4
"What is your opinion to the ending of 02?"
a) I thought it sucked @$$! >=(
b) I think it kicked @SS! ^_^
c) I'm not sure... but isn't Mimi's kid such a cutie!?
d) *gasp* You mean it ENDED!?
"Digmon Tamers."
Well, guess what? The 01 and 02 kids won't be showin' up anymore. Yeeah. I don't know about you, but I was downright angry. Why the heck would Toei do such a stupid thing? =P Anyhoo, I'll move on. I sorta think that Tamers would be pretty cool if it wasn't such a resemblence to Pokémon. (Yech.) The writers were on something, lemme tell ya. ^_^; In Tamers, there will just be three main characters; Takato, Lee, and Ruki. I've already decided on who's going to be my favorite, and it's gonna be Ruki. The angsty, Yama-like girl. Hee hee. I follow a pattern, don't I? Yama was my fave in 01, Ken in 02, and now RUKI. ^_^ Note: All three of them have the same eye structure. O_o I think, anyways. She's going to be the fighter or the group and the most 'depressing' one. That's just an opinion tho. Lol. My second fave would be Lee. He so funny and purdy. ^^; And third is Takato. Why do ALL the leaders have freakin' goggles!?! *sigh* Anyhoo, that's my small insight on '03.' I have no idea what their dubbed names will be, but I'm sure it will cause quite a ruckus. Yep yep.

April 18-28

"What game should Matt appear in?"
a) Tomb Raider- LOl. "Ah, watch out Lara! A Yamato is attacking!" ^^;
b) The Sims- Yeeeah baby. ^~
c) Solitaire- Sound pathetic? It is. But think of all those Yama faces on the cards! Wowie kazowie!
d) Pokémon Stadium- Can you imagine...? O_o
"I'm getting CONFUSED and SCARED of coincidences!!"
Yes. That is my thought 90% of the time anyways. ^_^; Anyhoo, who here are music lovers? Raise your hand. *raises hands* Okay. other than Kazama Yuuto and the guys in the Digimon Soundtrack, aren't there a couple of bands that sound freakishly like Matt? O_o So far, I've heard three songs. Thank Shawn for Napster. *grins widely* The three songs are BBMAK- "I'm Not in Love", Ataris-"Man Overboard", and American Hi-Fi-"Flavor of the Week". One pop song, two rock. In BBMak's song, the first verse made me spit my coke. Everything before "just because" is UNCANNY. And there goes my coke. In Ataris's song, it doesn't quite sound like him, but very close. Plus, it is a rock song. Yama plays rock. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. *drinks coke* And in American Hi-Fi, it's just plain scary. It sounds like him, plus the singer has THE SAME EXACT HAIR, gosh darnit! *chugs whole liter of coke* Oh dear. Look at the Yama picture to your right. He is just as shocked as I am! Am I exaggerating? Maybe. That's for you to know and me to find out. MWAHAHA!! *pause* I want a Big Gulp!
April 1-17
"Digimon Tamers: In or out?"
a) Pfft! It's gonna suck, even tho I haven't seen it yet!
b) Whoo! It's gonna rule, even tho I haven't seen it yet!
c) Shoot, I dunno. What is Digimon Tamers??
d) Of course! Lee-kun is so KAWAII! ^_^
"Episode 50 Epilogue..."
Okay, I'm sure everybody about knows what happens to the DigiDestined 25 years from now. So I'm only gonna talk about Yama here. *clears throat* Yama is a freakin' astronaut. Does anybody else find that a little strange... or disturbing?? Who would've thunk it? =P And Gabumon is up there with him too... wow. And if you saw that picture, Yama is on what looks to be like Mars, and he's claiming it with his lil' flag. Either that, or he's surrendering, since his flag is white. ^^; Well, thumbs up to you, Yama. Other than choosing to be an astronaut to be his career, he did another thing that broke a ton fangirls' hearts: He married Sora. (girls gasps and has seizures). Personally, I think they divorced. ^_^ If ya wanna know why, I wrote it down somewhere in my messageboard. Find it. *grins* BUT... There is an upside. Yama has two precious children! *squeals* One boy and one girl, I think. ^_^; The girl has Matt's hair! AWWW!!! And the boy... has Sora's hair. They're cute, cute. Now unto Matt's looks. *sobs* His hair looks like his dad's. *sobs* Now more cute-boy style. And he's wearing a brown jacket with... khakis! WAH! *bawls* Sniff sniff, anyhoo, that's Matt in 25 years. O_o Good thing I can change time. ^_~
March 24-March 31
"Site's back up after two months! Miss me?"
a) Hell no! Get away from me, wacko!
b) Um, sure. Whatever you say.
c) Of course, Mari-San. Can I have my twenty dollars now?
d) None of the above.
"I tend to procrastinate."
Durr, you think? ^_^; Sorry to keep everyone watiting, to those who have been waiting. Same thing. It feels nice in a way. I'm starting all over again. New ideas, new stuff. Of course, the stuff everybody sent me has all been deleted by Hotmail. *major sweatdrop* Grumble grumble... I wonder how many Matt sites there are now. Hmmm, probably a ton. Although before I was on my 'fasting' from the net, I did see an Anti-Matt site. *raises eyebrow* Oh, now that was a laugh. I moved on. Stopped the tear flow. =P It was interesting, tho. I'm not saying that I like Anti-Matt sites. NO! Totally against them. But I do like the ones that poke fun. *devilish grin* Oh Matt, I gotta love ya. ^_^
Nice eppy today. The beginnings of Sorato... O_o I wanna see how this turns out. "Hey, you ruined my concert!" Yeah Matt, the NERVE of them Digimon! Grr, woof! ^~

December 22-31

"If Matt wasn't a blonde, what hair color do you think he would have been?"
a) Brown
b) Black
c) Red
d) Blue
e) Clear, of course.
"No school. What are ya plannin' to do?"
AHHHH!!! *does a dance* It's my Christmas break. Whoo-hoo! ^_^ Me so excited. But anyhoo, back to my thought. *ahem* What is everyone planning to do this vacation? Going anywhere? Staying at home? If you get bored, here are some suggestions. Go outside and frolick. ^^ If it's way too cold outside, maybe you can draw piccies of Yama, work on a website if ya have one, hang out with your friends, or do something else that's just peachy keen. *pause* I'm sorry, this isn't one of my best 'thoughts.' =P I haven't been thinking lately...
Dec. 10-21
"Do you like Ken being part of the gang?"
a) Aww yee-ah! He's so kewl!
b) No way! I hate his guts for what he did!
c) Sure. Why not?
d) He is soooo dreamy! He's like the Matt in the group now! Whee!
e) Lol. His last name is 'Ichijouji.' AHAHA!!
"Ken Ichijouji- another Yamato Ishida?"
'No way, nobody can replace my wittle Yama!' You're prolly saying. Sure, NOBODY can replace Yama. He's irreplaceable, even. But, Ken is so much like Yama it's not even funny. Think about it. Just get your mind off about Yama (gasp!) and think about the comparison. For one thing, looks. If you just take a picture of only their eyes, you can barely tell the difference. SPOILERS FOR SOME. DON'T READ. Plus, their roles. They were the 'stray sheep' of the group, but then they eventually go back the right way. *people nod in agreement* And Davis is the leader of the group, right? Well, Tai was the former leader. Now, Ken will be second-in-command (No, it's not TK). Who was the former second-in-command? Matt. *silence* Do you see what I'm getting at people? They both somewhat had angsty lives, but at the end they both became much happier. Eg: Yama was a lot depressed in 01, but in 02 he's happy-go-lucky. And for Ken, he's much happier not being the center of attention anymore, or something like that. ^_^ Well, that's all I wanted to say. Good bye now. ^~
Nov 24- Dec. 9
"Yamato Ishida- 02 Comic Relief?"
a) Hell ya! I luv Yama so much!
b) Dear god, no... anything but that...
c) He's just too cute.
d) Erm, what's comic relief?
"Why all the hate?"
Okay, I've been wondering about this from time to time to time to time. I'm wondering "Why do people hate Sora and Davis so much?" In my opinion and insights, it seems that Sora and Davis are liked the least. I mean, sure, I can see why people would hate them. It's either 'Sora's too perfect it's sickening' or 'Davis- Little Tai Wannabe!' *sweatdrop* So, I'm just askin' about that. I didn't have anything else for a thought. *pause* Now doesn't that sound so sad? And if ya wanna know, Davis happens to be my third favorite male in Digimon (Matt 1st, Tai 2nd). ^_^ Sure all of ya Daisuke-detesters, rant how much you hate him. I'll listen. It's fun listening to other people's opinions. As for Sora... she's okay. ^^;
Nov. 12-23 
"What is your worst Yama nightmare?"
a) Him being off the series. Talk about heart attack!
b) Him being with Jun. That lil' &%@$.
c) Him being with any of the DigiDestined. I mean... Why!?! WHY!!?
d) Him already with someone. Talk about double heart attack!
e) Him REJECTING you. Say it with me now. R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N. Woah. Talk about funeral!
"Ooof... *fans herself* AWESOME episodes!"
Hellos, tis I. Mari-San. *pause* I guess that was a little obvious. But hey, this comin' from the gal who says stuff like "Hmm, I smell gas" at a gas station. *sweatdrop* Anyhoo... I just wanna talk about a lil' sumthin' sumthin' about the two episodes that showed Saturday. Ahem. They... were the best. ^_^ I absolutely adored them. A good amount of Yama in the eppies. *clicks tounge* You do not know how many snapshots I took. I'll show them to you... someday. ^_^ Back to the topic now. I loved all the scenes with Matt and TK. Hellarious! (TK instantly moved up my list from near the last to numero cinco. ^~) I choked up in the scene with the hot food and shtuff. ^^ Just the fact he said 'wasabi' it was a classic to me. (I love the Budweiser "Wazzzup!" commercials, that's why. =P) And the scenes with Jun... OOF! Instant classic here, peoples!!! You do not know how much I laughed during that! If I had been drinking milk, ya'll better duck for cover. ^^ I'll make snaps of that scene too. And on a side note, Koushie (My nickname for Izzy. Itchy is the nickname from my cuz. ^^;) and Taichi were just plain adorable. ^_^ I CANNOT wait for more camp footage. So, until my next semi-eppy rant... Ciao!  ^^


Nov. 6-11

"How obsessive are you really?"
a) Well, I have 21 Yama Plushies. How's that?
b) Obsessive enough to say that I'm a crazed fan-girl.
c) With who? This Matt guy? Isn't this a Gundam Wing shrine to Quatre!?!
d) You do NOT wanna know... Really. You don't.
e) I'm not that obsesive, to tell you the truth.
f) There is no F. *pause* Well that sucks.
"Heh-hey! Kojiro and Koushiro rhymes!"
*sweatdrop* Okay, I don't have anything to talk about much. So sue me. =P Anyhoo, Kojiro is James from Pokémon, more specifically the always 'victorious' Team Rocket. *snorts* ^_^; I'm not even sure if Kojiro and Koushiro really do ryhme. It does when I say it, but then again, I might be saying it all wrong. Ah well. ^^ *stupid voice* Augh, I'm a poet and I didn't even know that! *breaks out laughing* Okay, I'll stop now. ^_^ Wait... Yeah, I will. Gosh, how pathetic. ^^; I need to take up more space. Must take up more space. *looks at how much room is left* Doh! O_o
Oct. 29 - Nov. 5
"Do you think Matt and TK's parents should get back together?"
a) Of course! Definitely!
b) Well, it's not my decision or anything. Let them decide.
c) I dunno. It is a nice plot for the parents to be divorced.
d) Why you askin' me??
"Happy Halloween!"
Ah, it's that time of year again. And no, it's not Guy Fawkes Day. ^_^ It's the bewitching hour... Halloween! Yay! ^^ So, whatcha gonna be? Me? I'm not sure. If I get the accessories, I'll be a Neko Yama. If not, I'll just be a plain Yama. I DO have the green shirt. =P So anyhoo, I hear people are gonna be Matt. (Well, I've heard at least 2.) Good for you, if ya are! ^_^ Spread the Yama Joy! I can just imagine it now. *imitates a little kid* "Hey, are you Matt from Digimon? That's cool!" *sniffle* It just brings a tear to my eye. I wonder if people are gonna hand out Digimon treats. For example: "Here's a candy for you, a candy for you, and a candy for you. And since you're dressed as such a cute Gabumon, here's a Matt bookmark!" *sweatdrop* Silly, I know. I was even thinking about doing that. ^_^; Hmm, that's about it. So buh bye now. And have a Happy Halloween. For a bit of more fun, buy some silly string. And maybe TP or egg a house. Though I don't recommend it. You might get caught, you know. ^_~
Oct. 13- 28 
"Who's the best for Kari?"
a) TK
b) Davis
c) Wallace (I doubt, but he did kiss her on the cheek.)
d) No one! Let her stay single!!
"His Master's Voice..."
Okay, I'm gonna be doing a bit of ranting. You okay with that? *no one answers* Okay then. ^_^ (Oh, and note: I will have a Rant/Review/Whatever section. It won't be released anytime soon tho, so wait. ^~) So anyhoo, I just gotta say something about this episode: Wow. I really liked it. Very intense, very entertaining. ^^ Plus, I see a lil' thing going on between Kari and TK. Well, that's what I see, and prolly a bunch of other people too. ^_^ I'm not gonna be a shipper of this coupling til I see more proof. *cough* Besides, I like the idea of a love triangle better. It's more amusing. "Mari-San, you really like this episode even tho Matt wasn't in it?" Yes he was! He was in the theme song. ^^; But seriously tho... yeah, I liked it. Tho it would have been better if Yama was in it. *grins* But Takeru was looking pretty cute. ^~ He got it from his brother. But no spiky hair. *shrugs* Oh well. ^_^ Back to the episode... I thought the eppy was pretty cute. Int the top 10 or 20 for sure. But I didn't like the part much when Kari in the end says something like "I really care for you too." Bleah. *pause* It would be funny if Tai and Matt followed them around with binoculars, just to check up on their younger siblings. *pauses again* Where did that come from??

Oct. 15-22
"How was the Digimon moooovie?"
a) Oh! Totally great! I was flabbergasted! Two thumbs waaaay up! 
b) Um, it was okay and all. Too bad for the major editing.
c) Eh. It wasn't that bad.
d) Be thankful I'm still a fan!
"Who is the second popular of the gang?"
Okay, I think it's safe to say that Yama is the popular one of the whole group of DigiDestined, if you are talking site-wise. I'm talking about how many shrines there are. ^_^ Well then, who's the second most popular?? I'm guessing it's Kari, but hey. That's just me. ^_^ I've seen a whole lot of shrines dedicated to that lil' flirt. (Sorry, I just call her that. Poor 'Davish.' ^^) Most of the Kari sites' names either have something to do with 'light' or 'pink' or 'angel.' *sweatdrop* Okay, I'm sorry, but if you are gonna make a Kari shrine in the future, try something different. Just a bit of advice. ^^; So I'm guessing that Kari's the 2nd pop. If not her, then... maybe Mimi. *shrugs* Oh, I dunno. All I wanna say this: MORE Taichi sites, dammit! *calms down* Oh, and also, make s'more Koushie and Jyou shrines. I haven't seen a lot of those. =( Just my plea... my last plea for sanity. *slurred* Light speed, Dan. Light speed...
Oct. 1-14
"How do ya feel about Jun Motomiya?"
a) Jun who? Wha what? Isn't it October or something??
b) Grrr... I hate her! 
c) She's cool. Just like one of us!
d) I dunno.
"Digimon the Movie!!"
Yeah yeah, I know. I've already made a thought like this. But that was about the animation, so this one totally counts. ^_^ Anyhoo, I'm getting excited. I can't wait to see the movie. Especially the first one, even though it has crappier animation. Ya'll know why I wanna see the first one. Two syllables. Ya-ma. ^^; Everyone knows it comes out sometime next week, October 6th. Whoo! ^_^ I'm gonna bring a friend or two, cuz nobody I know really does like Digimon that much. =P But I dun care. It's Digimon, babay! Other than the movie, let's talk about the movie soundtrack. *Ahem* I really liked the soundtrack. If it wasn't for the badly American drawn cover, it would have been really really good. ^^; I like the songs. It has an edge to it. It's mostly rock and roll. Yay! Not all bubblegum pop, which if it were would've drove me crazy. *rolls eyes* I do like the original Digimon songs. They're tyte. My fave non-digi songs would have to be "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies and "The Impression That I Get" byt the Bosstones. As for the Digimon songs... well, I can't decide. I do like "Here We Go" a lot. ^_^
Sept. 17-30
"Favorite boyband?"
a) *N Sync
b) 2Ge+her (Whoo-hoo! ^_^)
c) 98 Degrees
d) BSB
"It's official."
Heh heh. You wondering about my Teeny-bopperish mood right now? (Oh, and don't worry about that. I'm not ususally like this. ^^) Anyhoo, as you might have heard, it's official: Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are an item. ^_^ And NO, it isn't a rumor. It's true. Britney even quoted it herself. And I got it from a reliable site. Go to and read the article yourself. Plus, it's in the latest issue of Elle mag. ^^ All I can say about this whole ordeal is 'amen.' Why? Cuz then there is no more of the whole bitter arguing from teenys saying "Yes!" and "Nah-uh!" ^^;
*newscastor voice* Oh, and for teenybopperish news, Joseph Fatone of the popular boyband *N Sync may have an daughter. (Lol! ^_^)
Sept. 10-16
"What will you do in school to pretend you're paying attention?"
a) Say 'So true, so true" after everything your teacher says.
b) Cover up a yawn by exclaiming 'Aha!'
c) Sit at the edge of your seat looking excited from all the learning fun.
d) When the teach is down lecturing, ask "But what does it really mean?"
"Hey Billy, what's shakin?"
(LOL! That Sprite commercial. ^^) Okay, is it just me, or are there too many guys named Billy in commercials all of a sudden? First there's that Sprite commercial, the one with the jeans. ^^ Then there's that Mega Lunch Pack thing, where the kid's acting like Godzilla or something. "Billy... Billy! Wait til you sit down!" And then there's that, um, cellular thing commercial. ^^; Ya know, where that guy's golfing? "Where R U Billy?"  *sigh* Okay, sorry for this stupid thought. Hey... *sounds like Dreamcast* I'm thinking... (And thanks for my friend for the inspiration of this thought. ^~)
August 29- September 9 
"What did you think of yesterday's new episode?"
a) Awesome! I loved them both!
b) They were great.
c) Eh... so so.
d) I can't say cuz I didn't see them. T_T
"I live in the wrong part of the country."
Okay, guess which answer fits for me. *points at letter d* That's right, I missed BOTH episodes. On the first one, I didn't see cuz they changed it to 7:30. What the the heck? I now loathe Action Man. I wasn't as bummed out as I thought I'd be, since the episode I really so desperately wanted to see was the Yama one. ^_^ It's two hours later, so I thought I'd go on the PC. At 9, I got ready to set up the VCR and some Yama-goodness. Yesh! The VCR is ready, and I'm about to see the episode I've been waiting for since the two weeks before. But guess what? I look at the TV Guide lineup and Digimon WASN'T there. It was replaced by baseball. There are now scratches on the TV screen and throughout the whole room. ^_^ I was REAL ticked by this. Everyone not living in Cali saw the episode, while I didn't. Hence the name of the thought. I live in the wrong part of the country! >=( And what makes me sad/ticked off the most is that people who alredy saw that Yama-filled eppy is saying that it's the best episode ever... I didn't even get to see it! Foxkids MUST die. And I'll be ready throughout the whole week looking for Digimon sitings...
August 19-28
"What do you think of 02?"
b) Very good. Not enough Yama though.
c) It was... okay. Not the best, but okay.
d) SO disappointing. I actually cried.
"My opinion of the voices."
Okay, time for ranting on the new 02 voices. ^_^ I'll just give a statement for each new character.TK: AAAAHHH!!! I was wondering who was talking in the beginning, until I saw the caption on my TV. TK. I was all "Geh?" I was really surprised. Although I have no problem with it, I was taken aback. The voice... is deep. Deeper than Yama's for goodness sakes!! That can't be right!! Also... You're in 5TH GRADE, not 7th Grade, TK Dear. It even said so on the classroom door. Also, your brother and the others are not in high school QUITE yet. Kari: *gives a thumbs up* Great. Excellent. I like it. ^_^ Keepin' it real. ^_^ Davis: I dunno why, but I like his voice. It seems to suit him well, since he's a 'Tai Wannabe.' ^_^; Remember his line "The kid's tryin' to get to my girl!" or something like that? I dunno about you, but I laughed mah butt off there. ^_^ Also, "Can you play Donkey Madness with this?" LOL. So, all in all, I like it. Yolei: Er, I dunno really. It's okay for her, but I have a feeling it doesn't quite fit her. I dunno what voice does though. Cody: My first thought was "Ash?" Ya know, from Pokémon? Scary. O_O His voice does NOT fit him at all, in my opinion. It should sound somewhat like TK's when he was younger. Ken/Digimon Emperor: Okay, I guess. But he doesn't sound evil to me at all. It's a voice I would mock at saying "Oooh, I'm so scared." =P But it's okay, I guess. Vee-mon: Er... lisp? ^^; It reminds me of DemiDevimon, for some reason. Hawkmon: Ooh, a Brit. ^_^ That's all I gotta say. Armadillomon (Is that it?): He's from Texas. "Howdy!" ^^; He should have a baby-like voice, in my opinion. Or something like Eeyore. ^^ So those were my opinions. Other news though. I loved Izzy's line "I knew I should have recharged after Trigenometry Trivia last night! But boy, talk about fun." LOL! I dunno if I put the wrods exactly right, but that's my most favorite quote from 02. ^^ Also, lots o' Yama Goodness in the beginning of the second episode. Growr! ^_^ Also, when TK introduced him a 'rock star' and he was in the concert... Whoo! Tai's lookin' much better without his goggles. His uniform and those did not mix. Didn't he miss a day of school? ^_^ Mimi was introduced to be in New York... What the heck is with her hair?? It's all... afro-y and orange. ^^ Nancy on the historical significance on toilet paper... Er, yeah. ^^; Let's see, what else... Hmm, nothing else. Bye then. ^_^
August 13-18
"What is your favorite Yama song?"
a) "Walk on the Edge," 01 Vocal Theme
b) "Negai Kanaeru Kagi," 02 Vocal Theme
c) "Run With The Wind," Instrumental Theme
d) "Oretachi no Melody," Duet by Yamato and Gabumon 02 
"The Digimon Commercials."
Okay, I have to rant about this a bit. ^^ Anyhoo, I've seen them all. Personally, my favorite one is the DigiWood one. ^^ Yama screens flashing and flashing, scenes from the movie, Tai saying "Win and you could be seeing stars, baby!"... What could be better? Although, the movie trailer is pretty good too. The only one that scares me is the one where this one kid turns into Tai at the end of their 'dance.' *shudders* I ran from my TV set screaming. ^^; Now, about the 02 ones. They're okay, though incredibly short. Blink and you'll prolly miss the scene. I do like the background music. Spiffy. The only thing that annoys me is this: Not one single drop of Yama! Argh!! >=( I can't believe it! How would Digimon be without the golden haired one! Foxkids!! AHHH!!!! *screams* It's not right! AHH! *breathes deeply* 1...2...3... okay... *calms down* Whoo, Mari-San almost lost her temper there. ^_^

August 8-12

"Other than his regular 01 outfit, what is your favorite?"
a) His outfit as a little kid from three years ago. KAWAII!!
b) I liked his pajamas, cuz it's cute and that's something I wear when I go to sleep.
c) His outfit from when Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon dressed him up.
d) His movie outfit. Lookin' good!
e) His robe! Growr!! ^_^
"Jun Motomiya."
You know that name. *glares* Every hardcore Yama fan knows that name, and mostly they despise it. Why? Well, first let me tell you who she is. Jun is Daisuke's (or Davis's) sister in 02. She's 17 years old, in the 11th grade, and is a very big fan of our one and only. ^^;; Who isn't, though? Anyhoo, she did the unthinkable, or so I think she did. Ahem. She asked our Yama.... OUT!! (Crazed Fan-Girls shout and yell) A 17-year old asking a 14-year old out?? Although I do know some hardcore Yama fans 3-6 years older than him. ^^; But luckily, our Yama turned her down! GOOD FOR HIM!! *pats Yama on the back*  A lot already hate her for that, and 02 hasn't even been released in the US yet. ^^; Now more about her appearance. She's... odd-looking. ^^;; Her hair is BIG and SPIKY. Kinda like Tai's. *shudders* And she's short, shorter than Yama. I'll say more or even make a section about her when 02 comes out. Buh bye then. ^_^

July 24- August 7

"What are your thoughts on the upcoming Digimon Movie?'"
a) Dude, it's totally going to ruuuuule!! I'm gonna go see it for sure!
b) Yay! All the kids are gonna be in it! Whoo hoo!
c) It's gonna be totally cool. I just they don't do a bad job dubbing it...
d) They're having a movie!? OMG!
"My thoughts on the movie."
I'm looking forward to it. ^_^ The only thing is that is that I think it's going to be real short. Ah, who cares! It's Digimon, and I like Digimon, so I'm gonna go see it and have a fun time. ^_^ I also wanna see the new kids and how they're personalities and voices are. I've already seen their dubbed names, and they're okay... Daisuke is Davis?? David or Dave is something more realistic for a boy, but that's my opinion. Miyako is Yolei, which I don't even know how to pronounce, and Iori is Cody. He doesn't look like a Cody to me... Anyhoo, can't wait for the movie to come out. It might not make it to the top three in the box office, due to it's stupid stereo-type (you know what), but that's okay. I don't care about how much money it rails in, I just wanna see it. ^_^ Just cuz' Digimon is one of my favies... *sigh* Can't wait to see the old gang. ^_^
July 20-23
"What do you think 'shinka' means?'"
a) Duh! It means 'evolve' or something! Gabumon shinkaaaa.... Garurumon!! 
b) Isn't that a sound? 
c) Ooh! I know! Aren't shinkas those really cool bracelets!!?
d) Ahaha! You said... shinka!! Ahaha!!
"02 In America."
I can't wait for season two to come. ^_^ I know it's going to be sometime around August. But there is one thing that kinda scares me about it: the VAs. What's gonna happen? Personally, I think the VAs of Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, and Joe are fine. No need to change them. Yes, some of you are looking at me like I'm nuts. I just want the VAs of the old kids to stay the same. Why? Well, I'm so used to the voices. I can't imagine anyone else being the voice actors for the old kids. ^_^ Yama's voice actor better stay the same, just like in Japan. ^_^ I'm pretty sure that Izzy, Joe, Tai, and Yama stayed the same in Japan. As for TK and Kari... Well, for now, I can't imagine who would do TK's voice! TK with a deeper voice will be sorta weird. As for Kari, I think Lara Jill Miller should stay, and just use a bit deeper voice. ^_^ And for Daisuke, Miyako, Ken, and Iori... well, anyone's fine with me. ^_^

July 7-19

"Would you want to see Matt in the movie 'Scary Movie?'"
a) Scary movie? Cool. Which one?
b) *shakes* Noo.... I'm too scared....
c) Omigod YES!! I'd love to see him there!! It'd be so funny!! *blabbers on* 
d) He should be the Scream guy. That'd be a big surprise...
"The Wizard of Oz..."
*sarcasm* Wasn't that the cooolest movie? *rolls eyes* Anyhoo, I was just watching it yesterday and it came to the 'munchkin' part. Dorothy and Toto, who is the best character ^^, were in the place with the munchkins hiding everywhere. Munkchin Land, I think. So anyhoo, wouldn't it be hilarious if they all just popped out at the same time going "Whazzup!!!!"? Of course it'd scare the heck out of Dorothy, but still. ^_^ 
June 27-July 6
Are you looking forward to see the Digimon movies?"
a) Yes! Definitely! ^_^
b) Sure. I just don't like the animation. Bleah...
c) Er, I guess so...
d) No, not really. I already know what's gonna happen anyways.
e) I dunno. I have places to go, people to see...
"Digimon Adventure is a shounen show, meaning aimed at boys. I think elementary boys..."
Yep, that's right. I think the information's correct. Anyhoo, it is more like a boy's show. Ya know, there's a bit more action, monsters duking it out, blah blah blah. This is my opinion: Well, if it IS a shounen show, then why do they make some of the male characters real attractive. Say for instance... Yamato? ^^;; I know this is a weird thought, but this is what I'm thinking. 'Sides, I have a huge headache right now, so I might not even remember typing this down. =P I think the seemingly attractive boys in this shounen show might change the lifestyle of the guys watching this. ^^;; Don't go 'eew' at my opinion! Also, they showed Yama, Taichi, Jyou, etc. nekked once. That bathtub scene? Remember? Good thing it was only their backsides.... My friend said she was scarred for life when she saw that clip. ^_^
June 16-26
"He said that he had gel. Where does he keep that gel?"
a) In his pockets.
b) Erm, in his hair?
c) Prolly in the emergency bag.
d) It's magic, I tell ya! MAGIC! They're always after me lucky charms!!
"Beat the heat with the DigiBeat."
Heh. Try saying that five times fast. ^^; Anyhoo, what's that all about?  *sigh* Maybe it's just a publicity stunt, or something. To watch old Digimon reruns all summer... But I've seen all of them already!! I can practically recite an episode for you!! But don't ask. ^^;; Don't get me wrong, Digimon still rocks, but there is a lot of new competition. *gets out a pad of paper* Let's see, there's Card Captor Sakura coming out this Saturday. Yay! ^^ Then there's the new Sailormoon eppys, which I'll rant about below. And then there's Tenchi Muyo coming out in Cartoon Network sometime. It's true!  I've seen the commercial. ^^ Sooo... *thinks* I dunno. *throws pad in the air* I'm confused, but Yama will always be number one! ^^
Okay, to all you Sailormoon fans, here's my opinion: They changed the voice actors for like almost the whole cast. *silence* Whhhhyyyyy??? Prolly only the cats, Raye, Lita, and Darien stayed the same. I guess that's okay, but it'll get a lot of getting used to. But they did make the show seem a little more serious, if that's possible. Not as much cutesy music in the background. And Michelle/Michiru is cool. ^^ But what about Sailor Uranus? How did they come up with the name Amara, or whatever it was called? Unique, but cool. Okay, I'm tired of typing, so buh bye. ^^
June 6-15
What's your favorite couple with Matt?"
a) Taito (Tai and Matt)
b) Sorato (Sora and Matt)
c) Mimato (Mimi and Matt)
d) I like all of them, it's really cute. ^_^
e) None!! It'll never happen, plus Matt's mine!!! O_o
"Season Two's a comin' closer."
Wah! Nooooooo! *sniffle* I'll miss it lots. No more Matt related eppys, no more other kawaii old stuff. -_- I feel sad. Even though it's really depressing to see it go, I'm actually looking forward for the new Season. I can't wait to see what the kids look like in action. I can't wait to see Yama's band! ^__^ He looks so cute. Some people hate his new doo, but I like it. I didn't at first, but I've grown to love it. So all in all, it's this: I'll remember the past, but I'll look forward. Confusing eh? Well, if the new 02 eppys suck, I have back-ups. *grins* I prepared for this. I'll be watching taped classics like "The Crest of Friendship", "Sub-Zero Ice Punch", "Trash Day", and such. ^~
May 23-June 5
"What did you think of the eppy "The Crest of Friendship?"
a) It was spectacular! They should get an Emmy!!
b) It made me cry. I still am... *sniffle*
c) A bit corny, but it was okay.
d) Omigod! I missed it!?!?  %&^#%&@!!
"That episode ruled!!"
Sure did. ^^ I love that episode. I watched it over and over and over again that weekend. I'm so glad I recorded it. Anyhoo, Matt's and Gabumon's performance was awesome. It was really really really touching and kawaii. You get to know about the two a little more better. They have so much in common! You can see why they were meant to be a duo. "Gabumon and Matt, friends for life." And the flashbacks of Yama!! Oh my gosh, he's so kawaii. And another thing about this episode. It has the BEST effects ever! I mean, look at it. When it showed flashbacks of the episode "Playing Games," the background turned blue, and it brought out the character in focus out. When Matt and Sora were possessed with the evil and negative feelings, there was the black thing around them, and their eyes! Plus, my most favorite part: The Ocean of Darkness. I loved that, especially on Yamato. He looked good. As they were feeling more depressed, they went deeper and deeper in the ocean. And on Sora's part... I loved it when Matt and Joe were trying to reach out into Sora and save her. They had the golden light around them. That was the coolest. Well, I'm done. Is it just me, or has this thought kinda turned into a rant? Oh well. Buh bye now! ^^ 


May 15-22

"What is the saddest thing you have ever heard? Sad meaning stupid... "
a) Anime? What's that? Is that the Sailor Moon stuff?
b) Who's Britney? And Christina? *N Sync?? BSB? Eminem? Never heard of them... 
d) Let's make solar-powered flashlights!!!
c) Small Kid: Pikachu!!! *hugs Pikachu doll* 
Someone else: Oh, bless you. 
"Aha! He has a shadow!!" 
*looks sheepish* This is actually kinda stupid, really. Well, when I saw the pictures of the old kids in 02 (from Megchan's Digimon Sekai) I noticed that there was something behind Matt which looked like a shadow, and the other kids didn't. So I showed my friend, who didn't like Matt at the time, and telling her that he has a shadow while the others didn't. I'm all saying "Aha! Matt's special He's the only one with a shadow! Mwahaha!!" Then a couple of days later, I found on the internet that it was actually a guitar. I looked more closely, and it was. ^^;; Boy, did I feel even more stupid than usual...
Oh, and if you wanna know... my friend is now a Matt Fan. ^^
May 8- 14
How far would you go to get Matt Merchandise?"
a) As far as the eye can see...
b) I'd call the company who makes them 24/7.
d) I'd pay up to $327.62 for stuff.
c) Threaten store clerks.
e) Can't. No cash! *sobs*
"When feeling bummed out, think of Matt."
*sighs* Yes... As you can tell, I'm pretty bummed out today, which is 5/7. =( I didn't get to update, have tons of homework, people were being such jack-at-money-money's to me, (if you can figure that out, you are very clever) and a whole bunch of stuff. The only good thing this weekend was I went shopping and got some Matt stuff. *stares at Matt Poster* Oohh... I hate this weekend. *bangs head against wall* The only thing making me half-decently cheered up is shopping, TV, cake (yum) and thinking how Matt has got it as tough as I do...
May 1-7
"What was your favorite Matt focused episode?"
a) "Garurumon"
b) "WereGarurumon's Diner"
d) "Playing Games"
c) "Trash Day"
e) As long as it has Yama, it's okay with me.
f) *shrugs* I dunno. 
"Make 7 Up Yours!"
Sorry, couldn't think of a thought. *pause* Wait, that didn't come out right. I meant that I couldn't think of a Matt related one. Anyhoo, this has gotta be one of my favorite commercials. It's just so... funny! *giggles* Make 7 UP YOURS!! It's just so funny! And then that car crashed... Keep your eyes on the road is another lesson and... *thinks* Don't do crack. In fact, I like most commercials, except cheap ones. ^^
April 23-30
Question of the Week
"Where would you love to see Matt?"
a) A TV show (I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to fall... Friends. ^_^)
b) In a concert (Hmm... Me: "Oh Matt, isn't *N Sync the bomb!?!!" Matt: "Er... ??" ^_^) 
c) At a party, club, celebration, etc... (Can you imagine Matt clubbing? ^^)
d) Anywhere, as long as he's in a close distance. (Close enough... so close... Mwahaha!!)
Thought of the Week
"Tai's smarter than he seems."
People: "GASP!" Yes, I know. But I bet the Tai fans are proud of me. ^^ Anyhoo, I think that Taichi really is smart! Really. Seriously. When's the last time you hear an "11-year old" say words like 'nostalgic' and 'inconspicuous'??? Lemme see you answer that!! People: *sweatdrop* Er, okay. As I was saying... Man, what kind of kid has a vocabulary like that!? Other than Izzy. ^^ So here's my last comment. People tend to think of Tai as 'dumb.' I just think that he 'leaps before he thinks,' if ya get what I'm saying. So in my conclusion... Taichi is not as dumb as he looks, or that my school doesn't teach me well.
April 17-22
~Question of the Week~ 
"What do you think of Yama in 02?"
a) *sniffle* His-his.. his hair!! *bawls*
b) Oooh, closer to my age... *clicks tongue*
c) Guitar?? What ever happened to the 'monica?
d) *shrugs* I luv him anyways. *hugs Yama plushie*
~This Week's Thought~
"MetalGreymon digivolve to... Stainless-steel Greymon!!"
*people give odd glances* Mm, I was bored today. Plus, It's kinda a funny thing to think about. If you're one of those people who get PO'd at things that don't follow with a plot will get really frustrated at this, or maybe even confused. ^_^ I, for one, thinks this would be a cool evolution. I can just picture it now... Note: TO my friend who thought of this is is prolly saying "Biter, biter!!" Eh, I don't give a monkey's butt. ^^
April 11-16
~Question of the Week~ 
"What would you prefer to be?"
a) Matt's girlfriend (or boyfriend. O_o)
b) Matt's best friend
c) Matt's lil' sis or bro
d) Anything as long as you know Matt personally.
~This Week's Thought~
"Boxers or briefs?"
Ah, the controversial question. ^_^ Remember the episode "Evil Shows His Face"? And remember the part where they're flying around in the beds? *crowd makes remembering 'ooohs'* Yep, that part. We didn't see anything! Boxers, briefs? Jockeys, Hanes?!? Sigh, the mystery is still not solved. ^_^ Let us just assure he IS wearing something, otherwise the person sitting across from Matt would have made some faces... ^^ 
From April 1- April 10
~Question- A Space Ghost Theme:
Yeah! Space Ghost is the BEST cartoon made in America! Not Matt related, but oh well. There's variety here. These are based on the March 31 episode about Spanish Translations and Gilligan, which was FUNNY!! I don't like Beavis and Butthead, but oh what the heck?^^
"Are you related to Beavis, or Butthead?"
a) Beavis
b) Butthead
c) WHO!?
d) Uh huh huh huh... Seven??
e) "You can't say 'butt' on this program!!"
"Uh huh huh huh... She said 'speciman.'
*falls over laughing* AHAHAHA!! It was sooo funny! I just love Brak! ^_^ Plus, that is quite a thought, eh? I don't even know what speciman means. *sweatdrop* Oh well. As I was... LOL! ROTFL!! *goes hysterical, as also does the rest of the world* 
From March 26-April 1
Which pop singer do you think is better for Matt?
a) Christina Aguilera
b) Mandy Moore
c) Jessica Simpson
d) Britney Spears 
"Why does Matt wear that type of top?"
Oooh! Oooh! *raises hand frantically* I know, I know! *clears throat* He wears it to look extremely hot. *gets googily eyed* It has the power to make people wonder, and girls drool. ^_~ It's not much of a thought, but more of a question. But heck, It makes me think! ^_^
From 22-25
What song would you like to sing to Yama, or what you would like Yama would sing to you?
a) "I Can't Get Enough of You, Baby"- Smash Mouth
b)  "I Wanna Love You Forever"- Jessica Simpson
c) "Pretty Fly For A White Guy"- Offspring
d) "Come On Over (All I Want Is You)"- Christina Aguilera
"Hey, if Matt's last name was  'Yamamoto,' his name would be 'Yamato Yamamoto.' Heh heh, funny."
That's a bright quote from moi. ^_~ Actually, this is something I though of when watching the 'Forgot About Dre' video 


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