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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

Yamato-Zoic Era

Hallo hallo. ^_^ I just love the name of this section! Get it? You'll have to be older than about 11 or so to get it. It's in Science. Read a book. *silence* Well anyhoo... ^^;; This page is about Yama's phases, revelations, cool facts, and such. It's a more extensive look at Matt throughout the series. ^_^ As any good anime character, or any character in a show, no one can stay the same throughout the whole series. That would just make things... boring. Bland. Blah. Snore. ^^;; So here, I'm gonna tell you about *echoey voice* Yama's phases, revelations, cool facts, and such. These may be true, but some are just my opinions. Enjoy. ^_^ Oh, and note: I write reports good as Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo. ^_~

Beginning of the  Series
D e v i m o n &  B l a c k  G e a r s  A r c
How many episodes in this first arc: 13 Episodes
1. And So It Begins...- That's when they meet up ^_^ 
2. The Birth of Greymon- Taichi's Intro Eppy
3. Garurumon- Yamato's Intro Episode 
4. Biyomon Gets Firepower- Sora's Intro Eppy
5. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker- Koushiro's Intro Eppy
6. Togemon in Toytown- Mimi's Intro Eppy
7. Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo- Jyou's Intro Eppy
8. Evil Show's His Face- Devimon ruins everything =P
9. Subzero Ice Punch!- Tai and Matt meet up 
10. A Clue From the Digi-Past- Izzy and Mimi meet up
11. The Dancing Digimon- Joe and Sora meet up
12. DigiBaby Boom- TK and Patamon are all by themselves
13. The Legend of the DigiDestined- Devimon's toast. Moving on! ^_^
Quick Summarization about this Story Arc: Can I do this in one minute? I think I can! Ready... set... go! *inhales* 7 kids at a summer camp are transported to a Digital World where they meet their own Digimon Companions! WOW! There, they face dangers and challenges. An evil Digimon, Devimon, wants to destroy them all because he thinks that they are there to destroy him! OH NO! So Devimon traps them all with an illusion, sending all the kids this way and that! AAH!! But luckily, they meet up with one another again! YAY! So off they go, and they defeat that mean ol' Devimon! And ta da, this story arc is over and off to the next adventure. *out of breath* Whoo... ^_^ Did I do it in a minute?

Okay, let my bad writing begin.

The Digimon series in America finally started! ^_^ "And So it Begins" was the first episode. Nothing is told much about Yama, except that his name is Yamato "Matt" Ishida and some other shtuff. Tai intorduced him as 'just too cool.' ^^ During the next couple of episodes, he seems to be a bit sarcastic and tends to joke around sometimes to lighten up the mood. ^_^

"Moving right along folks, keep it moving. Our next stop on the tour is the Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs! No pictures please."--Matt  

(talking about Meramon) "Maybe this monster has growing pains!--Matt
"Matt, this is no time to joke!"--Joe

See what I mean? ^_^ In Matt's Introduction Episode, 'Garurumon,' we find out more info. He says that he and TK are half-brothers. Not true! They're real brothers, no halfs, no steps, no quarters, just complete blood brothers. Their parents got a divorce. Tai thinks that Matt treats TK like a bother, not a brother, but Matt really does care for TK. He just doesn't wanna show it. Like that scene in the trolley:

It was nightime, and everyone was sleeping, except for the 'look-outs.' Yama told Gabumon to sleep next to TK because his fur made him sweat. Although it was because Matt just wanted to keep TK warm. TK woke up and said "Thanks Matt." Matt just turned away and blushed. 

Another very good reason that Matt really does care for TK is that he swam across the lake to make sure he's okay when Seadramon attacks. He even gets attacked by that baka sea dragon. *grumbles* At the end of the episode, Yama is playing the harmonica beside a sleeping TK and their Digimon. TK says something like "Big bro, you're the best." Yama continues playing. Behind a tree, Tai is watching and grinning. Such a sweet moment. ^_^ 

Skip a few episodes right up to 'Evil Shows His Face,' a classic in my book. ^^ Here we see Matt's practical, cautious, and vanity  side.

"Go ahead, Joe. Open the door."--Matt
"Maybe we should knock first."--Joe
"Joe, nobody knocks on the door of a hotel."--Matt
"Sorry for saying this everybody, but this looks like a setup."--Matt
"Watch the hair, dude!"--Matt

Eh heh. ^_^ Well, as we all know, Devimon crashes the place they were at and sends the kids in different directions. *sweatdrop*

In the next episode, 'Sub-Zero Ice Punch,' Yama and Gabumon are lost in a forest with a blanket of snow. Yama's desperately looking for TK, who is no where to be seen. Due to the freezing weather, Matt catches a cold. They finally come across a cave where Matt thinks TK is probably at. To his dismay, no little TK. Gabumon tells Matt to stay in the cave and that he'll go look for TK. So the Digimon runs out. Matt's sitting in the cave with a fire made by Gabumon to keep him warm. He starts to think... 

"Poor little TK. It's just not right. He's my little brother. I should be the one looking for him."--Matt

So wouldn't you know it, he runs out and starts looking for his brother. Meanwhile, Gabumon is out in the cold looking for TK. With his fur, he could withstand the cold. He keeps calling out TK's name, but nothing happens. Gabumon thinks this will greatly disappoint Matt. A moment later, Gabumon finds Yama on the ground half buried with snow, unconscience. Gabumon takes Yama to the cave by the fireside. He said that if he doesn't warm up soon, he'll never make it. Then he makes a kind gesture by taking off his fur and covering Yama with it to warm him up. ^_^

The next morning, Matt wakes up just in time to see Gabumon rush to put his fur back on behind a rock. Note, now Gabumon has a cold. Yama seemed a little surprise that anyone would have done this for him.

"Gabumon. You took off your fur for-- well, thanks."--Matt  

So after awhile, they go out into forest where they meet up with Tai and Agumon. ^_^ They're happy to see each other, but then an argument quickly started. Tai saying that they needed to get off the island.  Matt's saying that the 'real deal' is finding all of their friends. More words later, Matt runs off angry. Tai catches up to him and tackles him to the ground. A few more words later and kapow! Matt punches Tai right in the stomach. Oooh... Ouch. Tai quickly retaliates by fighting back. So they fight and fight and fight until they end up at the edge of a cliff. Tai has Matt pinned down and was about to give a final punch when he saw Matt crying.

 "It's TK. He's out there on some strange island, and he's all alone..."--Matt

Realizing, Tai stops. Agumon and Gabumon finally catch up and wouldn't you know it, the cliff they were on breaks and they're all falling. =P Luckily, they land on Frigimon's head! Well, it wasn't lucky for Frigimon.

"It's raining kids and Digimon again. I'm gonna have to start carrying an umbrella."--Frigimon
So anyhoo, after  digivolving and fighting a Digimon, I forget the name, with a black gear, the day is saved. Garurmon finds a mountain with black gears and blasts at it. The gears turn the other way and they head back to Infinity Mountain, where they came from. So the end for the episode. Matt realizes that wherever TK is, he's safe with Patamon at his side.
Fast forward a bit to the eppy "Legend of the DigiDestined." TK and Patamon were the only ones not to meet up with their friends, so they were all alone. Well, not really. Leomon came along. The bad Leomon. Uh-oh, you say? That's right! Leomon has TK and Patamon cornerned when suddenly... Yama and Garurumon come to the rescue! Yay! ^_^ One by one, and two by two, the rest of the kids finally arrived except for Joe and Sora. After freeing Leomon from the evil black gears, and shooing off Ogremon, they all sit down for a discussion.
After much talking about strategies and shtuff, they come down to their conclusion: Defeat Devimon, of course. ^_^
"It's gonna be tough. When you get down to it, we have no other choice."--Matt
"It's time to show your true self."--Joe
So they all go to Infinty Mountain, where Devimon is located. After a while, they meet up with him. Only one teensy, tiny problemo. He's now humongous. All the Digimon in Champion form wouldn't even result in half of his leg. Well, maybe that's an exxageration. ^^;; Anyhoo, to make things short since I'm no good with long, detailed summaries, all the kids' Digimon in Champion form were all down, except for Patamon. Devi's plan was to destroy the smallest DigiDestined, for it would mean his destruction. So Devi lunges at TK. It was time for Patamon to shine and fly high! The little Digimon dashed in front of Devimon's hand and was caught. That's when the cool happens. Patamon finally Digivolves to... Angemon! ^_^
So shis boom bah, and a kapow, one Hand of Fate attack defeated the evil Devimon, but also drained Angemon's energy, causing him to devolve all the way to the first stage: a digi-egg. Well, now that Devi's gone to his retirement home, everything is peachy and they all could go home. Right? Ehhh... no. A rock suddenly falls over and reveals a computer image of a strange, old being. Who could this mysterious creature be? *cough*Gennai*cough*duh*wheeze*
So, what have we learned about Yama in this arc?
~His name is Yamato "Matt" Ishida
~ Yama is proclaimed to be the 'cool one.'
~ Yama has a little brother named Takeru "TK" Takaishi."
~Matt's Digimon is Tsunomon (later to the more popular Gabumon, then Garurmon."
~ Matt really cares for his lil bro, though it may not show.
~ He plays a musical instrument. The harmonica. ^_^
~ He does care for his friends, just a note. ^^;
~ He likes to keep his hair lookin' nice. 
~ Some other shtuff too, tho I forget. *sweatdrop* Remember, I'm like Mihoshi... Oh, and on a side note, this is when the Taito 'revolution' begins on "Subzero Ice Punch." ^^;
Well, so this story arc is over. Time for a new one. ^^;; Well, bye bye and I'll let you know when I start the next arc. ^_^

<<<Yamato's Style  Shades of Yama>>>

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Disclaimer: This page is totally original. I thought of the name and all the things I wrote here are completely by me. ALl of them are my opinions and summaries, so don't steal them, okay? You won't steal anything from my page?? Great! You're such a doll. ^_^