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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!

Questions that are Asked Frequently

As odd as it may sound, I actually get e-mail!

"You get e-mail?! Mari-San, that's crazy talk! How absurd!!"

Yeah, I know. ^_^ So to clear things up, I put some of the your most asked questions right here. Isn't that amazing? Woah, hey! I'm like Wonder Woman here.  And look, here are the percentages of all the questions asked in this nifty litte survey! (Somebody stop me, I'm on fiyaaa!)

50% 20% 15% 10% 4% 1%

4% of you asked Can I link to your site?

Why, of course you can! ^_^ You don't even have to ask. This site is link-free, meaning you can link to it if you want. *grin* Gosh, I feel so special. And send me a link to your site too, so I can check it out. ^_~ Thanks! You make me blush. You're all too kind.

10% of you asked Can you link to my site?

Sure, I'll link to you. Just make sure it's decent, mostly complete and running, and people-friendly. I will not accept anything rude or hateful, because that's just silly.

Also, let me rant a litte: I happen to think it's very rude when you e-mail me and TELL me to link to your site without even asking. Like this, for example:

"Hi. link my site at"

If you do something like that, I'll ignore and delete your message. Now, ask me nicely and it'll be a different story. =)

15% of you asked Can I use this/that/idea on my website? I'll give you credit!

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't like it if you do that, even if you did give me credit. =(  It flatters me that you like something on my site so much, but I really want my site to be as original as it can. That's what makes this site so special to me.

Besides, you should only make a site if you do have an original idea in mind. Why would you if you didn't? There's no sense in that. Your site wouldn't be interesting if it had something others already had, or if you borrow things from others. It'd be less personal. So my answer to this question is a firm 'no.'  But thanks for asking. It flatters me still. (But it wouldn't flatter me at all if you go and do it anyway without my consent. ^^;)

20% of you asked Can you please affiliate with me?

Aww, you're too sweet. *huggles* But... (Yeah, you knew there was gonna be a but next. ^^;) I don't like the idea of affiliating with a lot of people. It takes the 'shine' away from it. I think that affiliates are a 'close-knit' type of thing. Even tho I'm not necessarily buddy-buddy close with my own affiliates, there's that special ping about them that I whole-heartedly adore. ^_^ That's what I think affiliates are supposed to be like. So please, don't ask to affiliate with me. It puts me on the spot and I don't like replying back a negative answer, =(

50% of you asked Can you help me make my site?

WOAH! Hold your horses by their reins and screech to a halting stop! O_o

Questions like these totally take me by surprise because I'm no good at making layouts or HTML. I mean, I suck. *sweatdrop* If you don't know any HTML, I'd suggest you go to helpful websites like or That should help you learn the basics. ^_^

I'd be happy to help you with advice, like what to dos and what not to dos. I won't be bothered if you e-mail me. Just do so 20 times a day. *laughs* My main advice to you right now: Be original and unique. People love that sort of thing. ^_~

Well, those are some of the questions. ^_^ Now let's move on to the questions that are rarely asked in the 1 percentile, but asked anyway. Ka-ching!

You should add this and that to your site. It would make it better.

Thanks for caring, but I'll pick the right time for my site to evolve with new things. =)

Would you please do this or that for me?

I'm sorry, but I'm not a machine to serve you or to answer requests. *laugh* I hope I didn't sound like a major dork there. ^^; But anyhoo... Although questions like these are sweet in a way, I don't do that sort of thing. Maybe for special reasons for special people, but I just don't flow that way. But thanks for asking. ^_^


Well, that's about it. I hope you read this before e-mailing me with things so there won't be hoopla for you. Have a jolly day! ^~

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Disclaimer: Percentages may not be accurate. *sweatdrop*