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MariSan: Let's start another one. ^_^
Ryoohki: why
MariSan: Cuz I need at least two or three.
Ryoohki: 2
MariSan: I'll act as the psycho now.
Ryoohki: ok
MariSan: Okay, start.
MariSan: Pretend to be me.
Ryoohki: helo
MariSan: Hi.
Ryoohki: so been to myis
MariSan: my what?
MariSan: *pasue*
Ryoohki: dupuid
MariSan: Act likeyourself now*
MariSan: Let's start over.
Ryoohki: mari sans yamato ishida shrine
Ryoohki: no
MariSan: *Oy...
Ryoohki: hehehehehehehehe

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

MariSan: Hi.
Ryoohki: mwahahahahaha
MariSan: So...
MariSan: What's new?
Ryoohki: go to
MariSan: That's MY guestbook, stupid!
Ryoohki: he he
MariSan: =P
Ryoohki: go to
MariSan: I already caught Syaoran.
Ryoohki: catch brad pitt
MariSan: Why?
MariSan: NO!!
Ryoohki: bye
MariSan: Why?
MariSan: Okay, bye then.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

MariSan: I updated today.
Ryoohki: i know
MariSan: So whaddaya think?
Ryoohki: how is yama related to hello kitty
MariSan: ^_^;
Ryoohki: bye
MariSan: Not yet.
MariSan: Did ya like that section?
Ryoohki: yeperuu
MariSan: Okay.
MariSan: Didja figure it out?
Ryoohki: yup
MariSan: Really?
Ryoohki: i almost did
MariSan: What WAS your answer?
Ryoohki: see i knew hello kitty was a cat and tai has a cat and tais cat
probably knows yamas cat...

MariSan: ^^;
Ryoohki: see im so smart
MariSan: Didja see the pictures of Matt and Jun? O_O
Ryoohki: yes
Marisan: Scary, huh?
Ryoohki: she looks like a girly tai
MariSan: *laughs*
Ryoohki: bye
MariSan: That's what I said.
MariSan: Bye. ^_^

Very... odd.

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