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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!

Awards and Gifties

When I first started this site, I would have never thought that anyone would give me anything. Ever. Seriously. ^_^;; I just thought, "Hey, I want a Matt site too. I'll just kick it." Did I ever think that someone would actually appreciate it so much as to give me something? Nooo. So when I got these, I smashed the ceiling from jumping so high. Thank you once again! *huggles*

A little warning note: I can't tell the difference between an award or a gift, just the fact if it says 'award' or what mood I'm in will tip me off. They're both equally gratifying for me. ^_^

And don't think of stealing them! If you do, you are just an incredibly sad, sad human worm baby.

Awards?!? Must Be!
Okay, now THIS really flatters me; NOT plagerism. That guy who said that is cra-zay...

Wow! Look at my site's first award! Can ya see it!? ^_^ Hee, I'm glad to know that my site isn't ALL parp.

Wow! Would you look at that!? My site got it's first award! *big grin* Now this is something I never thought would have happened. My site isn't even all that popular. ^^;; 

But anyhoo, many thanks to Taitheriszilada who gave me this lovely award and for being such a friend throughout the whole site history. ^_^ I just love it!

I shall call him... RockinROB. Bwa ha! Ack, priceless! Don't you dare come running in with a hatchet, INSOLENT HUMAN!

Dude, even Tokomon likes my site. DELICIOUS! I shall call him RockinROB for the meantime, just for my crazed naming-tendencies...
And lookie, Clare-sama (Dunno what sama means, but I it's really gude) gave me a prized toko! Priceless!! Beat that, Mastercard.
Such flattering awards! Thanks again Clare! I luv them! ^_^ 
And please, puh-leaze be sure to check out Clare's site, The Lost Temple of Ishida. It's way better than mine. 

Another award that has kawaii pics of Yama on it... What could be better?!


Oh wow... a THIRD award!?! Is the world going blind or something?? I can't believe that my humble lil' site is getting awards. I'm just shocked. Like... "Woah" shocked. Thanks so much YaVulpes for this spiffy award, and thank you for being my dear affiliate. ^_~ It's simply adorable. And all the pictures of Yama... Niiiice. 

To see this cool award in a bigger and better detail, click on it. Simple as that. Wow.
And as long as we're reading, please visit YaVulpes's sites. It's hot. Yamato's Flame AND her AWESOME Karato site The Light of Friendship


Lol, Yama is just as shocked as I am. ^_^;

Oh wow... up until now, I was convinced I wouldn't get anymore awards. This was a real surprise. But a pleasant surprise nonetheless! ^_^ Mimi-Chan, thank you so much for giving me this spectacular award! And with Yama on it too. ^~

The Forbidden Realm doesn't exist anymore. (awww) But don't worry! See Mimi-Chan's other site! It's equally magically delicious! Ice Angelz


*blink blink* What? I've received an award!!? *screams LOUDLY, causing pigeons to seizure*

Oh holy fishsticks! I can't believe it! ^__^ I was off the computer and didn't check my e-mail for about a week. And now I look in my inbox to see this nice surprise! XD I'm the Kawaii Digital Site of the Month? Awwww, that's so sweet! *sniffle* 

Thank you so much, Ishida_LoneWolf, you will forever be etched under my good graces. ^_~ (Sorry to scare anyone by that.) But it's true: I'm such a softie. Anyone who does anything sooo nice for like this will always and forever be on my good side. ^_^

And don't forget to visit YDP, Your Digi-Pet. It's an extremely cute Digimon site. ^_^ Visit, visit I say all that is good and true and for the sake of all human-kiiiiind!!! *pause* Oooh, Mari-San almost lost her mind again.

Awwwwwww! Thank you, Mina! ^___^

Mina, sankYUU!!! *grins* I just had to say that. ^_^ Mina, you are too nice to me, but I'm willing to take that risk. 

Lol! Seriously tho. You're an angel from heaven, Mina! They must be saying in heaven "Where's Mina? Mina? MINA!? Where is she!!" =D I love this so much! I mean, lookit Yama's expression, lookit! *points* And what you wrote, it's oh so sweet.

I'm deeply saddened that I can't find the right words to express my appreciation, so I'll do this:

^___________________^ Times 1,000,000,000,000

 Mina, thank you again!! *deathly tight hug*

Squee! Dogmon is so adorable, ne??!

Oooh, what a spiffy thang. ^_^ You know, I DID need a good wrench. I broke my other one when trying to fix myself a sandwich. That, and the ants took it. *grumble*

But I'm so lucky to have a new, better, shiny, and just plain psychotic wrench like this! Sankyuu so much, Ishida_LoneWolf. *does a happy dance*

Matt will never leave here now that he's in my grasp.  Mwah ha ha!

*chirps* Eep! It's.. Yama... in a bath robe. Wow... I'm feeling very nostalgic right now. Gosh, Evil Shows His Face was a stroke of pure, utter, genius. And Spryte64 is too wonderful. 

Spryte, I don't deserve this. I know I don't. But thank you so much. You've been helping out since way back, and I'm real grateful. *hugs*


*Bugs Bunny squeaky voice* Rally? Aww, you shouldn't have. ^_^

My my Yama, look at your blush! It's making ME blush. Look, I'm gonna blush right now. *blush* There. *grin* Shimegami and Losergrl are sweethearts, yes indeed.

Oh, and please visit their site, Forever Yamato. It's quite lovely and appealing. ^_^


Yama... Taichi... Yama... Taichi! Yama!

*google* Shimegami, thank YOU so much for this awfully pretty award. The pictures of Tai and Yama are so... Ah. ^_^

I don't know why I found this in my mailbox. I don't deserve it really. For Moby's sakes, I hadn't updated in a hundred years! And the update prolly wasn't even from me, most likely, it was from wonderful contributors to the site. So give them the award!

Heck, I dedicate this award to all of them. *holds award up* MWAH, guys, mwah! ^_~

Okay... I just lost my train of thought. O_o I hate it when I do that. I was just sitting here for a minute or two, looking blankly at the screen. I don't know why I'm typing this up. When I think out words, I'm also typing them down, so you are actually reading my exact thoughts at the moment.

Okay, I'll stop. And please visit Forever Yamato. ^_^

Newsflash: I REMEMBER! *ahem**Wisconsin accent* Beeg opps! Beeg opps to the crew! Beeg opps to Shimegami! Beeg opps! BEEG OPPS!

Hyeah, I just decided to call the people who have ever contributed here the 'crew.' It's a nice thing, don't worry. ^_^ And please don't look at me like I'm and insane. And tell your kids it's not nice to point at me.

Really, Really Cute Gifties
*squeals* Awwwww!! ^_^ I've figured out how to make nice thumbnails. Click them to enlarge and see the whole picture. Yay!


This means a whole bunch to me; It was my first gift for this site ever. And I will deeply cherish it. ^_^ Thank you so much Mina. No words or enough smiley faces ^_^ can express my gratitude and millions of thanks. *hug*

Would YOU like to take a ride with a space cowboy?

This is my very first picture gift from the always awesome Joléne. ^_^ This spiffy gift was inspired by my clique, Loss For Words. Joléne chose 'space cowboy' to be her phrase and VIOLA! You've got this kawaii picture. ^~

And who is that lucky girl huggin' Matt on the crescent moon? Why, it's Jo, of course! ^_^ I'd never hug Matt on the moon. I'm afraid of heights.  *sweatdrop*

Everybody say it with me now: AWWWWWwwwwAwww! It's so PRETTY!

Wow. This is a REALLY good picture... It's breath-taking. This lovely art was drawn by the oh-so talented Keruri. And I MEAN talented. She on my top list for favorite artists! And you have to be REALLY good to be up there. ^_~

I was so giddy when I found this pic on her site and that it said that it was dedicated and inspired by MY site! *jumps like Tigger* Speaking of sites, go to her's right now! ^_^ Keruri's Pad Trust me, it will become one of your favorites.

*grins* Am I going to have fun with this...

Now HERE is a very special present from Sakura. ^__^ She has wonderfully given me Yama's $45,000,00 guitar for FREE. *claps hands and cheers* Whoo hoo! Oh, Sakura, you are a GODDESS. I bow down to you for such a kickin' thang. 

Thanks so much again, Sakura! ^_^ Peace and Yama!

I actually won this one! Yeah. ^_^ You see, I was Michan's 10,000th visitor! And this was my first time winning a kiriban. Croik! I requested a picture of Yama being an ice cream tester. And I got this ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE piccie in return! AAHHHHH!!! *hugs Michan* I love this kiriban so much! And lookie, Yama's tasting my fave; vanilla. God, it can't be any better than this. ^_^ 

Also, please visit Michan's awesome site, Yama*Chan's Place. ^~ I love this site too. I've been there a long time back, when my site was still practically a baby. It's totally spiffy!

Cookie Monster, I'll kick your arse if you come within a mile to my beloved, scrumptious cookie!

Oh, Mimi, this is just pure GENIUS! No words can come out of my mouth to express my gratitude. ^_^ My, it certainly is nummy. *laughs* I'm not sure whether to eat it or to frame it so I can look at it everyday. Seriously. Really. It's too cute!

A Yama Cookie isn't a very common thing. I'll cherish it foreva! Heh, and Yama's expression is to laugh-for, imo. "You're going to EAT me?!?" Yama, it's YOUR fault you're delicious. ^_~

Thanks so much again, Mimi! *huggles*

*bug-eyed* Yama, you workin' out? H-YUK! ^^

A very risque, yet drool-worthy giftie congratualating MYIS for 17000 hits from the always awesome Jay. Jay; You ARE really awesome... ^__^

Okay, not for the frail eyes, ya gung-ho-buffalos. ^_~ Picture this; Yama in an extremely small towel. That's it. *nods* Eh-heh. ^^; And he's offerin' to take a shower with him. Now woah. This is practically hentai, but it isn't so that's why it is up here. Yay! *wink wink* Again, you ARE wonderful Jay. EXTREMELY. *death hug*

I adore Jay with all my soul now. ^_^;

Dear lord, Jay is so pampering me with these yummy pictures. And I greatly appreciate her for that. ^_~

Whoo, more shirts off! (Da da DA da Nun!) This time, it's Yama AND Taichi. A two-for-one deal. *grin* Oh, this is so adorable. HEYH! *hugs Jay surprisingly* Thank you!!!



Now tell me this: Isn't this the CUTEST Patamon you have ever laid your sweet eyes upon? 

Thank you so much, Irene. You are a million times sweeter. ^_^ And you know what? No problem at all and feel free to drop a line any time! *grin* Er, I can't guarantee it will make it to you in a nanosecond, but it will make it to you. You are great.

*deep sigh* I'll treasure these. Frealz. Now, the sap is over. Yay! ^_^ But seriously, I love these. Thank you so much again! And again, and again, and again...

Return me to Sitey, Sparky!

Legal Disclaimer: Please don't steal my awards and gifts... because that's just sad.