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Soda Pop!?!
Because beverages are funny.

Stop laughing at my art! >_< It's HARD drawing with a frickin' mouse... And also note: Yama is not holding the 'bad' finger up. ^^;

Hello, one and all! I'm so glad you could attend. Please take your seats. Ahem ahem AHEM. *wheeze* Welcome to the debate; Which is it? SODA or POP!?! Oh, how mind boggling... O_o

Statistics. YAY!

Matt. Duh.

Yamato "Matt" Ishida

Argument: That our caffienated drinks are called 'soda,' and NOT called 'pop.' It's always been soda.

Debating Style: Persitent, Intimidating

Weaknesses: Is easily outraged at the tiniest jab about vanity (eg: hair), family, and talents. 

Iori "Cody"

Argument: 'Pop' is what we call our drinks. It's this generation's name!

Debating Style: Strong, Right to the point

Weaknesses: Tends to get emotional and carried away when discussing about integrity.

Cody. Duh.

Here with me today are Matt and Cody, the two lethal competitors. They'll both give their side of the story, slash each other out, and basically debate like they've never debated before! And I will act as the ring master. *evil grin* So before we continue, grab a snack or be an Agumon and use the toilet, because we are going to start right...

Cody: Hey, that's not fair! You're going to make him win!
Matt: Why of course, since I AM the better debater.
Cody: It's not that. It's because she's the judge.
Mari-San: Well now, how is that gonna make Matt win instantly, young-un?
Cody: This place is obviously a Matt site, and since she likes him better, she's gonna make him win.
Matt: C'mon Cody, don't be bummed. *teasingly* You know everybody likes me better.
Cody: *lip quivers*
Mari-San: Hey, stop this! *looks at Cody* Would it make you feel better if I made up a Cody-Fan?
Cody: *nods pathetically*
Mari-San: Alrighty. Doodle doodle doo. *types*
CodyGirl2001: HI! Omigosh, I luuuuuuurve Cody! Hee hee! I'm gonna glomp him to DEATH! *deranged giggling*
Mari-San: There ya go! Happy?
Cody: No, not really.
Mari-San: *shrugs* Close enough.
Matt: *chuckles* Hey, I just noticed that Mari's Mary-Sueing herself...
Mari-San: Heh?
CodyGirl2001: Haha omigosh, there's Cody standing right next to me! Bwahaha! I'm gonna hug you now!
Cody: Augh! O_o
Matt: Hey, did you know if you changed just three letters, Mari-San would BE Mary-Sue?
Mari-San: *pouts* Why must you bring that up?
CodyGirl2001: Wai wai, Cody! MARRY ME!

Okay, NOW.


Mari-San: Yay alright, we're going to begin. *climbs up Judges chair* C'mon, Double C 2001.

CodyGirl2001: YAY! *jumps to her chair*

Mari-San: Gentlemen, please take your podiums.

Cody: Sure. *walks to his podium where his picture is plastered on the front* Hmm, not a bad pic of me...

CodyGirl2001: There is NO bad picture of YOU, Cody dear! I have them all! Mwa hah ha HAAAA! *continues mwa-ha-ha'ing*

Matt: *shrugs* Okay. *He walks to his podium to see that his picture has lipstick marks smothered all over it* Eh...

Mari-San: *infuriated* All right, who did that!? I spent a LONG time on that scan!

Jun: I did! *raises hands* OMIGOD, I love you Matt! *pause* Wait a minute, I love Shuu! Never mind!! *walks out of auditorium*

Mari-San: *sigh* Okay... We'll see who'll start the debate with their opening argument with... a COIN TOSS!

Crowd: Yay!

Mari-San: Call it! *flips coin*

Cody: Heads!

Matt: Tails!

Mari-San: *looks* It's heads.

CodyGirl2001: Whoo! Go Cody! You rock my world!

Mari-San: Go ahead, Cody. Begin the debate! *holds up paper pad and pencil* We'll record and tally your score by how much sense you make, how convincing it is, and how well you perform. Com-MENCE!

CodyGirl2001: *holds up wallet-sized photos of Cody while breathing derangedly*

Cody: Alright. *stares icily at Matt* First of all, you INSOLENT HUMAN BOY--

Crowd: Oooooh.

Matt: *raises eyebrow*

Cody: How medieval could you get? Soda? *throws back head* Bwa ha ha! That is old news. Soda; What the heck is up with that???  *rolls hand into a fist* What does the word 'soda' mean, anyway? *holds up a dictionary* Acording to Webster's, the highest authority in word-defining of all time, 'soda' is defined as to be sod-ee-yum car-bo-naaaate--

CodyGirl2001: Awesome enunciation, HON!!

Cody: *ignores her* -- and is also proven to cause balding!

Matt: OBJECTION! That is complete crud! Sodium carbonate does not cause balding. *annoyed* Where the heck did you get that from, the Tobacco Company?!

Cody: *scowls* I stand by the Fifth Ammendment not to answer that.

Audience Member: That means that he DID get it from the Tobacco Company! Which means he SMOKES!!!!

Another Audience Member: And he eats Kraft Macaronni and Cheese!!!!!

Audience: GASP!!!!!!!

Audience Member: Damn you, Kraft Macaronni and Cheese!

Audience: Yeah!

Cody: I do NOT smoke! *has weird, throbbing anime vein on forehead* I'm only NINE, you dolts.

Matt: *under his breath* Really? I thought you were four.

Cody: I heard that, Grandpa.

Matt: Don't make me come there, you little fetus.

Mari-San: QUIET! *bangs gavel on chair arm* Continue, Cody!

Cody: Gladly.

Matt: Harumph.

Cody: Now continuing to my almighty second point. Here, I have with me a can of Pepsi.

Audience Member, who sounds freakishly like Britney Spears: Outstanding arguement! Because you just have to RIDE! Vroom! Just enjoy the ride! And you have no reasons why, because everything IS ALL RIGHT!!

Audience: Yaaaaaay!!! *cheer and applause*

Cody: >_< As I was saying, if I pop off the lid, the can makes a fizzling sound. And what sound does fizzling make??

Audience Member: Er, fizzle-mah-nizzle? Sizzle?

Another Audience Member: Um, kerplunk?

Another Audience Member: Swish swish?

Cody: Gah, NO! POP!

Audience: *understanding ooohs* Oooooooh.

Matt: *snickers*

Cody: Grrr... *blandly* And that concludes my arguement.

Audience: *polite applause*

CodyGirl2001: YAY! Good job Cody! C-O-D-Y that spells Cody and not housefly! Whooooo!!

Mari-San: *roll eyes* Great, Double C. *clears throat* Now Matt, it's your turn.

Matt: *rubs hands together* Alright, this should be simple enough. Now, audience members! What do I have here in my hand? *holds up Coke*

Audience: COCA-COLA!!!

Matt: Yeeeeessss, but what else can it be called?

Audience: COKE!

Matt: *sigh* Okay, this is not working. How about you all finish this sentence: Coke is a kind of...

Audience: Drink!

Matt: Other than that.

Audience: Beverage!

Matt: You're getting closer.

Audience: SOFT DRINK!

Matt: Not quite there...

Audience: Oh, um... Oh yeah. SODA!

Matt: Aha! There you have it ladies and gentlemen! Instinctively, people will ALWAYS call it Soda. Not Pop. *grins evily* Pop is for kindergarteners who doesn't know how to talk in two syllables yet.

Cody: Objection!

Mari-San: On account of what?

Cody: Er...

Matt: Ha! *points excitedy at Cody* You have no back-up arguement for that! Face it, I win this one.

Cody: You have no proof whatsoever on calling it soda. NONE!.

Matt: As a matter of fact, I do. *opens briefcase to reveal many charts and graphs* Across the globe, commercials and advertisements refer to these sweet drinks as soda, NOT POP.. And on a nation-wide survey, 85% DO refer to it as soda while the remaining 15% call it 'Other.' *smiles*

Cody: *eyes widen* Aha! Those charts are in your handwriting! I smell forgery!

CodyGirl2001: You go, babe! WHHEEEEEEEE-HEEEE! That's my BOYFRIEND!

Cody: ...

Matt: What are you talking about!? They're PRINTED OUT!

Cody: ...From a source that forges! Ha! *victory dance* Thank you ladies and gentlemen, GOOD NIGHT!

Mari-San: *sweatdrop*

Matt: You twerp! *throws can at Cody*

Cody: Ouch!

CodyGirl2001: EEP! He hurt my Cody... Then that means Cody is not invincible!!! Waaaah!!! *cries a river*

Cody and Matt: *starts to have a 'can throwing fight'*

Audience: WHEE! Fun! *joins in*

Mari-San: *sigh* Well, that's it for our great debate, folks. If you wish to take a part in this debate, please place a vote down below. Goodnight! *waves wearily, but is then hit unconscious by a flying Sprite can*

Please Cast a Vote! Thank You!


The Debate Between Matt and Cody
What do you think it should be? Soda or Pop?

Current Results
Gah! The flying cans scare me!
Take me back to Laughs and Candy!

This debate has been brought to you by Mari-San. Steal, Plagerize, or copy in any way and prepare to spend an eternity on Mari's Hitlist. Remember: NOBODY likes copycats. And another note: If you have a screename named 'CodyGirl2001' then I'm terribly sorry. ^_^; Background history: There was a commerical of Yama and Cody arguing. Ta-da!