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Laaadies and Gentlemen... Prepare for the ultimate contest ever!!

Are you feeling lucky?

What is the stare-off, you say?? You fool. A staring contest of course! *hearty laugh* And you, my friend, will face off, the reigning champion. Or should I say... stare off?

Who IS our reigning champion? Why, it's none other than Yamato "No-Blink" Ishida!!

*Crowd goes wild* "Yama, Yama! We love yoooooooou!!! AHHHHH!!"

*shakes head and laughs* Ah ha ha... Those crazed fan-girls. ^_^

Well, are you prepared to face off Yamato? *doesn't wait for an answer* Great! First off, make sure your eyes are rested. That's the key. With tired eyes, you will definitely lose. Such a pity that would be. Most opponents can't last for a minute! Oh, I don't know why they even bother going to this section...

Once you click, you'll never go back. *smiles*

Can you handle it? I'm sure you can. Now go... go and meet your worthy adversary!

But I should warn you. Yamato has not yet lost after all his challenges. Wil you break this and be the first winner? Well then don't just stand there! Stare! Stare into the eyes of your opponent! And win!!!

Well, at least try. 

Okay now, time to begin. Close your eyes for a second and give it a little warm-up... Okay, it's time.

In five... 





Wait, hold on a minute...

I love taking up space. *grins*

It's just making the whole thing more exciting, doncha think?

You don't? Ah. Well, that's too bad.

You wanna start now, don't you?

Fine then.


How intense...

AND STOP!!! The match is over! Someone blinked!!

Phew, what an eye-strain. Glad to blink again, eh?

Sooo... who won? *sweatdrop* I didn't see what happened. What kind of judge am I, you say? The really dumb ones, I guess.

Post one of these at your site if you competed, will ya?



I lost! Yay! I won! Yay!

If you lost, put this on your site. (duh)

Don't worry about losing. Everyone who competed lost too. (Baka are those who pick the other button!) But hey, you got to stare at a Yama picture. What's so bad about that?? ^_^

So anyhoo, if you're the good, honest type of person, post this button on your site and be proud! Proud I tell ya! Proud!!

If you won, put this on your site.

If you do put this on your site, I hafta say something: You are a total baka. There is no way you could have won. After all, Matt is the best. And since this is a game with a computer screen is another reason why you couldn't have won. ^_^

But if you're the type of person who doesn't really care, go ahead. =P

 Well, that's about it here for this section. ^_^

If you want to send me some comments about the competition, go right ahead. I'll post them up here. It'd be interesting to see what the opponents who has faced Yamato think after the match. So... buh bye now!

Dude, my eyes hurt.
Take me back to Laughs and Candy.

Disclaimer: All I have to say is that this section it 100% original. *smiles proudly* I thought of it one day and thought "Hey, why not?" So as always, don't steal, mmkay? That is just so uncool. Plus, you do not wanna see me pissed. *sips tea* Are you wondering why I'm so calm and serene right now? Well, me too. *takes another sip of tea*