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The brand-spankin' new beverage that's taking over
the Digital World and YOUR world... today!
Well, not rilly rilly, but it's a cute thought, in a demented sort of way. *sweatdrop* Anyhoo...

Welcome everyone! I proudly present to all of you the newest invention, a drink so delicious and addicting, even Bob Saget drinks it. I give you... Taiquila!


That's right, Taiquila! It's a new drink found in your local supermarket isle, it's a new drink that makes everyone crazy for more!


And it features one of the cutest, big-haired guys of all time... Tai!

"Whee!" *has seizures*

You betcha. ^~ What more could you want anyway? It's nummy and it has Taichi! Wait- that's the motto! DELICIOUS! Say it with me now!

It's nummy and it has Taichi!

Alrighty then. ^_^ Taiquila is a flavor that's very sweet. It's an acquired taste, but you'll acquire it right away! Why wait, eh?

"But Mari-San, does it taste good?"

*gasp* How DARE you say such a thing??

Oh, right you are, Taichi. Right you are.

Our spokesperson has spoken. So what are you waiting for? Go to the quickie mart and grab a six pack of this delish drink!

Here are some of our satisfied customers.

Mm. Whatever.

Cheerleader Jun. ^^;

But wait, that's not all!

This drink is very nutritious as well! Gosh, what will they think of next? *chuckles quietly to herself* Anyhoo...

100% Vitamin C!
100% Calcium!
100% Sugar!
100% Taichiness!

Imagine that. You wouldn't have to excersize for a whole week! Wow! ^__^

Also, order in the next 3 SECONDS and win a glittery pencil, a second Taiquila bottle, and a year's supply of ointment! DOUBLE WOW!

But since this wasn't something you can order from to begin with, just forget about that. (Aww.)

*laughs* This really has nothing to do with the section, but I was just itching to get this picture of Joe up. XD Joe: *slurred* Go getch some Taiquilaaaa, NOW! *falls asleep on the floor*

So if you like Taiquila,
Smack this onto your page, or wherever.
Hee, I made this meeself. ^_^
Please, don't edit this in anyway. I made this icon and I am puh-rowd of it. ^_~

The Inspiration

What made me make this section anyway? Well, I was listening to 'Tequila,' this really catchy, wordy song. (lol) And anyhoo, I thought "Hey, Tequila sounds like Taiquila." And thus, this was spawned.

Here are the words to the original song if you want. *shrugs*

*music break*
*music break*
*music break*
*music break*
Well, I've come to an end on this section. It's been fun, hasn't it? Now you can play your drinking games in full Digimon style. Ya lucky ducks. ^_~
And remember...
It's nummy and it has Taichi!

Skip back to Laughs and Candy

Legal Disclaimer: This was created May 19 and released to the public some time later. *sweatdrop* Okay, let's just get one thing across. Don't steal this. I repeat, don't steal this idea. This is highly, completely, truly, madly, deeply, 100% original. I know since I made this section up. I created the content and the images. So don't even think of your pathetic plagerism ways, because you'll stick out like a sore thumb. People will know you as 'the copycat' and everybody loathes copycats. Don't even try making something like a 'Matt-quila' or 'Sora-quila' drink, because that's really sad. If I see something with the slightest bit of resemblance, the angels will weep for you. You will be added to my hitlist. Do I make myself clear?