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Taitheriszilada:    hi
 MwAqua:     YAY!
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 MwAqua:     hey, read my email about.... my award being changed
 Taitheriszilada:    okay I will hold on
 MwAqua:     and whats the website with the obsessed card?
 MwAqua:     It wasn't recorded in my history..
 Taitheriszilada:    I didn't go there at your house it's extremely rated pg
 MwAqua:     oh so
 MwAqua:     its.. not working..
 MwAqua:     the page failed.
 Taitheriszilada:    Whaddaya mean I may not be that obsessesd?
 MwAqua:     NO NO NOT THAT
 Taitheriszilada:    *Gives skeptic look*
 MwAqua:     what is the site with the card that said you were talking to him
 MwAqua:     ?
 MwAqua:     how long does it take to load
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno
 MwAqua:     its not loaded

heres just the image alone
 Taitheriszilada:    it's funny

I like this one also
 MwAqua:     hold on!
 Taitheriszilada:    oaky okay sheesh
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL tree's are okay! >.<
 MwAqua:     it is actualy loading
 MwAqua:     HA HA
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 MwAqua:     now the second
 Taitheriszilada:    funny huh?
 MwAqua:     well, foul language but.. funny!
 MwAqua:     can you replace the old award with the new?

go here to veiw all the image cards you can send
 Taitheriszilada:    yeah I did a few min. ago
 MwAqua:     all right (same web address?)
 Taitheriszilada:    I'm runnin' outa' bytes >.<
 MwAqua:     o
 MwAqua:     how do I delete an account on Homestead
 Taitheriszilada:    You don't have to
 MwAqua:     huh?????????????????
 Taitheriszilada:    just sign up with go
 MwAqua:     how do you delete web pages you've built?
 Taitheriszilada:    I have a homestead account some where too
 Taitheriszilada:    Why do you have to do that?
 MwAqua:     so i can sign up with go
 MwAqua:     I only want one extra account that has Email i deleted excite,
v3, and something else
 Taitheriszilada:    I don't build websites on the web like you do. I just
upload them. yeah you should be able to sign up
 MwAqua:     ok
 Taitheriszilada:    i've 5 email accounts maybe even more
 MwAqua:     ohmy
 Taitheriszilada:    yeah if I get tired of one I just ignore it. ^_^ I
always use the same password so i can always get into the account though
 Taitheriszilada:    ('sept for my very very old and ancient yahoo account)
 MwAqua:     oh
 MwAqua:     is it called homestead or homepages
 Taitheriszilada:    yum the keyboard is gonna be greasy (pizza) yay!!
 MwAqua:     hold on, to this
 MwAqua:     <A HREF="">support@homestead-inc.
com </A> Taitheriszilada:    oaky
 MwAqua:     brb
 MwAqua:     im back
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 MwAqua:     that is the email you sendto delete your homestead account
 MwAqua:     you ask them
 Taitheriszilada:    kewl
 MwAqua:     Do you need help in Digimon World?
 MwAqua:     I gota pheonixmon right now
 Taitheriszilada:    don't have it or a playstation :`-(
 MwAqua:     Oh
 MwAqua:     Is there anygame you need a guide to?
 Taitheriszilada:    nope besides I don't like to get help in video games
 MwAqua:     ANYTHING
 Taitheriszilada:    Dale and I beat Zelda on our own
 MwAqua:     o
 Taitheriszilada:    I guess that if you're a Zelda Veteran it's easy ^_^;;
 MwAqua:     hold on
 MwAqua:     im here
 Taitheriszilada:    yeah i see
 Taitheriszilada:    hey what was the heat index for you?
 MwAqua:     huh heat index
 Taitheriszilada:    it was at least 100 here *pant pant*
 Taitheriszilada:    The temp.
 MwAqua:     yeah here too
 MwAqua:     no ac
 Taitheriszilada:    I had to run in Gym
 MwAqua:     oh my
 Taitheriszilada:    talk about child abuse
 MwAqua:     un
 Taitheriszilada:    bleah I felt like I was gonna faint
 Taitheriszilada:    ugh
 MwAqua:     :(
 Taitheriszilada:    oh well now I am on a caffiene rush
 MwAqua:     ha
 Taitheriszilada:    did you start school this week?
 Taitheriszilada:    who is your fav. boy band?
 MwAqua:     yes and... i don't care
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; I do
 MwAqua:     o
 MwAqua:     .
 MwAqua:     im reaading digimon world and the ending
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ i'm workin' with some of the html stuff ou gave me
 MwAqua:     kool need help?
 Taitheriszilada:    nope i figured it out
 Taitheriszilada:    i'm pretty good with html
 MwAqua:     i o
 MwAqua:     cool
 Taitheriszilada:    well too bad! I just finished
 MwAqua:     i got gameshark codes
 MwAqua:     CRUD
 MwAqua:     F--- yiu you m----- f----- b----
--------------------------------- ........ sorry
 MwAqua:     i get mad
 Taitheriszilada:    I see
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">ht
 Taitheriszilada:    look at it
 MwAqua:     ok
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;;; a few mistakes but that can be seen to later
 MwAqua:     ha
 MwAqua:     what is teh oage you sent me in teh EMAIL that had that thing...
that card that said Matt was tellin me you were obsessed...
 Taitheriszilada:    how do you do drop down boxes like you have on your
links page?
 MwAqua:     HA
 MwAqua:     HA HA
 MwAqua:     go here
 MwAqua:     <A HREF=""> </A>
MwAqua:  its great
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno the first picture i sent you was what image i
 Taitheriszilada:    oaky
 MwAqua:     ok ok ok im gonna go,,,

 MwAqua:     bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye by bye bye bye bye bye by
bye by bye
 MwAqua:     bye bye bye bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
 MwAqua:     bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee
 MwAqua:     :'(
 Taitheriszilada:    bye

Enjoy? ^_^

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