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Mwaqua: hi
Taitheriszilada: finally
Taitheriszilada: sorry my dad cut you off :(
Mwaqua: i have a question.. really important
Mwaqua: on, can you delete your account?
Taitheriszilada: what?
Taitheriszilada: I dunno
Mwaqua: when you sign in, PLEASE check
Taitheriszilada: I will
Mwaqua: I won't sign into anything unless I know I can delete the
Mwaqua: thanc
Mwaqua: thanx!
Taitheriszilada: hey visit my page at
Taitheriszilada: "Never Fear....The cosmic Fooooooool is here!" - Homer
Mwaqua: o
Mwaqua: kool
Mwaqua: hmmm
Mwaqua: :-(
Taitheriszilada: Whatcha' doin?
Mwaqua: looking at pictures......................
Taitheriszilada: at where?
Mwaqua: umm you might not like it..... r u sure
Taitheriszilada: ya
Mwaqua: <A HREF="">I warn you.. this
place is INSANE </A> Taitheriszilada: ya it's in the url ^_^
Mwaqua: uh huh
Taitheriszilada: DBZ?
Mwaqua: well i need to know where they sell stuff. go to links
Taitheriszilada: nuthin' in links but links ^_^;;
Mwaqua: i know.. there are some good ones that let you go to places
where you can buy stuff. thats how i got SIREN
Taitheriszilada: shes pretty
Mwaqua: who
Taitheriszilada: SIREN
Mwaqua: yes
Taitheriszilada: Whats your fav. RPG? Mine is Zelda
Mwaqua: i dunno
Taitheriszilada: how 'bout pokemon?
Mwaqua: dunno
Mwaqua: the simpsons episode is boring
Mwaqua: pika25
Mwaqua: is
Mwaqua: kool
Mwaqua: pikachu
Mwaqua: ...
Mwaqua: allie likes pika
Taitheriszilada: ya really
Mwaqua: so i call her pika25
Taitheriszilada: simpsons are boring unless someone defies death
Mwaqua: yes
Taitheriszilada: do you whatch Titus?
Mwaqua: no
Taitheriszilada: i do it's pretty funny
Mwaqua: o
Taitheriszilada: His mom is Schitszenfrenic (SP)
Mwaqua: o
Taitheriszilada: Hey you sent me something syin' you don't wanna sign up
in e-mail was it for the Digital Donut?
Mwaqua: yes
Taitheriszilada: Oh well you don't really sign up. I made the sight so I
would know. ^_^;;
Mwaqua: :(
Mwaqua: now ur sad
Taitheriszilada: sad? as in...
Mwaqua: sad :(
Taitheriszilada: LOL how do you have your buddy list set up? (as in what
do you have for Buddies and Family)
Mwaqua: i only have buddies
Taitheriszilada: I have Yami (buddies) and Namida (family)
Mwaqua: ah
Taitheriszilada: it means darkness tears in japenese
Mwaqua: ah
Mwaqua: oh
Mwaqua: my
Mwaqua: i gotta go on bravenet and then delete
Taitheriszilada: ^_^;
Taitheriszilada: just sent you something through email
Mwaqua: oh really?
Mwaqua: :)
Mwaqua: ill check later.. im creating CRUD
Taitheriszilada: crud?
Mwaqua: stuff
Taitheriszilada: o
Taitheriszilada: do you have an AOL browser?
Mwaqua: no
Mwaqua: IE
Taitheriszilada: oh okay just wondering
Taitheriszilada: test
Taitheriszilada: kewl
Taitheriszilada: (i can't just hit enter to chat i have to hit send or
ctr + enter)
Mwaqua: o
Mwaqua: i put enter
Taitheriszilada: ^_^;; you can just hit enter can't you?
Taitheriszilada: yup
Mwaqua: i can
Mwaqua: i wanna send SOMEONE a greeting card.....
Mwaqua: but who?
Mwaqua: who will even care?
Mwaqua: hmm
Taitheriszilada: new font (kewl eh?)
Mwaqua: oh
Mwaqua: its old to me
Taitheriszilada: ^_^
Mwaqua: can you send me the zip file to download the font
Taitheriszilada: I dunno where it is I'll look tho
Mwaqua: o
Taitheriszilada: hmmm it aint where it should be
Mwaqua: Gr
Taitheriszilada: can you tell this font apart from the last?
Mwaqua: no
Taitheriszilada: dang i can't either
Mwaqua: can you just send me the site or the url of the download
Taitheriszilada: what download?
Mwaqua: the font
Mwaqua: what is it called
Mwaqua: gottas go to bathroom
Taitheriszilada: the first was republik sans and the second was comic
Taitheriszilada: oh real nice to know gina ya coulda just said BRB
Mwaqua: back
Mwaqua: oh
Mwaqua: i dont like comic sans
Mwaqua: :-P
Taitheriszilada: BRB dad is comin' on
Mwaqua: o
Mwaqua: tell me when your back
*About an hour later*
Taitheriszilada: back  *She had signed off*

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