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Taitheriszilada:    hi
 SelinaFeline:   Amber! Hi!
 Taitheriszilada:    yea!
 SelinaFeline:   I received your link. These pictures are awesome!
 Taitheriszilada:    ya I think so too
 SelinaFeline:   This person is really talented. Did she draw all these?
 Taitheriszilada:    yes. I can send you a link to a page where someone has a
bit of zelda art they drew. the background music on the page really creates a
 Taitheriszilada:    seesh that is one long address!
 SelinaFeline:   My speakers aren't working.I'm talking to someone,
unfortunately, it seems that he is tired of me.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; oh well
 SelinaFeline:   He is in a private chat, won't let me in, and dosen't
respond in IM.
 SelinaFeline:   Jerk.
 SelinaFeline:   Not you, him.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL what is his name?
 Taitheriszilada:    I know
 SelinaFeline:   deivion virus.
If ya gonna tell him off, be careful of his temper.
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 SelinaFeline:   Thank you.
 SelinaFeline:   He's a rp, though.
 Taitheriszilada:    whats that?
 SelinaFeline:   A role-player. He imagines himself as a guardian
 SelinaFeline:   His excuse is he's bin in battle, and he needs rest.
 Taitheriszilada:    rolls eyes. I've seen like a million people on the
internet and they are all dumb ('cept the ones who don't let it interfere
 SelinaFeline:   tsch! Like I was born yesterday.
 Taitheriszilada:    he has no life
 SelinaFeline:   This guy is nuts. I use to be online friends with him. He
says he's 15.
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
story and some statis bout him</A>
this is his page
 SelinaFeline:   'k. brb
 Taitheriszilada:    I think he signed off
 Taitheriszilada:    wanna kool poem?
 SelinaFeline:   No, he's probably just ignoring you.
 Taitheriszilada:    i checked...he aint on
 SelinaFeline:   He's still in a private chat.
 SelinaFeline:   He's in my buddy list...He's on.
 Taitheriszilada:    besides he can't ignore me. I have 6 diff. email
 Taitheriszilada:    not fer me
 SelinaFeline:   Tsk.
 SelinaFeline:   brb
 Taitheriszilada:    your comp. is messed up
 SelinaFeline:   No, it isn't
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    I wanna tick someone off and your availible
 Taitheriszilada:    ha ha LOL
 SelinaFeline:   Bakayaro!
 SelinaFeline:   Anyway, he's on.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
 SelinaFeline:   He just(grumpily)responded to my IM.
 Taitheriszilada:    ha ha
 SelinaFeline:   He says he's, "busy".
 Taitheriszilada:    busy screwin' someone!
 SelinaFeline:   Don't you tell him this, but he said it be better if I left,
so I said, "See ya. Bakayaro"!!!
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL LOL LOL
 SelinaFeline:   I just called him an "asshole".
 Taitheriszilada:    I know
 SelinaFeline:   He's acting like one.
 Taitheriszilada:    I'm a Taito otaku
 SelinaFeline:   A tai & matt something...Is it obsesser?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 Taitheriszilada:    dooshite?
 SelinaFeline:   YOU ARE ONE SICK GIRL.
 Taitheriszilada:    hai. ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    no thanks. I'll leave you alone. but if gina comes on
she'll be begging for mercy *evil laugh*
 Taitheriszilada:    this person is an idiot!
 SelinaFeline:   ::shares evil laugh::
 SelinaFeline:   Which person?
 Taitheriszilada:    he thinks that konichiwa means good day or good
afternoon! it means hello! they are a freakin' moron! bak!
 Taitheriszilada:    the website owner
 Taitheriszilada:    ouji Van
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ I like Jap.
 Taitheriszilada:    blah. I hate DBZ
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL got kicked off?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
HREF="">A Message from
Matt's Biggest Fan</A>
 Taitheriszilada:    not me mind you
 SelinaFeline:   Yup. But that's the price for copying great pics!
 Taitheriszilada:    copying?
 Taitheriszilada:    how?
 SelinaFeline:   It's not about matt being homosexual, is it?
 Taitheriszilada:    no just a message from Jun
 Taitheriszilada:    you know that whore
 SelinaFeline:   And you right-click on a picture, choose save as, and
wahlah, if ya aren't kicked off, you have an exact replica!
 SelinaFeline:   Beware; I might get kicked off a lot tonight.
 Taitheriszilada:    I know I've done that a million times
 Taitheriszilada:    it's too easy!!!!!!!
 SelinaFeline:   Amber?
 Taitheriszilada:    it's not a wrong thing to do
 SelinaFeline:   I just wanted you to know, your my best friend.
 Taitheriszilada:    yea I know that
 SelinaFeline:   *^_^*
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    I laugh too much
 SelinaFeline:   be right back
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 SelinaFeline:   I have to get my japanese words.
 SelinaFeline:   ::evil snicker::
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   Deivion has had it.Or rather, I have.
 Taitheriszilada:    had it?
 Taitheriszilada:    as in what?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
HREF="">Marry Yama</A> ooooh
i like, i like!
 SelinaFeline:   How do you say "you", in japanese?
 Taitheriszilada:    dunno. but I can ask Rika
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 SelinaFeline:   Who-?
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; Rika is my second-cousin. she's jap.
 SelinaFeline:   never mind. I can fake it.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 SelinaFeline:   I need it tonight.
 SelinaFeline:   brb
 Taitheriszilada:    just say you (thats really to)
 Taitheriszilada:    uhhhh yo I mean not you
 SelinaFeline:   ::evil laugh::
 Taitheriszilada:    Wanna take a quiz?
 SelinaFeline:   Wanna hear what I wrote him?
 Taitheriszilada:    what di you write?
 SelinaFeline:   Yo Bakayaro!Kisama!!Kuso yo!! kusochikushoo!!!
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL LOL LOL LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    good one!
 Taitheriszilada:    as kelso would say:
 SelinaFeline:   ::bows:: Thank you, thank you!!!
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   Oh, guess what?
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   Mere is quitting blockbuster.
 SelinaFeline:   She can't rent legend of mana.
 Taitheriszilada:    oh
 Taitheriszilada:    =(
 Taitheriszilada:    too bad
 SelinaFeline:   Because she's buying it and bringing it home tonight.
 SelinaFeline:   ::giggle::
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ kool
 SelinaFeline:   Hope you can come over next weekend!!
 Taitheriszilada:    .....ME WANT CANDY!
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    so do I
 SelinaFeline:   otaku.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   That yamato letter is pretty funny!
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Marry
a half-crazed amber, carrying matt out the door!!!!!
 SelinaFeline:   Who is this Mari-san?
 Taitheriszilada:    the webmisstress of the site
 Taitheriszilada:    she's pretty cool
 Taitheriszilada:    "I don't have enough middle fingers."
I like this quote
 SelinaFeline:   AMBER!!!
 SelinaFeline:   SA
 SelinaFeline:   space
 Taitheriszilada:    SA?
 SelinaFeline:   space

 SelinaFeline:   "Sibling Alert"
 Taitheriszilada:    oh
 SelinaFeline:   Okay, it's safe.
 SelinaFeline:   Does laughs and candy have more of these matt things?
 SelinaFeline:   WELL?
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ I
^_^ hate
 ^_^ My
 ^_^ Younger
 ^_^ Siblings
 Taitheriszilada:    yea it's a matt shrine.
 SelinaFeline:   What about that quiz?
 SelinaFeline:   Gimme it.
 Taitheriszilada:    the main page is: <A
 Taitheriszilada:    the quz is in laughs and candy
 Taitheriszilada:    I've contributed tothe site
 Taitheriszilada:    I've sent in convos
 SelinaFeline:   ah.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    IM's
 Taitheriszilada:    mostly between Gina and i ^_^;;;;;;;;;;
 SelinaFeline:   oh.
 SelinaFeline:   Could you IM me the links to the fanart? Not the fanart
site, but the art itself.
 Taitheriszilada:    what art?
 SelinaFeline:   In laughs and candy.
 Taitheriszilada:    there is no art
 SelinaFeline:   If you say so.
 Taitheriszilada:    do you know what Yaoi is?
 SelinaFeline:   But there is that site for it...
 SelinaFeline:   No.
 Taitheriszilada:    I do i also know what Yuri is
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ Yaoi would be Taito (yes that dreadful topic again)
 Taitheriszilada:    yuri is just plain gross. YECH YECH YECH YECH!
 Taitheriszilada:    lesbians are yuri
 SelinaFeline:   what is it
 Taitheriszilada:    bleah! I hate yuri!!
 Taitheriszilada:    I know but atleast I'm straight
 SelinaFeline:   I am a woman for Yamato, according to this quiz.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ kewl!
 Taitheriszilada:    (i was with Tai when I took it)
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   whatever.
 SelinaFeline:   just goin' high.
 SelinaFeline:   ::giggles hystericlly::
 Taitheriszilada:    uh huh. [[[gives skeptic look]]] I'll go over in the
corner and uh...stay away
 SelinaFeline:   ::another hysterical laugh::
 Taitheriszilada:    Hillary i thought I said no more beer!
 SelinaFeline:   Who said anyhting about beer?::Eyes open to capacity, head
snapping in every direction, more hysterical laughter:: I just discovered
coffee!!!Hey, why are these words shaking?
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
 SelinaFeline:   boinkboinkboinkboink!!!::sounds of Hillary bouncing off
 Taitheriszilada:    I've gotta go now bye

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