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That 70's Show Meets Digimon
A Pointless Editorial Done Just For Fun by Mari-San

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Clockwise, starting with the guy in the chair: Tai, Mimi, Sora, Joe, Matt, Izzy.

Hello everyone. ^_^ This page of mine is very strange, as you can already tell from the title. Now, I'm not going to get all scientific or complicated on your arse about this whole thing. Remember; this is just for fun! ^~

I'm just here to present to you a fetish I have had for a very looong time on how the older digidestined and the Wisconsin gang have so much in common. Freakishly in common.

But first of all, lemme tell you about this drawing I drew at your left. ^_^; Took me quite some time, but it's completed and kickass.  (Yeeah!) I had their clothes and poses the same as the cast's, because the cast is so very cool. ^_~

Clockwise, starting with the guy in the chair: Kelso, Jackie, Donna, Eric, Hyde, Fez.
The Characters!
I will talk about them now, AND their counterparts. (Now ain't that nice?)

Here, I'll do the whole comparing thing, my opinions, and why I think they are that character. So here they are, in no particular order! *pause* Well, they are in a particular order, but let's just pretend they aren't.

Eric! (He's so pretty...)
Played  by Topher Grace

<=Eric Forman | Joe Kido=>

Eric: The show basically revolves around Eric, but everybody is the star. Yaknowhatahmsayin? Anyhoo, Eric is the level-headed 17-year old. *pause* Yes, that is directly from the site. ^^; I can't explain it any better than that.

My opinion on Eric: I liiiike him. *goofy grin* He's so cautious and junk, and he's got that 'ping' that makes him likable. ^_^ Not to mention that he's a looker. *clicks tongue* Yeah, I'm shallow. But I'm allowed to be once in a while. ^^;

Comparisons between Eric and Joe:
~Both are level-headed and cautious. (Doi! *smacks forehead*)
~Both are considered to be moral and 'fatherly.'
~They feel that everything is their responsibility 
~Their moral is to do the right thing. (^_^;)
~Both are pessimistic about certain situations.
~They like to think things over.
~They're pretty smart. Not Izzy smart, but okay.
~Eric DOES get into trouble, while Joe barely does.
~Eric does things that would make Joe wet his pants.
~Eric hasn't traveled to the Digital World, but he lives in a retro one. (Yeeah!)
~Joe isn't as easy-going as Eric.

...Joe... looking like... himself. *shrugs*...

Donna! Lookin kickass, as usual.
Played by Laura Prepon

<=Donna Pinciotti | Sora Takenouchi=>

Donna: She's the tomboy-ish girl who lives next door to Eric. How conveeeenient. ^_^

My opinion on Donna: She's cool. Um, that's all I could say. Not that I don't like her or anything. I just can't think of anything. ^_^; She's just a girl who is kickass.

Comparisons between Donna and Sora:
~Both are red-headed.
~They are the tomboys of the show.
~The like sports.
~They're considered the 'motherly' figures.
~Their names rhyme. (Dayum. O_o)
~They get annoyed easily. 
~They have had trouble at home. (Donna, financial; Sora, parental.)
~ Uh... One is human, the other is not.
~I'll get back to you.

Sora, looking at Donna. Pfft.

Hyde! Very cool.
Played by Danny Masterson

<=Steve Hyde | Matt Ishida=>

Hyde: He's the serious and 'cool' guy. A bit on the rebellious side. He lives with the Formans since his parents abandoned him. (Or something like that.)

My Opinion on Hyde: He's one of my favorites on the show, due to his witty, smart-ass personality. ^_^ I also like the fact that he lives with Eric. I just do. Side note: His boss, Leo, cracks me up. *laughs hysterically*

Comparisons between Hyde and Matt:
~Rebellious. (Duh)
~They're both blonde. 
~The so-called 'cool' ones of the group.
~They're serious people.
~Smart-asses. (Yeeeeah! Gotta love the sarcasm ^_^)
~Both has had family problems.
~An all around 'good-guy' on the inside.
~Matt has a brother, while Hyde is an only child.
~I don't think Hyde is musically inclined like Matt, but I'm not sure.
~Matt isn't as cold as Hyde. (Hyde isn't that cold, really).

Matt. Cool, as usual.

Played by Ashton Kutcher

<=Michael Kelso | Tai Kamiya=>

Kelso: He's the intellectually challenged one. (Hee! ^_^) He's supposedly the 'pretty boy' of the group, too.

My Opinion on Kelso: He's a funny guy, yep yep. I like his weird antics. ^_^ But off-topic here for a moment: Ashton Kutcher, who plays Kelso, is an equal cast member right? So what's such the big deal with him? He's so popular, like he's a Harry Potter book. =P I just don't see it. Maybe it's because of his looks. If it is, insert 'big sigh' here. Although, I'm not one to talk. ^_^;

Comparisons between Kelso and Tai:
~Both are... intellectually challenged. (Sorry Taichi fans. ^^;)
~Brunette? Yeah, that's right.
~They both are good-looking.
~They 'leap before they think.'
~They are the ones that usually make the trouble.
~Both were turned down. Aww. (Kelso by Jackie; Tai by Sora.)
~Tai is not as dumb as Kelso.
~Tai hasn't cheated on anyone. (Naughty naughty, Kelso!)

Tai! Gotta love the hair.

Fez! Yaaaaaay!!!
Played by Wilmer Valderrama

<=Fez | Izzy Izumi=>

Fez: The heavily-accented foreign exchange student from who-knows-where. Actually, Fez isn't even his real name. It just stands for Foreign Exchange Student, just changed the s to a z of course. ^_^

My Opinion on Fez: Mah favorite of the show. *smiles widely* He just has this certain charm about him! ^_^ Ooh, he so funny.

Comparisons between Fez and Izzy:
~They have a Z in their names. (Pathetic, I know.)
Okay, to tell you the truth, I can't think of anything they have in common. It's just that Fez... Izzy... *makes hand gestures* They just go together!!!
Bah, I don't wanna bother. =)

Izzy, he so prodigious.

Played by Mila Kunis

<=Jackie Burkhart | Mimi Tachikawa=>

Jackie: She's the fashion-conscious and perky girl of the gang. ^_^;

My opinion on Jackie: She's alright. I'm partial, you can say. Sometimes she could be so sweet and awesome, and yet at some times she could be so annoying! O_o But she's cool.

Comparisons between Jackie and Mimi:
~Materialistic girls, alright.
~Their... first names rhyme. (*sweatdrop*)
~Both are really caring towards their friends and people.
~Can tend to annoy others within a close vicinity.
~Self-centered at times.
~'Daddy's Little Girl.' (^_^)
~Jackie doesn't have the Crest of Sincerity or a Digimon, has she?
~Mimi doesn't talk at lightning speed like Jackie. 
~Jackie keeps her original hair color.

Mimi, who is NOT a strawberry blonde. Silly girl, tricks are for kids...

What would the couples be with everyone's counterparts?

 This will get pretty interesting. ^_~ To the weak-minded, this may be a bit confusing. *facefault* I will first talk about them (meaning the Digimon gang) as their 'That 70's Show' counterparts, then what I would think of them as a real Digimon couple.

Okay, so lesse, the official couples would be...

Eric and Donna = JoeXSora

Why so?: Eric and Donna knew each other since, like, forever. They live next door to each other and are best friends. So it wasn't at all surprising when they became a couple. ^_^ Aw, they were cuteness... But sadly, in the second season finale, Eric wanted Donna make him the promise of them being together forever. Donna couldn't do that, so... They broke up.

ACTUAL JoeXSora couple: I see this possible, actually. Joe and Sora are like the parental units. Lol. ^_^ Both are responsible, so they do have things in common. I think the only reason this coupling isn't thought of more often is because there are more fans for couple like Taiora, Jyomi, and shtuff of like that. Oh well. Watcha gonna do? ^_^

Kelso and Jackie = TaiXMimi

Why so?: Well, I dunno HOW they became a couple. I didn't watch the show that early. ^^; But they did make a cute couple. Too bad they broke up. Pfft. Yeah, they split too. It's because Kelso cheated on Jackie with Laurie, Eric's older sister. Baaaaad Kelso.

ACTUAL TaiXMimi couple: Aww, now this would be cute. I dunno why, it just would. Their personalities compliment each other, even tho they have few things in common. *pause* Ah, screwdish. I just like it!

Here are the NOT-SO couples, but close!

Fez and Jackie = IzzyXMimi

Why so?: I dunno. It's just 'insinuated' that Fez and Jackie would be a couple. Like that one time they went to that Disco Ball (Yeeeeah!) together, and Kelso was like really mad. And that trip they went on together, and Kelso was mad again. ^_^; And Fez serenaded her with a romantic, foreign song. But then again, Jackie was all 'What the hell?' *shrugs* I think they are just good friends, that's all.

ACTUAL IzzyXMimi couple: I don't see any piece of evidence at all in this. ^^; Sure, they were in that episode together. But Mimi was all annoyed at him, and Izzy practically ignored her throughout his time with the computer. Is she hiding her feelings!? Is he trying to think of ways to say 'I love you'!?? Uh, no. No matter what some fanfiction say. ^_~ Nothing in common, but I do like the fanart for this coupling! Whee, cute. Good Lovers Hyper Drive fanart...

Hyde and Jackie = MattXMimi

Why so?: When Jackie was single after that ordeal with Kelso, she was thinking that she needed someone different, someone totally different than Kelso. So she she went for Hyde. And of course, Hyde was all "What the hell?" He didn't like her in that way. He even told her straight in her face that he wanted just to be friends. But Jackie didn't get the point. NOT AT ALL. ^_^; She then thought that she needed to be 'bad' just like Hyde to get his attention and lurve. So she and Hyde met up in an alley to talk about their 'relationship.' (Well, Jackie was talking about it.) So what did Jackie do to be 'bad'?

She got some marijuana! Ha, silly girl.

So Hyde was all "What the hell?" at this point. To make matters worse, a cop comes over. Hyde, being the nice, caring guy that he is, sticks up for Jackie and turns himself in. So Hyde leaves with the cop, leaving Jackie there thinking "Ohmygod, he totally loves me! Yay!"

Pfft. ^_^; Silly girl.

So their friends talk about this whole thing, with Hyde in jail, Eric's dad steamin' mad, and Jackie ranting on on how Hyde had showed his unrequited love and deep affection for her. And the gang was all "What the hell?"

The end!!

Whoo, I went on there, didn't I? ^^;

ACTUAL MattXMimi couple: Okay, this would be a tremendously way-beyond-cute couple if they only communicated once in a while. ^_^ Sure, they're left along while the others go on their adventure, but I need something more than that. "But Mari-San, they stand next to each other a lot! They LURVE each other!" Well, I sit on this chair in front of my computer a lot. *raises eyebrow* Are you implying something, punk?? Anyhoo, that's all I gotta say on the matter. If they talk to each other more, everything would be peachy keen. But maybe they talk on two-ways or something. O_o

Hangin' Out...
Let's sing a song!!

Oh, I just love That 70's Show's theme song. It just captures the whole vibe really well.  I'll write down the lyrics, so you can imagine the DigiDestined as their counterparts, chillin' in the car while singing this song. Schweet!! ^_^ IMAGINE, darnit!!! Oh, and note: This song is by the kickass band, Cheap Trick. And don't steal a car, please. Just because the song says so, it doesn't mean you should!

Hangin' out,
Down the Street!
The same old thing
We did last week.
Not a thing to do
But to talk to you!
Not a thing to do
Out on the street.
Oh yeeeah!
Mom and Dad live upstairs.
The music's loud,
So we don't care.
Nixon's gone,
But rock lives on!

Oooh yeeeeeaaah!

We're still rockin' in Wisconsin!
We're all all right!
We're all all right!

I steal a car,
And drive on down.
Pick you up,
And we'll drive around.
Not a thing to do,
But talk to you!
Not a thing to do...

Oooh yeeeeeaaah!
We're still rockin' in Wisconsin!
We're all all right!
We're all all right!
Oh yeeeah!
Oh yeeah!
Hello Wisconsin!

Oh now that song was just awesome. Whoo! (I'm rock at heart. ^_^;)

And this concludes my editorial. Sankyuu! You've been great, GOOD NIGHT!

Groove on back!

Legal Disclaimer: This was an editorial done by Mari-San in the year June, 2001. Please do not copy or plagarize in any way, because these are MY observations and NOT YOURS, moose. The drawing is also mine, so do not take that. All the pictures of That 70's Show gang were from except for that group shot, which is a general picture scattered across the net. It could belong to anybody, if it is yours, please e-mail me to earn credit. ^^;