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Taitheriszilada:    dang got kicked off!
 Taitheriszilada:    argh now the sites won't work (i toldja' this comp. is a
 Barkie630:  lol
 Taitheriszilada:    I know isn't it stupid!
 Taitheriszilada:    What kind of animes does laurie whatch?
 Barkie630:  no idea lol
 Taitheriszilada:    hmph what did I expaect from you
 Taitheriszilada:    *memo to self---I HAVE BAD SPELLING*
 Barkie630:  lol
 Taitheriszilada:    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the dumbh key baord is
 Taitheriszilada:    dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb! not dumbh
 Taitheriszilada:    bye
 Barkie630:  later

Lol! ^_^

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