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Taitheriszilada:    hi
Liddleladee:    HI
Liddleladee:    I'm now happy to be talkin
Taitheriszilada:    I just replied to some of your mail
Liddleladee:    But remember at 3:20 I gotta go to work!
Taitheriszilada:    :)
Liddleladee: Hey like go to my page it's totally updated! (i'll tell you how to do the link hover thing if you want)
Liddleladee:    kala might be at my patay!
Taitheriszilada:    Cool! I haven't seen her in a long time!
Liddleladee:    yeah, that's if she can go.
Taitheriszilada: Shrine for two~Yamato-&- Taich
Taitheriszilada:    thats my new page:)
Liddleladee:    Did yo u see my site? (i'll go there now)
Taitheriszilada:    yeah cool
Liddleladee:    wanna know how to do the link thing?
Liddleladee:    where it changes colors when you put ur mouse on it?
Taitheriszilada:    yeah
Liddleladee:    ok just do this simple thing...
Liddleladee:    whats your email address (trust me, write out the whole thing)
Taitheriszilada:    **************
Liddleladee:    good now hold on..
Liddleladee:    Ok.. sent!
Liddleladee:    Just tell me when you get it.
Taitheriszilada:    kay i will
Liddleladee:    Oh yeah I sent some Fanart for your page too....
Liddleladee:    I hope it's 'aceptable'
Taitheriszilada:    I got the mail hold on...
Liddleladee:    ka
Taitheriszilada:    kewl file I'll get to it later (I need to be offline to work with HTML properly)
Liddleladee:    ok that's ok
Taitheriszilada:    Wanna know something?
Liddleladee:    sure!
Taitheriszilada:    My sister addy hurt her head today
Liddleladee:     oh my
Liddleladee:    is she alright?
Taitheriszilada:    My sister Shauna dropped my guitar and it hit addy, She
then started bleeding ALOT
Taitheriszilada:    She's okay just a little shooken up
Liddleladee:    uh oh
Liddleladee:    i hope so
Liddleladee:    any mess?
Taitheriszilada:    Sorta,>_<
Taitheriszilada:    LOL I like that face
Liddleladee:    heh
Taitheriszilada:    >_<
Liddleladee:    (o>_<o)
Taitheriszilada:    Pikachu?
Liddleladee:    a litle
Liddleladee:    little
Taitheriszilada:    Here pika with arms up to cheeks!
  ^     ^
Liddleladee:    Sorry
Liddleladee:    got kicked off or something
Taitheriszilada:    it's okay (i kept the I"m window open)
Taitheriszilada:    so I have two converstaitons in one window! >_<
Liddleladee:    Hey you think I can send you programs through Email? I bet I
Liddleladee:    Programs like.... I dunno!
Liddleladee:    maybe it's not a good idea......
Taitheriszilada:    maybe what do you mean by programs?
Liddleladee:    programs like games or something
Liddleladee:    which reminds me
Liddleladee:    i gotta delete some games!
Liddleladee:    hold on
Taitheriszilada:    LOL :D
Liddleladee:    its true!
Taitheriszilada:    Youre weird (course never would you be weird me as!):P
Liddleladee:    uh huh
Liddleladee:    Jan says I'm the weirdest
Liddleladee:    or she doesn't know you......
Liddleladee:    hmmm
Liddleladee:    thats a hard one
Liddleladee:    oh well!
Liddleladee:    it doesn't matter
Liddleladee:    ... does it?
Taitheriszilada:    Both the Weirdest are we
Liddleladee:    well yeah i guess
Liddleladee:    (SHUT UP BIRD!)
Taitheriszilada:    LOL :D
Liddleladee:    im uninstalling another THING
Taitheriszilada:    wanna know how to laugh with a double chin?
Liddleladee:    how?
Taitheriszilada:    :D)))
Taitheriszilada:    hee hee
Liddleladee:    ew hold on
Liddleladee:     ok ok
Liddleladee:    now one more game
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
Liddleladee:    now the birds wayching TV
Taitheriszilada:    I wish i had a bird (I'd keep it in my brothers room)
*Evil Laugh* >:D
Liddleladee:    ha ha
Liddleladee:    well mines tiny but its poop is BIG
MwAqua:     my other birds poop smells
Taitheriszilada:    What a wonderful topic! ^_~
Liddleladee:    I know
Taitheriszilada:    hey lets talk weird!
Liddleladee:    ok
Liddleladee:    thats fun
Taitheriszilada:    It could be featured on w website if thats okay with
Liddleladee:     yeah.....
Liddleladee:    thats a good idea
Liddleladee:     but
Liddleladee:    i already have so many websites to worry about
Liddleladee:    not to mention that i screwed up my login info!
Taitheriszilada:    Dun worry! (I'll change your name if you want)
Liddleladee:    no no thats ok
Liddleladee:    i just gotta figure out some stuff
Taitheriszilada:    kay whatevers now I'm gonna go koo koo
Liddleladee:    NO!
Liddleladee:    DONT LEAVE
Liddleladee:    brb
Taitheriszilada:    I wontsee!
Liddleladee:    huh?
Liddleladee:     ?????
Liddleladee:     :-\
Taitheriszilada:    i wont go!
Liddleladee:    good :-)
Liddleladee:     I now have more drive space by removing useless things i
deleted a long time ago anyway
Taitheriszilada:    *Singing in terrible voice*ABCD 123 I so weird can't you
Liddleladee:    yeah i can see
Taitheriszilada:    I do that all the time! (It drives my mom crazy)
Liddleladee:    how about can not you see? can't is the abreviation or
something for can not. but it doesn't make sense as can not only can't makes
sense even thought there the same thing
Liddleladee:    ok that confused me
Liddleladee:    remember
Taitheriszilada:    Way to go ^_~
Liddleladee:    when we said that people could be  looking at our
conversation and our reaction?
Taitheriszilada:    Yes SIR!
Liddleladee:    HEY
Liddleladee:    im not sir
Liddleladee:    i... ?
Liddleladee:    brb
Taitheriszilada:    Ma'am Didely 'am
Liddleladee:    he hee
Taitheriszilada:    I now gay man mister ned flanders! ^_^
Liddleladee:     my web is spinning... i dunno y? it only spins when im...
Liddleladee:    ha ha
Liddleladee:    i though mr burns assistant was gay
Liddleladee:     whas is his name
 Liddleladee:    **Hic**
Taitheriszilada:    yeah and ned is weird (like me^_~)
Taitheriszilada:    it's Walen Smithers Drunkee!
Liddleladee:     smithers! thats the name
Liddleladee:    **bird!**
Liddleladee:    **quiet bird**
Liddleladee:     bad bird!
Liddleladee:     hes loud
Liddleladee:    throwing fit
Liddleladee:     being bad
Liddleladee:     bad bird
Taitheriszilada:    Bird and brother both start with "B"
Liddleladee:    yeah
Liddleladee:     my bird likes my brother
Taitheriszilada:    and there both annoying ~_^
Liddleladee:     i call my bird demon bird
Taitheriszilada:    ^_~
Liddleladee:    demon bird goes with demon boy
Taitheriszilada:    mebbe ya should name 'im Damon '*HIC*' (bubbles)
Liddleladee:    Yeah Cool
Liddleladee:     Hah
Taitheriszilada:    Can you read?
Liddleladee:     Chi
Liddleladee:    (yes)
Taitheriszilada:    hee hee now my IM screena is BeeeeeLuuuuuu
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
Liddleladee:    Hey watch this
Taitheriszilada:    I need to stop drinkin'!
Taitheriszilada:    hah now ya can't read that!
Taitheriszilada:    ^_~
Liddleladee:     i can
Liddleladee:    anyway
Taitheriszilada:    ABCDEFG
Liddleladee:     brb!
Liddleladee:    mom home hold on
Taitheriszilada:    HIJKLMNOP
Taitheriszilada:    QRSTUVWXYZ
Taitheriszilada:    !!!!!!!
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
Liddleladee:     gota go
Liddleladee:    bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liddleladee:    (work)
Taitheriszilada:    Buh Bye!

Didja enjoy? ^_^

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