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(Sorry it's so long)
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:44:48 PM)-->: hi
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:45:14 PM)-->: HI!
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:45:20 PM)-->: how are you?
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:45:45 PM)-->: okay.Be warned, I have a bad mouse.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:46:05 PM)-->: Whaz'up?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:46:14 PM)-->: ^_^ I have a bad browser right now.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:46:23 PM)-->: See new digimon?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:46:37 PM)-->: Nothing much, I'm looking at Digimon pictures.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:46:57 PM)-->: I taped it.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:47:15 PM)-->: yeah so did I
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:47:47 PM)-->: (I've been taping them. I've got my own crest of friendship episode now!)
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:47:52 PM)-->: was today's 4:00 episode new or old?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:48:16 PM)-->: old it was ther very first episode in the first season
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:48:38 PM)-->: What did you think of T.K.'s new voice?
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:49:11 PM)-->: whew. great mom had me cleaning all yesterday, and the day before, you get idea.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:49:25 PM)-->: ^_^
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:49:33 PM)-->: Thats an anime smiley
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:49:39 PM)-->: T.K. is in seventh grade. shocking.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:49:56 PM)-->: I taped Escoflowne
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:50:01 PM)-->: no he's in fifth , look at the door to his classroom.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:50:14 PM)-->: they made a major mistake
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:50:32 PM)-->: if you insist.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:50:32 PM)-->: I didn't tape escaflowne
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:50:40 PM)-->: I'm serious!
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:51:00 PM)-->: Do you like his voice?
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:51:41 PM)-->: I had guitar(stupid instrument) And was
gonna miss everything past 3:30, so I taped everything.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:52:04 PM)-->: ^_^ Matt plays guitar in the second season
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:52:12 PM)-->: My guitar is violent
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:52:28 PM)-->: His voice seems unusual cause we're used to it in a diff. way.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:52:44 PM)-->: I think it cool.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:53:21 PM)-->: when I heard it I started giggling like an idiot and got my whole family to stare at me until I stopped. ^_~
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:53:23 PM)-->: Matt finally got a haircut. And how can a guitar be "violent"?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:53:45 PM)-->: haircut? i think not he just brushes it down!
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:53:58 PM)-->: Anjela dropped my guitar on abby's head
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:54:33 PM)-->: you, being the matt obsesser, would know his hair.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:54:33 PM)-->: Do you think sora's hat is hard or soft?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:54:42 PM)-->: ^_^ yup
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:55:15 PM)-->: Gina didn't belive you were obsessed.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:55:27 PM)-->: hey did you know that Veemon's voice isthe same as Demidevimons voice?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:55:45 PM)-->: cuz it is (Gina hasn't seen me very much)
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:55:47 PM)-->: You coming to the party?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:55:52 PM)-->: maybe
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:55:54 PM)-->: Weird.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:56:27 PM)-->: Whos is your fav.: Cody, Yolei, or
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:56:32 PM)-->: mine is Cody
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:56:42 PM)-->: he's kawaii (cute)
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:57:01 PM)-->:  mom said maybe you could sleep over at my house after her party.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:57:16 PM)-->: Yolei
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:57:32 PM)-->: ^_^ she's just like Mimi
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:57:47 PM)-->: not quite.
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:58:04 PM)-->: Mimi's hair is pink with stars.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:58:16 PM)-->: :-P
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:58:33 PM)-->: I know (I've known for guite some time now)
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:58:33 PM)-->: She's also obsessed with her looks.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:58:40 PM)-->: well Doi
SelinaFeline<!-- (10:59:00 PM)-->: guite?doi?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:59:07 PM)-->: what do you think is the weirdest part about digimon?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (10:59:30 PM)-->: I think the weirdest part is that they call them thing like Pumpkinmon and hawkmon
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:01:00 PM)-->: Go to <A HREF="">My site</A>
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:03:25 PM)-->: the f***ing computer kicked me off.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:03:54 PM)-->: Whoa nice lang.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:03:58 PM)-->: ^_~
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:04:35 PM)-->: I thought i'd lost ya, and after I clean, I'm mean.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:05:05 PM)-->: ^_^ i always keep my IM windows open until i sign off
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:06:01 PM)-->: Mom banned any and all television rights tomorrow until my rooms completly clean; and dig this....
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:06:55 PM)-->: I have to live in my sis's room. :-(
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:07:07 PM)-->: !
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:07:14 PM)-->: thats bogus
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:07:29 PM)-->: :'-( I know.
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:08:17 PM)-->: My room then goes to a bunch of cats my mom took in and can't bear to part with.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:08:43 PM)-->: you guys take in alot of animals
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:09:46 PM)-->: If I said, like' so what, give mlost of them good homes' she would've bounced off the walls.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:10:14 PM)-->: <A HREF="">look at my page</A>
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:10:20 PM)-->: I can imagine
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:10:33 PM)-->:

SelinaFeline<!-- (11:10:52 PM)-->: space taker sorry. parent alert.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:11:01 PM)-->: ^_^ whenever you talk to mee I see a kyute widdle mouse at the bottom of my screen
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:11:08 PM)-->: it's okay
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:11:30 PM)-->: I do the same thing
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:12:57 PM)-->: in one week 123 people have been to my page
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:13:48 PM)-->: I'll look at it later, its in favs.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:13:57 PM)-->: okay
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:14:54 PM)-->: my computer is goin' slow tonight
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:14:58 PM)-->: In a while I'll have to get off; Father just dive bombed me about all lights off.
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:15:23 PM)-->: somethin' about what mom said.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:15:35 PM)-->: just turn them off the computer is alight
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:16:00 PM)-->: I'm supposed to be in bed now
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:16:19 PM)-->: I do have a curfew, but i'm inside
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:16:39 PM)-->: I just ignore my curfew
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:16:40 PM)-->: amber in trouble?no?
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:16:51 PM)-->: when does school start for you?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:17:02 PM)-->: next wed
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:17:15 PM)-->: this wed for me
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:17:19 PM)-->: it sux
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:17:29 PM)-->: I don't wanna see all the fat losers there
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:17:36 PM)-->: ^_<
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:17:56 PM)-->: I'm starting to cry. I dont wanna go
school, get homework get picked on basicly no friends.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:18:07 PM)-->: isn't gina your friend?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:18:24 PM)-->: That place is most acuratly a prison for
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:18:32 PM)-->: really
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:18:40 PM)-->: do you think you're depressed?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:18:53 PM)-->: Gina might be a friend, but gina dont make no friends-for either of us.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:19:29 PM)-->: does she annoy you?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:19:43 PM)-->: and in answer to your question, I'd say I'm unsucsessfully trying to withdraw to my mind
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:19:51 PM)-->: withdraw?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:20:00 PM)-->: yes she annoys me.immensly
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:20:24 PM)-->: I'm trying to live in my imagination
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:20:29 PM)-->: yeah me too
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:20:58 PM)-->: I always get innteruppted by real life
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:21:24 PM)-->: It try that too and i alwys get
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:21:36 PM)-->: do you ever fight with your parents?
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:22:06 PM)-->: I boil, but rarely fight back
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:22:19 PM)-->: I fight back all the time
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:22:27 PM)-->: It saves me some punishment
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:22:58 PM)-->: Sometimes I feel like I wanna call them b*****s
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:23:11 PM)-->: I don't get punished very easily
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:23:40 PM)-->: I rarly swear in earshot what punishments
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:24:19 PM)-->: I just curse under my breath
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:24:48 PM)-->: sometimes i feel like I wanna kill my self and get over my life
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:25:19 PM)-->: Me too, especially when mom is mad
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:25:54 PM)-->: she once stormed out of the house, called me a jerk, and called me lacey.
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:26:24 PM)-->: My mom never calls me names she just
hits me or says that she hated me
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:26:52 PM)-->: How hard does she hits...
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:27:20 PM)-->: pretty hard (enough to sometimes leve bruises)
SelinaFeline<!-- (11:27:48 PM)-->: where does she hit  usually
Taitheriszilada<!-- (11:28:11 PM)-->: no where in particular (wherever her hand is close to)Taitheriszilada:   argh it won't work!
Taitheriszilada:    look at my profile
SelinaFeline:   one of my fav.
Taitheriszilada:    and look at my name
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;;
Taitheriszilada:    have you been to gina's page?
SelinaFeline:   not latly she made you a banner
Taitheriszilada:    I know
Taitheriszilada:    Gawd I'm bored!
SelinaFeline:   wanna sleep?
Taitheriszilada:    no
Taitheriszilada:    thats boring
SelinaFeline:   brb
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
Taitheriszilada:    kay
SelinaFeline:   gimme fone#
SelinaFeline:   *Censored*
SelinaFeline:   *Censored*
SelinaFeline:   hello
Taitheriszilada:    *Censored*
SelinaFeline:   thanks
Taitheriszilada:    LOL
SelinaFeline:   you tired yet....?
Taitheriszilada:    I just saw a really funny banner
Taitheriszilada:    nope
SelinaFeline:   if you came to gina's party you could probably come over
SelinaFeline:   to my house
Taitheriszilada:    kewl
Taitheriszilada:    I'm bored I think i'll make a website
SelinaFeline:   tired
Taitheriszilada:    I'm not (I had like a million cokes today)
SelinaFeline:   still, once the sugar rush wears off you'll be exhausted
SelinaFeline:   did you see how todays x-men ended
Taitheriszilada:    no
Taitheriszilada:    did you tape todays digimon?
SelinaFeline:   dang.nope not if its old
Taitheriszilada:    I did it was the first episode of season one
SelinaFeline:   "they're.....bigger."
Taitheriszilada:    LOL
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   call ya tomorrow what time is good
Taitheriszilada:    Digitime
SelinaFeline:   4:30
SelinaFeline:   ?
Taitheriszilada:    ya
Taitheriszilada:    I just think that digitime is easier
SelinaFeline:   s'okay
Taitheriszilada:    I'm weird
Taitheriszilada:    Do you like caffeine?
SelinaFeline:   un uh
Taitheriszilada:    I do
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
Taitheriszilada:    O_O
Taitheriszilada:    I'm phycho
Taitheriszilada:    Whoo hee hee!
SelinaFeline:   I like caffeine I was dissagreeing with your weird
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ I Know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Taitheriszilada:    God I love sugar!
Taitheriszilada:    do you?
SelinaFeline:   as i lay me down to rest........
SelinaFeline:   I've taken up riding again
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tire
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tired
SelinaFeline:   tire,.....snozzzz
SelinaFeline:   yawnnnnnn
Taitheriszilada:    LOL Hillary sleeeeeeepy!
SelinaFeline:   yup
SelinaFeline:   clean clean clean
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
SelinaFeline:   all day long
Taitheriszilada:    I clean randomly so theres not much to do
SelinaFeline:   you liked escaflowne
SelinaFeline:   well
Taitheriszilada:    ya
SelinaFeline:   cool. i disliked catgirl
SelinaFeline:   did ya like cyber 6
Taitheriszilada:    I like merle
Taitheriszilada:    ya cyber 6 is cool
SelinaFeline:   merle?
Taitheriszilada:    I liked Hosé
Taitheriszilada:    Merle is the catgirl
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
SelinaFeline:   who is hose
Taitheriszilada:    the little boy who is after cuber 6
Taitheriszilada:    ummm cyber 6
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;
SelinaFeline:   the little,"From now on you will sit in my presence" boy?
Taitheriszilada:    ya I think
Taitheriszilada:    His legs kick out straight when he walks
Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
SelinaFeline:   he walked stiff leggedly in and clambered on that desk
SelinaFeline:   right
SelinaFeline:   ?
Taitheriszilada:    ya
SelinaFeline:   where were you
Taitheriszilada:    I'm makin' a page like I said so i on and off see yoour words
SelinaFeline:   i gotta sleep soon
SelinaFeline:   S{welcome
SelinaFeline:   s{Welcome
SelinaFeline:   S{WELCOME
Taitheriszilada:    I have sounds muted
SelinaFeline:   how doyou write it?
Taitheriszilada:    write what?
Taitheriszilada:    S[welcome
Taitheriszilada:    hmmmm
Taitheriszilada:    S{Welcome
Taitheriszilada:    S[WELCOME
Taitheriszilada:    S]WELCOME
Taitheriszilada:    S}WELCOME
Taitheriszilada:    I dunno?
Taitheriszilada:     LOL and again! ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   Stop getting kicked off!
 Taitheriszilada:    it's my computer
 Taitheriszilada:    :-P
 SelinaFeline:   are you able to answer my question
 Taitheriszilada:    nope
 SelinaFeline:   why not?
 Taitheriszilada:    dunno what question
 SelinaFeline:   look above.
 Taitheriszilada:    its not above
 SelinaFeline:   why you dont like cams
 Taitheriszilada:    cams?
 SelinaFeline:   (camera)
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno
 SelinaFeline:   I have reasons for not liking spiders, so you must have one.
 Taitheriszilada:    I seriously don't know
 SelinaFeline:   Its natural
 SelinaFeline:   Hey someone else IM me wanna go to chat room
 Taitheriszilada:    sure
 SelinaFeline:    <A HREF="aol://2719:2-2-Animorphs">Animorphs</A> 
 Taitheriszilada:    go kicked off?
 SelinaFeline:   yup
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ twice for both of us
 SelinaFeline:   gotta sleep soon
 SelinaFeline:   yup
 Taitheriszilada:    me too
 Taitheriszilada:    I don't wanna go to sleep
 SelinaFeline:   where ya making your web page
 Taitheriszilada:    (I've been listening to the music in the shadow temple in zelda) scary
 Taitheriszilada:    expage
 Taitheriszilada:    like gins's
 SelinaFeline:   got kicked off trying to go to expage gimme a link
 Taitheriszilada:    I will hold on
 SelinaFeline:   im holding
 Taitheriszilada:    Just a little more i have to finish up the page
 SelinaFeline:   just link it
 Taitheriszilada:    i will
 SelinaFeline:   be prepared for the possibility i get tossed
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">Yami Mood</A> 
 Taitheriszilada:    there it is
 SelinaFeline:   is mr.cooper around
 Taitheriszilada:    happy?
 SelinaFeline:   expage
 SelinaFeline:   gimme expage
 SelinaFeline:   expage
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">The Express Page</A> 
 SelinaFeline:   thanks
 Taitheriszilada:    welcome
 SelinaFeline:   got kicked
 Taitheriszilada:    again!
 SelinaFeline:   didn't get to expage
 SelinaFeline:   listen i gotta sleep but i don't wanna abandon you
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   change colors.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    cool
 SelinaFeline:   interesting, huh.
 SelinaFeline:   I like dark backgrounds
 Taitheriszilada:    so do I it reflects how I feel ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   ______________________(  ()

  Radioactive marshmellow!
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL!
 Taitheriszilada:    kewl!
 SelinaFeline:   ________________(  ()
____________________________(  ()
_______(  ()
___________________(  ()
_________________________(  ()
___________________________________(  ()
 Taitheriszilada:    What is your Fav. ancient civilization?
 Taitheriszilada:    mine is Egyption
 SelinaFeline:   Splatter!
               DIRECT HIT!!!
 SelinaFeline:   mine to
 Taitheriszilada:    kewl
 Taitheriszilada:    *Goes to wash Fore head*
 Taitheriszilada:    Marshmello hit me ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   the cat goddess, I think, is Baka
 Taitheriszilada:    Isis is my fav. egyption goddess
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 SelinaFeline:   WHy
 Taitheriszilada:    cuz.
 SelinaFeline:   why
 Taitheriszilada:    Because I like the name. ^_^;;
 SelinaFeline:   Ahhhhhh.
 Taitheriszilada:    Dale has two pages
 Taitheriszilada:    one for ancient egypt and one for weather
 SelinaFeline:   Know of any wolf goddess's?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">Ancient Egypt</A> 
 Taitheriszilada:    no
 Taitheriszilada:    Do you like wolves? (what am I saying you LUV wolves!)
 SelinaFeline:   duh
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; I like wolves too
 SelinaFeline:   cool!
 Taitheriszilada:    My legs hurt
 SelinaFeline:   let's start a private club. were each a wolf goddess.
 SelinaFeline:   what's your name
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno
 SelinaFeline:   my arm hurts
 Taitheriszilada:    I'll look one up thats egyption. ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   how
 Taitheriszilada:    at a site
 Taitheriszilada:    it has hundreds of names
 SelinaFeline:   what site
 Taitheriszilada:    (even Animorph names!)
 SelinaFeline:   well
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">450,000 baby names </A> 
 Taitheriszilada:    Siti is my name
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    weird huh?
 SelinaFeline:   where did you look in the site
 Taitheriszilada:    but I like it
 SelinaFeline:   well
 Taitheriszilada:    Do you want an Egyption name?
 SelinaFeline:   YES
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
Female Egyptian baby names</A> 
 Taitheriszilada:    here
 Taitheriszilada:    ugh I want THIS color text ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    It gives you summarys on how the name affects you
 SelinaFeline:   any egyptian wolf names
 Taitheriszilada:    I don't know
 SelinaFeline:   I like Chione
 Taitheriszilada:    neat
 Taitheriszilada:    hmph I can't find any Wolf goddesses
 SelinaFeline:   How can you tell
 Taitheriszilada:    I am looking at a website
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ Chione is a pretty name
 SelinaFeline:   I looked at on Karoma to. I like Siti.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ thanks
 SelinaFeline:   Siti is a pretty name for you.
 Taitheriszilada:    Do you wanns know what Chione is in Hieroglyphs?
 SelinaFeline:   which do you think; Chione or Karoma. sure
 Taitheriszilada:    Chione - the definition fits you
 Taitheriszilada:    I sent you and email with your name is Hieroglyphs 
 SelinaFeline:   Actually, Karoma fits me. all my tension goes to my stomach.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    well choose one
 SelinaFeline:   as well as other aspects. I choose Karoma. Don't be so impatient, Siti.
 Taitheriszilada:    kay ^_^ (you're impatient)
 SelinaFeline:   Can you get Karoma too in heiroghlyphics or is that to much  work
 Taitheriszilada:    not too much work
 SelinaFeline:   Thank you. 
 SelinaFeline:   I gotta go soon.
 SelinaFeline:   I would get grounded if my parents found me
 SelinaFeline:   Am
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   I hafta go soon but I'll see you tomorrow
 Taitheriszilada:    okay bye
 SelinaFeline:   wait
 SelinaFeline:   Am
 SelinaFeline:   am
 SelinaFeline:   am
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   Some guy just im me , called me hun, and said to check his website!
 SelinaFeline:   Yuchh.
 Taitheriszilada:    Whats his name?
 SelinaFeline:   ;-P
 SelinaFeline:   dunno
 SelinaFeline:   Some long weird name
 SelinaFeline:   like yours
 SelinaFeline:   snicker
 Taitheriszilada:    highlight it and hit ctrl+C
 Taitheriszilada:    then in the dialog box hit ctrl+V
 SelinaFeline:   I cut him off.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    Copycat
 SelinaFeline:   *^_^*
 SelinaFeline:   more original?
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_~ thats a wink
 Taitheriszilada:    yup
 SelinaFeline:   *^_~*
 Taitheriszilada:    neat
 SelinaFeline:   Thanks.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; thats worried
 Taitheriszilada:    >_< thats like Do'h
 Taitheriszilada:    (Notice you own mistake too late)
 SelinaFeline:   *>_<*
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   *^_^*
 Taitheriszilada:    (mine is unoriginal I go to websites where other people use it)
 SelinaFeline:   "^_^"
 Taitheriszilada:    Hee hee
 SelinaFeline:   *8*
What's this?
 Taitheriszilada:    Snowman? I dunno
 SelinaFeline:   Fat cheerleader.
 Taitheriszilada:    (Pregnant cheerleader) LOL
 SelinaFeline:   heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheheheheheheheh!!!!!!!!
 SelinaFeline:   ouch.!!!!!*^_^*
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   0%
What's this?
 Taitheriszilada:    how well canyou draw anime?
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno what?
 SelinaFeline:   well
 Taitheriszilada:    The percentage of a boyz brain?
 SelinaFeline:   the IQ of most the people at my school
 Taitheriszilada:    LOLROTFLMAO
 SelinaFeline:   but, close
 Taitheriszilada:    Same with my school
 SelinaFeline:   heeheeheeheeheeheeheheheheheheheheeheeheeheheh
 Taitheriszilada:    or my brother ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   I draw anime well.
 Taitheriszilada:    Aziza, I like that name
 Taitheriszilada:    My name will stay Siti though
 Taitheriszilada:    I draw anime good too
 SelinaFeline:   mine's!
 Taitheriszilada:    Aziza makes me think of corn, weird
 Taitheriszilada:    O_o
 SelinaFeline:   makes me think of arizona.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL phycho smiley
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   Your name means you love  to start fights.
 Taitheriszilada:    Ha Ha
 SelinaFeline:   then you sit back and enjoy the debate
 SelinaFeline:   brb
 Taitheriszilada:    I'm lookin' at names and I found that says PhychoGrrrl
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   Snort
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL weird huh?
 SelinaFeline:   yup
 Taitheriszilada:    I found it at an OFFICIAL site
 SelinaFeline:   when you goin' to bed
 Taitheriszilada:    I dunno when you get off
 Taitheriszilada:    god it's 1:40
 SelinaFeline:   its 2:05 here
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   gotta go. call ya tomorrow. digitime.
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 SelinaFeline:   bye
 Taitheriszilada:    bye!
 Taitheriszilada:    *x(¨`v´¨)x*

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