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Taitheriszilada:     hi
 SelinaFeline:   Hiya!
 SelinaFeline:   Wanna start on our page?
 Taitheriszilada:    sure, i've logged in ^_^;;
 Taitheriszilada:    =P
 SelinaFeline:   woohoo! send me the page.
 Taitheriszilada:    the login page?
 SelinaFeline:   yup.
 SelinaFeline:   I'm so lazy.

 SelinaFeline:   brb.
 Taitheriszilada:    I thing that only one person can log in at one time, but
I'll try
 Taitheriszilada:     <A



20615ac1bcc768da1dadbd69cd031b7">Angelfire - Login</A>
 Taitheriszilada:    that where I am, sorry if it doesnt work
 SelinaFeline:   so...what now? It worked.
 SelinaFeline:   directory name?
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 Taitheriszilada:    so it says like "welcom...whoever"?
 SelinaFeline:   yup.
 Taitheriszilada:    um okay
 SelinaFeline:   directory name. Is that our page?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   to make a name for it? What shall we name it?
 Taitheriszilada:    we could use
 Taitheriszilada:    that sound good (they only have Anime2)
 SelinaFeline:   We should type in the same name. Anime2?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 SelinaFeline:   what's that?
 Taitheriszilada:    well hold on, do you want for the name just yamato or
something else?
 SelinaFeline:   something more original would be nice.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;; I knew it
 SelinaFeline:   yup.
 Taitheriszilada:    how about ToriiYamato?
 Taitheriszilada:    (means Shrine Yamato)
 SelinaFeline:   we could do alternating lines and paragraphs in our page.
I'll explain later.
 Taitheriszilada:    I know what you mean
 Taitheriszilada:    what do you think of the suggestion?
 SelinaFeline:   how bout ForYamatoOtakus?
 SelinaFeline:   I like yours too.
 Taitheriszilada:    thats good
 SelinaFeline:   Wanna do for otakus?
 Taitheriszilada:    sure
 Taitheriszilada:    (if you want, I know how to make a site with an address
like this then make a shorter one that leads to the same page)
 SelinaFeline:   okay, just type ForYamatoOtakus in that directory thing?
 Taitheriszilada:    okay
 SelinaFeline:   What did you just try to explain? something about the page?
 SelinaFeline:   How can we recieve fanart?
 Taitheriszilada:    never mind
 Taitheriszilada:    I know how to recieve fanart
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi! You can help us out then, to set up a fanart section!
 SelinaFeline:   let's try practicing our japanese, at least what we know.
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
Angelfire Webshell</A>
this is where I am now
 SelinaFeline:   brb.
 Taitheriszilada:    k
 SelinaFeline:   pets. tuh. I'll still brb. You understand.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   I'm back.
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 SelinaFeline:   okay, type in ForYamatoOtakus, right?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya I did that
 Taitheriszilada:    makin the page is a little confusing
 Taitheriszilada:    what do you want the Background color to be?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
Angelfire - Basic Editor</A>
I'm here
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
these are the colors you can choose
 SelinaFeline:   what's our directorys full name?
 SelinaFeline:   I can't get in.
 SelinaFeline:   lemme in!
 SelinaFeline:   really confusing.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   what do we do now? I'm in.
 Taitheriszilada:    Choose a color
 Taitheriszilada:    for the background
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
these are all the colors you can use
 SelinaFeline:   where's it say that?
 Taitheriszilada:    no where its just basic steps
 SelinaFeline:   it says stuff like move file, and duplicate file...
 SelinaFeline:   edit?
 SelinaFeline:   ?
Taitheriszilada:     choose
index.html (0.00 kb)
then edit
 SelinaFeline:   yow. what are we going to use?
 SelinaFeline:   background wise and stuff.
 Taitheriszilada:    I know how to do this kind of stuff (i've done it with
 Taitheriszilada:    well choose a color you have the link
 SelinaFeline:   yow. where do we see the colors.
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
 Taitheriszilada:    here for the last time!
 SelinaFeline:   view colors in convienent popup window?
 SelinaFeline:   hmmm?
 SelinaFeline:   well?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   EEEEEEEEEE-yowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
 SelinaFeline:   THeres a whole lotalota colors!
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   how bout we pick a color related to matt?
 SelinaFeline:   ya know.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 Taitheriszilada:    i think green or blue shades suit him best
 SelinaFeline:   like the color of his t-shirt.
 Taitheriszilada:    hee hee GREEN!
 SelinaFeline:   can ya spot it?
 Taitheriszilada:    (my fav color personally)
 Taitheriszilada:    sure hold on
 SelinaFeline:   the exact(or close as it gets) color?
 Taitheriszilada:    dark green
 Taitheriszilada:    exactly
 SelinaFeline:   good ol' Am!
 SelinaFeline:   we click it?
 Taitheriszilada:    hey what should the title of the page be (what appears
on the same thing as the heart thing you pull to put pages in favorites?)
 Taitheriszilada:    hold on
 Taitheriszilada:    okay I have dark green chosen
 SelinaFeline:   We're The Otakus of Matt?
 SelinaFeline:   how do we chose?
 Taitheriszilada:    what should the
reg text
link text
visted link text
 Taitheriszilada:    don't worry I know how
 SelinaFeline:   AF darkgreen, right?
 SelinaFeline:   what writes well on that?
 Taitheriszilada:    no go up on the list, its just Darkgreen
 Taitheriszilada:    black
 SelinaFeline:   black writes well on darkgreen?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   you sure?
 Taitheriszilada:    how about a blue color (yes I'm sure)
 SelinaFeline:   how about white(unless your completly sure)
 Taitheriszilada:    white looks good
 SelinaFeline:   Hey....I got an idea for art.
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   I could see if my drawings of him turn out pretty well, mail
them to you, and you could scan them and put them on the page.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    okay
 SelinaFeline:   and since you already draw and have a scanner, your pics.(of
course) go up to.
 SelinaFeline:   This will be awesome.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    uh huh
 SelinaFeline:   all right, I'll check a good white color. (I never knew
there were so many whites!)
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    hey what shoul our names for the page be?
 Taitheriszilada:    (I'm not gonna use Emiko Zoreena)
 SelinaFeline:   Mine is Catsuma Yomi. Sound good?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya!
 SelinaFeline:   yay!
 Taitheriszilada:    Im lookin for a name
 Taitheriszilada:    =P
 SelinaFeline:   What's yours, moonchild? (sorry, been listening to Mr.Brown
to long. Not a good sign.)
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL, LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    no thats NOT a good sign
 SelinaFeline:   for text, how 'bout ghostwhite?
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 SelinaFeline:   put her down, pardener.
 SelinaFeline:   Wasn't that one episode with deputy mon funny?
SelinaFeline:   Takes all his clothes off!!!
 Taitheriszilada:    geez I nearly fell off the couch when I saw that part
 SelinaFeline:   What about links? How bout a good, bright red?
 SelinaFeline:   You nearly fell off!?!?!?!
 Taitheriszilada:    kay
 Taitheriszilada:    yes, laughing
 SelinaFeline:   ::falls off chair::
 SelinaFeline:   THUMP

 SelinaFeline:   pick red for the link color.
 SelinaFeline:   active link?
 Taitheriszilada:    same thing
 SelinaFeline:   like, as in, your there?
 SelinaFeline:   I say another color.
 Taitheriszilada:    well bright red is certanly bright but hard to read
 SelinaFeline:   hurry, I just got a kick warning.
 SelinaFeline:   color for active link...pick a blue.
 SelinaFeline:   pick blue.
 Taitheriszilada:    okay
 Taitheriszilada:    i did
 Taitheriszilada:    I'm Kazuya Hikoto
 Taitheriszilada:    What do you think the intro to the page should be?
 SelinaFeline:   Please tell me you wiated for me.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 Taitheriszilada:    I didnt close the screen
 SelinaFeline:   phew. link, please.
 SelinaFeline:   My good friend. I had to start the comp over.
 Taitheriszilada:    okay hold on
 SelinaFeline:   k.
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
Angelfire - Basic Editor</A>
okay doke here it is
 Taitheriszilada:    I know how to change the font if you want
 Taitheriszilada:    helllooooo?
 Taitheriszilada:    what should the title of the page be?
 SelinaFeline:   I'm here.
 SelinaFeline:   What should we make the title? That's a good question.
 SelinaFeline:   What's your e-name?
 Taitheriszilada:    hmmmmmmm
 Taitheriszilada:    my e-name? which one?
 SelinaFeline:   The one your gonna makeup or use for this.
 SelinaFeline:   I gotta webpage name. kinda short, though.
 SelinaFeline:   a title.
 Taitheriszilada:    Kazuya Hitoko
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^;;
 SelinaFeline:   That your name?
 Taitheriszilada:    Kazuya Hitoko
 Taitheriszilada:    yup
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi!
 SelinaFeline:   Catsuma Yomi & Kazuya Hitoko! Awesome!
 Taitheriszilada:    what email addres do you wanna use? (your AOL or
 SelinaFeline:   I'm thinking I should create another acount.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 Taitheriszilada:    me too
SelinaFeline:    Catsuma@ well, like
 Taitheriszilada:    yahoo is easy to use
 Taitheriszilada:    I'm gonna make one their now
 SelinaFeline:   Real easy?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Alright, Are we gonna put our addresses on the page?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya, I know how
 SelinaFeline:   Sagoi. I wanna new account.
 Taitheriszilada:     <A

&.v=&.u=&partner=&promo=&.last=">Welcome to Yahoo!</A>
 SelinaFeline:   Yahoo I guess.
 Taitheriszilada:    you make one there
 SelinaFeline:   brb

 SelinaFeline:   What are you gonna make your address name?
 SelinaFeline:   I thought your name was Kazuya?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya, typo
 SelinaFeline:   Oh. Should I be
 SelinaFeline:   sure, why not?
 Taitheriszilada:    if ya want
 Taitheriszilada:    be careful, Kazuya  is a rare name and someone took it,
someone just MIGHT have Catsuma
 SelinaFeline:   what do you type for birthday?
 SelinaFeline:   never mind
 SelinaFeline:   Do you put your first or last name first in those boxes?
 Taitheriszilada:    just use your fake name
 SelinaFeline:   first or last name first?
 Taitheriszilada:    who cares?
 SelinaFeline:   (I know to use my fake name)
 Taitheriszilada:    Im such a hothead
 Taitheriszilada:    hee hee its almost tomarrow and I dont care cuz I gots
no school to go to..YAY!
 Taitheriszilada:    hey what font do you wanna use for the pagwe?
 Taitheriszilada:    er, page
 SelinaFeline:   I got my account.
 Taitheriszilada:    kewl, whats the address?
 SelinaFeline:   catsumayomi; I just used my full e-name.
 SelinaFeline:   what's yours?
 SelinaFeline:   Awww, I want a _ between my name. Can I erase my account and
make another?
 SelinaFeline:   shucks.
 Taitheriszilada:    ah well
 SelinaFeline:   I'll just make another. haha.
 Taitheriszilada:    rolls eyes
 SelinaFeline:   Okay. its
 Taitheriszilada:    =P
 Taitheriszilada:    picky
 SelinaFeline:   Let's continue on with the page, okay?
 SelinaFeline:   What is the title?
 Taitheriszilada:    who knows!?
 SelinaFeline:   How 'bout, 'Yamato's Otakus'?
 SelinaFeline:   Let is our URL, after all.
 Taitheriszilada:    huh?
 Taitheriszilada:    let is our?
 SelinaFeline:   *that is our URL, after all.
 SelinaFeline:   well? I won't be offended if you don't like it.
 Taitheriszilada:    fine
 SelinaFeline:   You like the name?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   That or, 'Catsuma's & Kazuya's(Kazuya's & Catsuma's) Yamato
 Taitheriszilada:    I like that
 SelinaFeline:   You picky about names? Does yours have to be first?
 SelinaFeline:   Just curious.
 Taitheriszilada:    we could put it tho:
Catsuma's & Kazuya's Yamato Torii
 Taitheriszilada:    torii is shrine in Japanese
 SelinaFeline:   Y'okay.
 SelinaFeline:   tor-I-ee?
 SelinaFeline:   tor-ee? or, tor-ee-I?
 SelinaFeline:   (pronounciation)
 SelinaFeline:   Where do we put the title?
 Taitheriszilada:    TORE-EE
 Taitheriszilada:    hold on
 Taitheriszilada:    Wait
 Taitheriszilada:    never mind about the wait
 SelinaFeline:   I found the title place.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   I typed it in.
 SelinaFeline:   What's the base font size?
 Taitheriszilada:    the size of most of the text
 Taitheriszilada:    what font style do you want
 SelinaFeline:   ah. what do we want it to be?
 Taitheriszilada:    4
 SelinaFeline:   the size.4? Yuo sure?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   k. now what?
 SelinaFeline:   what do we type or correct now?
 Taitheriszilada:    what font style?
Verdana, Times new roman....ect. What?
 SelinaFeline:   times new roman.
 Taitheriszilada:    =( almost everyone use that. hmm, look at Papyrus for a
SelinaFeline:    I don't know how.
 SelinaFeline:   well?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
Catsuma's & Kazuya's Yamato Torii</A>
 Taitheriszilada:    look between the mailboxes and the counter
 SelinaFeline:   you got it all covered?
 Taitheriszilada:    did you see the font?
 SelinaFeline:   now, when do we begin the actual page? no, I haven't taken a
preview yet.
 Taitheriszilada:    any time you want
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi! Lets write somethin!
 SelinaFeline:   I like the papyrus.
 Taitheriszilada:    um, what should be the intro?
 Taitheriszilada:    kewl then it stays
 Taitheriszilada:    sagoi means cool right?
 SelinaFeline:   We alternate. Lemme give you an example: Hi! this is
Catsuma::Kazuya butts in:: and Kazuya, Catsuma! ::Catsuma, grumbling:: I was
about to introduce you, you know!
Like that.
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi means cool.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL I'd probably do that too
 SelinaFeline:   Allrightly then, we figure out what were gonna write, and we
write word for word. got it?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Like, I explain one part, and you do another, and we
alternate on one like I just exampled.
 SelinaFeline:   What we gonna write?
 Taitheriszilada:    how about we plan it in this IM box and only bold text
goes on the page
 Taitheriszilada:    not sure
 SelinaFeline:   No taito for a while.
 Taitheriszilada:    i know
 SelinaFeline:   Whatcha talking about?
 SelinaFeline:   bold writing? Haven't ya looked at the preview?
 Taitheriszilada:    I can't see anything you've written
 SelinaFeline:   I haven't written anything
 Taitheriszilada:    kay whatever
 Taitheriszilada:    im confused
 SelinaFeline:   I did it. look at a preview, see if my words come up.
 Taitheriszilada:    hmm, they dont
 Taitheriszilada:    shakes head, nothing
 SelinaFeline:   huh, you need to write it on your page too. here, I'll copy
words to you.
"Hiya! Welcome to the Yamato Torii(that means shrine, for all you people
out there that don't speak japanese) and I have dedicated this page to
so totally cute Yama! I, Catsuma,"::Kazuya pokes head into room,
glares:: "AND Kazuya!" ::Catsuma, annoyed:: "I was just about to
introduce you too, you know!
 SelinaFeline:   just write it out.
 SelinaFeline:   I guess we have to write each others words.
 SelinaFeline:   well?
 Taitheriszilada:    I got that on my page
 Taitheriszilada:    should I add something?
 SelinaFeline:   yuss.a " after I was just about to introduce you too, you
know!, and this.
 Taitheriszilada:    oh ya duh
 SelinaFeline:   ::Kazuya walks back into the kitchen muttering:: "Yeah, sure
you were gonna introduce me, sure."::Catsuma glares after Kazuya:: Okay,
anyway, we might be best friends, but no ones perfect!
 Taitheriszilada:    shoul I put that before or after what I say
 SelinaFeline:   what was the name of that girl that talked Matt into a date?
 Taitheriszilada:    Jun
 SelinaFeline:   put what?
 Taitheriszilada:    what you say
 SelinaFeline:   put what I just gave you after everything else. I'm about to
be kicked.
 SelinaFeline:   The stupid warning.
 SelinaFeline:   jun, or june?
 Taitheriszilada:    Jun
 SelinaFeline:   Should we make up stories and stuff for our website? Like,
its not over yet? Stuff like that?
 Taitheriszilada:    you mean fanfics?
 SelinaFeline:   ::stares:: I guess...
 SelinaFeline:   You wanna?
 SelinaFeline:   Heres more writing.
Taitheriszilada:     ::Kazuya rolls eyes:: "Yea sure, I believe you. I'm
Kazuya Hitoko and I like Yama cuz he's hot, hot, hot, pretty, and did I
mention hot?"
::Catsuma grins:: "actually you did three times before that last one."
::Kazuya glares:: "Oh be quiet you!"
::Catsuma states matter of factly::
"And yes, I was going to intoduce you."
 Taitheriszilada:    well there is mine
 SelinaFeline:   here's more of mine.umm...wait one moment. I'll show you
where I put yours. and mine. <A
HREF="">Angelfire - Basic Editor
</A> see if you can see it.

 Taitheriszilada:    i cant see it
 SelinaFeline:   damn. you sure?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   brb.
 Taitheriszilada:    k
 SelinaFeline:   Should I save what I've written?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   You should have received what I've written in your mail.
 SelinaFeline:   aol.
 Taitheriszilada:    just did
 SelinaFeline:   You copy and paste, yes?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:    We need to give something really good to our site, so we
have time to think up more.
 SelinaFeline:   You contribute the next few lines. added on to what's there
 Taitheriszilada:    I will
 SelinaFeline:   the popcorn is where it left off.
 SelinaFeline:   tell me, too.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL, I know
 SelinaFeline:   haha.
 SelinaFeline:   pick on my eating habits for Mac'and cheese.
 SelinaFeline:   I only eat the shapes.
 SelinaFeline:   Oh, I need to get off soon, hurry.
 Taitheriszilada:    hmm, maybe we should end the intro soon like the popcorn
is for us like we're watching something like were done making our page so far
and then we argue and a cliff hanger
 Taitheriszilada:    kay?
 SelinaFeline:   School tommorrow. y'okay.
 SelinaFeline:   I got it!
 SelinaFeline:   gimme a minute! k?!
 Taitheriszilada:    okay I'll make an ending that alright?
 SelinaFeline:   I know an ending.
 Taitheriszilada:    what?
 SelinaFeline:   go ahead. lemme write it.
 SelinaFeline:   ::Catsuma tosses a handfull on Kazuya:: "Oh, lighten up!"
::Kazuya screeches:: "hey, that's buttery! This is not funny!" ::Catsuma
giggles:: "If it wasn't funny, why am I laughing?" ::Kazuya tosses handfull
at Catsuma. Catsuma hurls back:: "Alright, I've had it!" ::Kazuya yells.
Picks up popcorn bowl:: "Stand still so I can dump this over you!!!!"
::Catsuma squeals and runs:: "I said, stand still!!!" ::Kazuya chases
Catsuma:: ::Catsuma takes cover under a couch cushion:: ((not finished))
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 SelinaFeline:   "Um, I think I'll have to talk more later, Kazuya is is some
sort of rage. Never heard of popcorn rage...."::squeals as Kazuya attacks
cushion:: I'll have to talk more later, Otakus! More tommorrow!!!" ::runs
into kitchen, comes back out shaking a large, completly filled soda bottle::
"Hey, Kazuya, over here!" ::Kazuya's turn to squeal, tears across floor::
Catsuma, you wouldn't dare! ::Catsuma grins:: "Its never wise to dare me."
::opens bottle::
 SelinaFeline:   ::Catsuma shouts:: "Till tomorrow, folks!"
 Taitheriszilada:    is that the end?
 SelinaFeline:   ::Catsuma shouts:: "Till tomorrow, folks!!" ::chases Kazuya
across room:: "Bye!"
 SelinaFeline:   now its done.
 Taitheriszilada:    okay I'll add that to the end of it
 SelinaFeline:   Like it? I'll work on stories tomorrow.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Should I press save?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi! That was fun!
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^ yup
SelinaFeline:    Will you be on after 3:00 tomorrow? So we can work together
on it more?
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 Taitheriszilada:     <A
HREF="">Catsuma's & Kazuya's
Yamato Torii</A>
look at the bottem of the page, do you like how I have the mailboxes? (the
images them selvesare the links)
 Taitheriszilada:    ya I wil, I have no school tomarrow
 SelinaFeline:   great! I'll look.
 Taitheriszilada:    hee hee, the only catch is we BOTH have to save or else
nothing happens, or if only one of us is working on it
 SelinaFeline:   heehee! It's a piece of art! Its great! I love it! We're
good writers!
 Taitheriszilada:    yup
 SelinaFeline:   Woohoo!
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   I think I shall start stories tommorow. Like bashing Jun.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL humor and Yama mix. yes they do
 Taitheriszilada:    yea! Die Jun Die
 SelinaFeline:   We should assign certain things. like, you go over yamato's
favorite things, while I give updates on what he's done in Digimon. You know.
 Taitheriszilada:    or you could take care of the Fanfic page and I could
take care of the Fanart page
 SelinaFeline:   I think I'll create a story where we to are new
 Taitheriszilada:    ya!
 SelinaFeline:   Sagoi! But if you do fanart, the pics that are mine, could
you label them my pics? I'll name any stories of yours.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Like I said before, this is gonna be an awesome site.
 Taitheriszilada:    its easy
 Taitheriszilada:    yup
 SelinaFeline:   sagoi!!!!
 SelinaFeline:   We should practice some more Japanese.
 SelinaFeline:   Don't forget to define them, though.
 Taitheriszilada:    ya. If Rika ever gets back from Japan I could ask her
(it feels like she's been there for ages!)
 SelinaFeline:   Your cousin?
 SelinaFeline:   It oughta be sagoi there.
 Taitheriszilada:    2nd cousin. shes Japanese
 SelinaFeline:   SAGOI!!!!!!!!
 Taitheriszilada:    ya she married my cousin about two years ago.
 SelinaFeline:   lucky.
 Taitheriszilada:    ^_^
 SelinaFeline:   luckyluckyluckylucky.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 SelinaFeline:   We should put signature talking in our site.
 Taitheriszilada:    whats that?
 SelinaFeline:   Like, I say woohoo, and we do faces*^_^*
 SelinaFeline:   get it?
 Taitheriszilada:    oh. ya!
 SelinaFeline:   I have to go soon. are you staying on?
 Taitheriszilada:    ya
 SelinaFeline:   Well, wait for me tomorrow to do anything to the site.
 Taitheriszilada:    I will
 Taitheriszilada:    hey, I could put the digimon art you scanned on a fanart
 SelinaFeline:   Got kicked.
 Taitheriszilada:    I cold tell
 Taitheriszilada:    um, could
 SelinaFeline:   could what? I knew what you meant.
 Taitheriszilada:    could tellyou got kicked
 SelinaFeline:   haha. online sharks, I call them.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL good one
 SelinaFeline:   Zan'kou.

 Taitheriszilada:    hee hee. Sankyuu is thankyou in Japanese, Thats a kewl
 Taitheriszilada:    hold on a sec
 Taitheriszilada:     <A HREF="">
take a look at that, you might like it
 SelinaFeline:   What's it about?
 Taitheriszilada:    digimon rpg
 SelinaFeline:   THere's Sora with that ugly hat.
 Taitheriszilada:    LOL
 Taitheriszilada:    uh huh
 SelinaFeline:   I cac't get in to the rpg
 Taitheriszilada:    ah well
 SelinaFeline:   dunno how.
 Taitheriszilada:    nope
 SelinaFeline:   thenter buttons take me to main.
 Taitheriszilada:    oh, Im a dummy
 SelinaFeline:   ?
 Taitheriszilada:    never mind, I'm tired
 SelinaFeline:   I need to go. see you tomorrow. I have school.
 Taitheriszilada:    okay
 SelinaFeline:   Sign us off, Scotty!

Go back to Laughs and Candy! ^_^