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ViNnY_L82762: hey

Virginia: Do I know you?

ViNnY_L82762: i red ur profile at

Virginia: That's lovely.

ViNnY_L82762: says u luv yamato ishida

Virginia: Yup! Yamato is sooo kawaii!

ViNnY_L82762: yeh well gess wat i no him he goes 2 mah scool.

Virginia: Is that so? What's he like?

((ViNnY_L82762 takes a very long time to answer))

ViNnY_L82762: hes popular

Virginia: He would be.

ViNnY_L82762: he likes to go skateboarding and gess wat hes outside mah house now ill go get him

Virginia: You do that.

ViNnY_L82762: yamato: hi where do u live

Virginia: Up in the mountains with the inbred mountain people.

ViNnY_L82762: yamato: cool wats ur fone #

Virginia: Hey Vinny? Did you know that Yamato is not a real person?

((ViNnY_L82762 signs off))

LMAO! *falls off chair* Aray ko. >_<

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