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Virginia: Hello

Zack: hi

Zack: be quiet

Virginia: How are you this fine afternoon?

Zack: i plan on running naked through town square

Virginia:  Oh that's lovely

Zack:  i am sure the red is fine  but use the blue!!! you stupid astronaut-monkey

Virginia: Yes

Virginia: That is true

Zack: ya know what?

Virginia: What?

Zack: huh?

Virginia: who

Zack: why are yu interogating me!?!?

Virginia: Cuz

Virginia:  So how is Skippy?

Zack: peebles stole his dignity and blamed it on me

Virginia:  Oh

Virginia: Have you started any fires lately?

Zack: just the one that killed all them orphans and nuns

Virginia: oh

Virginia: Do you blame the drugs?

Zack: my tummy was once shot by a dude who said his name was larry sammy dingelfine or lsd for short

Virginia: Oh

Virginia:  hi

Virginia: I'm specul

Zack: fjdsfjjjgfjfgdkjfg

Virginia: : Do you like Yamato Ishida?

Zack: sorry that was nachismo typing

Virginia: ??

Virginia: Okay

Zack: he is my parisite

Virginia: Do you like Yamato Ishida

Zack: i dont know stop yellin at me!!!!!

Virginia: Hi

Virginia: do you like pokemon?

Zack: no

Virginia: why is your screen name pokemon related?

Virginia: how is skippy

Zack: look up golem in the dictionary

Virginia: lallllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllaaaaaaa

Virginia:  what does it mean?

Zack:  look it up

Virginia: I don't have a dictionary

Zack: get a job

Virginia: Shuttup what does it mean

Zack: look it up in the online dictionary

Zack: and then get a job

Virginia: I'm too lazy

Zack: dug

Virginia: ??

Zack: huh

Virginia: Whats DUG

Zack: it means to be frugged

Virginia: Go away

Zack: no

Virginia: Do you like Digimon

Zack: this is skippy now

Virginia: oh

Zack: i will torcher yur family

Virginia: you do that

Zack: wut eva my monkey needs exercise

Virginia: okay

Sigh... Don't you wish that you had conversations like that? Daily???

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