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You are now one of the many Yama Brides!

Put one of these little banners on your site or anywhere to prove it. ^_~

I'm one of the many brides of Yama! ^^

Alright, so the editing of this piccie isn't all that, but it's still pretty kawaii, doncha think? What can ya expect from MS Paint? *sigh*

"Call Me Mrs. Yamato Ishida."

Ee hee hee. ^_^

And on a side note, please link back to this section with the banners so that many other girls can get married. ^_^;

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Crazed Fan-Girls: What? All I get is this lil banner??

Mari-San: Well what did you expect? A real life Yamato Ishida!?

Crazed Fan-Girls: Um.. Oh well. It's better than nothing. ^^;;

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Matt walks in*

Matt: Hey there, Mari-San.

Mari-San: Matt!?! What are you doing here!? Are you here to buy some Spikey Boy Hair Gel again, 'cause you see, the store's all out!!! *nervous laugh*

Matt: Actually, I- hmm? *looks at computer screen**turns red* Mari-San!! What the heck is all this about!?!

Mari-San: *sheepishly* Well, I was working on this lil page and-

Matt: *reads on* "Brides of Yama"!?! I'm gonna get a bad reputation for this! *mumbling* You know what parents are gonna think of me...

Mari-San: Well, they don't seem to mind.

Matt: Who?!

Crazed Fan-Girls: *breaks down door**eyes shimmer* YAMA!!!!!!

Matt: Who are-

Mari-San: Bye-bye Yama. *grins*

Matt: What the- AHHH!!!

Crazed Fan-Girls: *chants* We've got Yama!! *carries Matt out of the room*

Matt: *yells* Hey! Where are you taki- HELP!

Mari-San: Oh well. ^_^; Buh bye now.

Go back to Laughs and Candy.

Disclaimer: Please, do not take this seriously, kay? ^^ Also, that above piccie was made by me, so don't steal it or anything.