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Featured Pic: Absol
An Absol is the perfect companion for a Suicune
My mood:weird 9/20/03- What a weird feeling I have today. Oddly, it is almost a nervous feeling. I hope nothing bad happens today. Usually when I get a feeling like this, it gets worse because I work myself up... DUDE I AM BUGGING OUT! Lol. I have to work at 1 so this feeling better go away when I am in the shower. If it doesn't I'll be getting the chest pains that come when I get really stressed out. Ugh and it is only 11:25am. I really, really hope nothing bad is gonna happen today... Well, that dumb hurricane Isabel died down to a tropical storm and taunted us. We had some strong winds that put leaves and branches everywhere, knocked power out (mine was out from when I got out of work at 10pm until 5am! My poor fish...), and some rain. Nothing amazing, just an inconvenience. Other parts of Jersey got hit worse, but it isn't like I was complaining. Today the sun is out. I like that. I closed down my Fleet accounts yesterday. I also scrounged some change to get waxworms for my frogs when I stopped into work to make sure my direct deposit was cancelled. The frogs were hungry. 0_0 Well, Ice bit Mystic, so I took the poor Headstander out of the tank, and put him with Jet in the little eclipse tank across my room. They were fine all week, the Cichlid and the Headstander, but then I fed some frozen brine shrimp, and maybe Ice though Mystic was one? LOL. Mystic would kick Ice's butt if he was his adult size. Mystic will/should grow to be about the same size as Ice, 4 inches, and will get more aggressive. Oh well. So now Ice is alone in the tank. Well alone with a cave and a BUNCH of plants lol. Hmm. When I get out of debt a bit, I wanna move my room around. I like it the way it is, but I need more room for the tanks. I don't want to get rid of my desktop computer... so I dunno what to do. No file sharing program will ever touch this laptop, so I dunno -_-; *sigh* Almost 12pm... that means I gotta jump in the shower soon. Bummer...

My mood:lazy 9/13/03- Blah. Crappy rainy day outside. I never want to do anything on these type of days. Well last night I cleaned my room. I mean it is clean clean now. I just need to fix a few things and re vacuum, but other than that, it looks amazing. Flip and Dreamer are doing well in their tank, Dreamer is swimming around all crazily in his tank as we speak. =) I know why too... he sees my newest addition to my happy fishy family, Black Ice, or Ice for short. He is a Copadichromis Mloto White Head (also known as Ivory Heads). He is a perfect specimen of a fish, too. His colors are bright, and his margins are crisp and clear. I placed him in my other 10 gallon, the one with my mom's catfish Jet, and my Spotted Headstander, Mystic. The tanks are right next to eachother, so the two African Cichlids can see eachother. Ice is by far the the largest fish I have owned. My algae eater was about 4 inches, and I could say was the largest, but he was a thin fish, so it didn't seem large. Poor algae eater died the other day. Ice lucked out by algae eater's misfortune, and for that reason, he is happily spoiled in my tank. =0 I really don't want to go to work today. I have to be in at 1pm, and work until 10pm. Much fun. Heh, yeah right. I am soooo broke it isn't even funny. This site needs to be updated and fixed hardcore, but I will be buying a domain and host service in due time, so I will wait to fix these problems until then, as I will have alot of work cut out for me. But do not expect anything new until probably after Christmas. I owe everyone money lol, and have alot of bills and stuff to pay, let alone my car needs to get fixed. BTW if you hadn't understood that Fleet is the devil, UNDERSTAND IT NOW!! They keep sapping all my paychecks, leaving me with no money! Damn them. Oh, the reason I will be buying a domain and host, is because I cannot deal with the pop ups and the new stationary banner my site has been adorned with. The stationary banner is what killed my mood, considering it is cumbersome, and hinders navigation of my site. So hopefully I will have a nice neat site before the new year. Prepare to see lots of neat stuff as well- including a cafe press shop! Well I have to get ready for work now. Lucky me. I'm out like a Trout.

My mood:bored 8/24/03- Ho hum. So bored. The whole site has been converted to the new layout, and what a boring job it was. But at least I finally took initiative and got it done. I took down alot of pages, so if you try to go to a certain page and an Angelfire 404 comes up(which are quite amusing, btw), you'll know it is a page I have removed from the system, but have not yet deleted all links to it. Sorry for the trouble, I do things slow these days. I also added a drop down menu of some of the most popular pages that people can never seem to find (I dunno why, they are all neatly placed under their particular indexes up top..), so hopefully I won't get as many emails and ims asking for my pic ( I also added a real messageboard to the site. It is on the same page as the tagboard. Probably a dumb idea, but hey, it is a new feature that needs work LOL. In other news... I gave my Tetras and small fish to Al and Crystal. I put the bottom feeders in my other Betta Breeding tank, because it was empty at the time, and I got my baby, my Tropheus Duboisi, named Dreamer. I also got him an Upside Down Catfish. He is so spoiled, my little baby Cichlid. I ripped the tank apart and got him new marine reef spheres gravel, a piece of blue ridge coral, an abalone shell, a heater guard, a whole bunch of water conditioners, and even a new filter and bubble wand. He has a lot more, but it doesn't matter ^_^ 'cuz you get the point. I order him food online and i run to pet stores looking for pure vegetarian food. I won't have him dying of Bloat. He is sooo cute! ^____^ OK, well, I am having a brain fart right now, and all I have to say is get AOL 9.0- it is great!! Uhm, ok i will write more when my brain kicks back on.

My mood:lazy 8/15/03- I am feeling lazy. I want to trade my Tetras for a Tropheus Duboisi Cichlid, so if I can do that, I will have more work cut out for me today than I already do. I only have the new layout on the splash page and this Home page, if you want to go to my other pages, click on whatever above and use the old image map, since I have done nothing to delete or add new pages, or throw stuff into their new categories. Sorry for all the inconvenience caused by my laziness. The pic above is of my two male Bettas who are housed at Marc's house. That pic is also my desktop image. Sunny is the Betta on the left, Checker is the black and white one on the right. Well I take nap and then clean. See ya laterz.

My mood:questionable 8/10/03- Hmm alot of crap has happened to me lately that makes my mood questionable. I have really good times, but then they are tainted by bad- like my baby Calypso dying. I'm not closing the site during this update, so be aware of this fact as you notice pages all messed up. I am deleting alot of sections, but the most popular will stay under the heading 'Everything Else' on the new navigation bar. This includes the Dragon sections. Thank goodness all I have to do is update the image map for most pages. Ok I better get started..

My mood:pleased 7/29/03- Tee hee. I am happy. I finally got my laptop! It is a fast, sweet piece of fine electronic goodness. I love it! Muahaha! It has Windows XP on it, which is fun to play with, and unlike my AOL on my desktop compy, the customization crap works, and I made it pink. I dunno what it is with me and pink lately, it is so... pathetic... and I love it. Right now I am updating my programs and stuff. OH!! By the way, Dannycat's Mysterious Mind will be undergoing a HUGE makeover soon... and I am doing what no one ever thought would happen... I am changing the site's name. More mature and exotic, the site's new name will be Mysterious Cat. Ok, so there may be another site with that name. I didn't check. But my original nickname is Cat. Plain old Cat. I dunno, I think it seems better than the long, drawn out name i have now... and your feedback is always welcome! Got a better name for the site? Email it to me and we'll see what happens ;) Jeez. My bettas are trying to give me a coronary, I swear. I had dropped Calypso into the breeder tank with Prizm, and after a few days, I realized she was too round for him to wrap around, so I scooped her out, and switched her with the somewhat smaller Turquoise. Calypso did the same thing to her as he did with Prizm the first few days- swimming around, checking out the tank, and pretty much ignoring eachother. Then, after work today, I noticed eggs all over the bottom of the tank. My second spawn occurred! But Calypso ate most of the eggs, the brat he is. So I took everyone out, cleaned out their bowls, and dumped 'em in there, hoping to salvage the 3 or 4 eggs that were left. -_- Grrr... I hope Calypso had a nice feast. I still love him though. Marc got me a pretty blue mini optic mouse for my new laptop ^__^ I will use it for when I draw in Photoshop. Wow, I love fish. I saw the coolest fishy I would like to own. It is called an African Butterfly, and sorta looks like a Wolf Fish and a Lion Fish mix. So gorgeous! Well, I will keep everyone updated since I am a dork and carry this computer with me mostly everywhere I go. See ya!

My mood:discontent 7/24/03- Ah. The more things get better, the more I wonder what the heck I am doing. Maybe I am better off alone until my head sorts out. Marc is a doll. He got me another betta who I named Sunny. He seems to look like the Mustard Gas strain I want to breed, so maybe I will get something interesting outta him. So I have 2 bettas at Marc's bringing my count to 7! That is 'cuz Marc loves me, and tries to keep me happy. ^_________^ He also helped me put my tint on my windows, and he bought me dragon floormats for my car that match my seatcovers better than my original dragon ones. Tee hee! He rules! I have so much to update on, it isn't even funny. I mean, I never even wrote what a great time I had on my birthday with Marc in NY! He got me my most favorite stuffed animal in the world- my HUGE, really expensive Suicune plush from the Pokemon Center. *sigh* I wish I had more time to update- and patience too. I'll be rearranging and deleting alot of stuff, so don't be surprised if you notice garbage disappearing. Like Marc, I aim to please. Hehehe. I just have to tell Al from work thanks, for getting the cute yellow betta that I noticed when I saw Sunny. He looks like a young Lemon Drop, with a little bit more black speckles on his body. I told him to get it for his tank, and he did! Heehee. He is Lemon Drop the second ^_^ I'm sure my little baby is looking down from fishy heaven and smiling at his clone MUAHAHA! K. I gotta get ready for work. BYE!!

My mood:heartbroken 7/18/03- Things get worse and worse when you are down. My head has been screwed up for awhile now, and I have my ups and downs. I got a new tattoo, of my other dragon, finally earlier this month. That was good. I've got frogs, one died and was replaced, and that was bad and good. I got a new betta, a black bodied, white finned male, very classy and show quality, and he is living at Marc's house. His name is Checker. Marc is caring for him until I get my own place, or move into someone else's since I can't have anymore pets. That was REALLY good. I am in a bit of debt, not too bad, but enough to stress about. Bad. Bank charges me way too much for a mistake THEY made... VERY bad. Found out today that they took my whole damn paycheck. That was HORRIBLE. I hate Fleet now. Tuesday was my worst day. My sweet, innocent, blue eyed, yellow betta, Lemon Drop, died of dropsy. I cherish my fish, especially my bettas. They mean alot to me, and are a HUGE part of my life. I came home on break to medicate him, but when I returned after work, he was gone... I cried, and still do over him. Tuesday, though, I could not stop bawling. I miss him. He was the first betta to actually spawn. He and Prizm spawned a few weeks ago, and he ate the eggs, meaning he was a bad first time father, or the eggs were infertile. I only mind because now I have nothing left of him but a memory and alot of love. Marc got me a new betta to cheer me up. His name is Volcano, and he is blackish with a slight blue sheen and red and black fins. He carries the melano gene, as does Checker, so their spawns should be nice. Volcano made me cry the first night I had him, but he made me laugh through the tears, as he flares up constantly and swims insanely in his tank at Frost and Calypso, who are in bowls on either side of him. I love my new baby. Hopefully days will get better...

This Patamon holds an American flag to honor all those who died, lost a loved one, or sacrificed themselves for others on 9/11. May their souls be at rest, and may they never be forgotten.
Okay! I will keep you updated as usual. |P|E|A|C|E|
- Dannycat =^.~=
Italian Princess

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