By Setsuna
Ah, the coldness of winter is fading away as springtime takes hold. Snow melts (at least it does here) under the rays of light our sun produces. And web-surfers' thoughts turn to what they shall do on their page, or what they shall create on their page. Thus, a fad is in its first stages of creation. And here I am to ponder the possiblities of this year's fad(s). First, let's go over some past fads, shall we?
Link Exchanges:
A couple years ago, a cute little Sailormoon link exchange popped up, named the Pretty Soldier Sailormoon Link Exchange. Extrememly originally idea, started early spring, it had a tonne of members in very short time. After that popped up the Anime Banner Cycle, and then the *New* Sailormoon Link Exchange, then the Circle of Anime Banner Cycles, then the Sailor Shrines Link Exchange, and then I could go on forever. In even less time there were about 30 Sailormoon-based link exchanges, demanding seperate pages on sites just to hold them all. And after that, the fad started to die, until now, when there is only a small handful of working exchanges.
Four years ago, as us older fans will remember, was the webring fad. It seemed that every Tom, Dick, and Harry had to have one (speaking from experience here ;). Webring was flooded with rings, many of which did not exceed the 50 site point (mine got up to 150, including queue members). My first page sported -ten- pages just for web rings, ten rings a page. And I was only a member of one third of all Sailormoon webrings. Anyways, the fad faded, and now there is a larger handful of specialized webrings out there.
Web Page Reviewers:
And last summer, the age of the wpr pages. In three months time, up popped 30 review pages, mostly groups. That's waaaay too many groups, if you ask me. If all of them had remained open, we would be running out of sites to review. ;) However, about 25 closed, leaving only 5 or so active groups. This is very frustrating to us page owners who link wpr groups, we have to constantly check our links to make sure the page is still there. =(
So, what awaits us this summer? Perhaps rpgs, as happened three or so years ago. Maybe clubs, as happened four years ago. Or, something new, like the fad of owning a Sailormoon-based domain. My word of advice to all is don't start a webpage unless you plan to keep it running! There are 1,000+ anime pages online that are no longer updated, without the owner even leaving a message that the site is closed. -That's- why it's so hard to find a good page, most of them out there are fads.
There's my two bits minus a penny. Enjoy, and remember, think before coding!