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Page No-No's

Just some tips on what you really shouldn't do with a webpage.

  1. Don't direct link, unless you have permission. If you don't have enough room on your account, you can always get another one on a different server or something.
  2. Don't try to put everything on your front page. Things like clubs and webrings tend to clutter pages.
  3. Don't forget to check your site after you've uploaded it. This way, things like broken images/links can be noticed and fixed.
  4. Don't forget to put height and width tags on you images. This makes your page load faster and your viewers won't have to wait until the images load to see the actual organization of your page.
  5. Don't misspell words. This relates back to the rule about checking your site, it's annoying to viewers if things are spelled wrong.
  6. Don't try to write something that you have very little knowledge of. That way you can avoid giving information that's wrong and confusing some of the newer fans.
  7. Don't use a splash page unless it's needed. The only reason I can think of for using a splash page is if you have both a frames and a no frames version or something like that.
  8. Don't put a midi without a player on your page. Some people just don't like to have a midi playing.
  9. Don't make a page that's only compatible with one browser. If you do, you're sort of ignoring surfers who don't have that "right" browser. Try entering your site using different browsers.
  10. Don't forget If someone gives you something(help/pics/banners/ect) you should give them credit or something in return.
  11. Don't make a site unless you're having fun with it. What's the point if you're not enjoying yourself?

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