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American Dub Haters

By Michiru

Raise your hand if you have noticed more and more Anti-sailormoon or Anti-Dub pages popping up. Well I know I have and I am pretty sure most of them were American. The Japanese people that have the origanal I can see them getting mad because we have changed it around a bit. I just have to say think about it if it wasn't for DiC yes DiC then most of us wouldn't know what Sailor Moon was me I first herd of Sailor Moon from DiC. Yes, I know DiC did a bad job of dubbing by adding Sailor Says, getting the voices mixed up with the characters and hoping no one would notice, making characters talk when ther mouths wern't moving, and cutting out music, parts in the show, and phrases such as Make-up. I do relise those faults but do give them some credit for bringing it to America. CWI is doing much better like letting Serena slap Darien and not cutting it out but CWI also did faults by changing the voices and making Amara's voice be higher then Michelle's but they did do a better job in dubbing. My point is to the American dub haters be greatful they brought it here into the US of A. I also know most of the haters wouldn't have enough of there own money to probably get an origanal one shipped or find one. This is just my little opinon to everyone and be good to the dubbers ^_^


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