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Piccolo's Pixies!

Hello everybody and welcome to the home of the Piccolo Pixies! This is where we hang out to torture our favourite Namek. ^_^ You know we only do it because we love him! As always, any and all contributions are welcome. Stories, artwork, money, heavy artillery...wait...scratch the last two. It isn't polite to ask for money and mom said if I stopped trying to take over the world she'd buy me Smarties ice-cream!

Back you evil demon Pixie!

This is usually how Piccolo reacts when he sees me. Except he also has a cross in his hand and is screaming something about a demon...I don't know who he could possibly be talking about...

UPDATE: My god! Pixie's still alive? She hasn't updated her page in a 'coons age! You know...I don't understand that saying, I think it might have something to do with racoons but anyways...I'm still here. I got a project at school that involves me either making a webpage or making an existing one superspiffycool with frames, and rollover buttons, and flash animations and all that superspiffycool crap that all those good webpages have. So I figured what the hell? I'll use this one! And it's not gonna take three years (well okay maybe it wasn't quite THAT long...) like last time because you know it's a project and there's a DUE DATE and stuff. There will probably also be some new content too. So, just be patient, I think my project is due like at the end of November, and Piccolo Pixie's version superspiffycool will appear!

Doujinshi scans! Yipee!

Our collection of stories.

The truth about Gohan and Piccolo.

Bad Misconceptions about Piccolo.

The Piccolo Campaign.

Piccolo in the shower - No, it's not hentai. ^_^

Hey! Don't click on me! That tickles!